General What is the greatest breakfast cereal of all time?

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graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
For starters, I just want to say that if you're an adult that still eats breakfast cereal and drinks milk.... Grow the fuck up and get your life together.

That said, just had a conversation with some people today, and one of friends told a guy (who fucked up production planning) that he forgot to eat his Wheaties.... The dude replied that "Who the fuck eats Wheaties, Crunch Berries is the shit"..... That led into the "what's the greatest breakfast cereal?" debate. So I throw it to this group.... What's the best of all time?

PS.... Sure as fuck isn't Crunch Berries or Wheaties.... And if anyone says Grape Nuts.... Burn in hell
I like shredded wheat. I'm fairly sure it's healthy for you. Seeing as it's like 100% fibre?!


Oct 20, 2015
I have categories. I can’t pick one.
Crispix (fuck you. They’re delicious.)
Crunch Berries.
Coco Puffs.

member 603

Thank the stars that no one has said what I felt was arguably the worst cereal (that was geared towards kids) ever..... Honey Smacks..... That shit was terrible


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
when I was a kid, I had low blood-sugar (diagnosed by a chiropractor) and wasn't allowed to have any sugar.
My dad ate Honey Nut Cheerios, I had to eat the regular ones.

Dad would always sneak me some bites of his Honey Nut Cheerios. Sometimes he'd sneak me a bowl when Mom thought it was regular Cheerios.

Greatest Breakfast Cereal Ever, or go fuck your mother.
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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
***munches dry Cheerios from a zip-loc bag while staring intently***
me. at every pre-HS sporting event. because I couldn't have candy bars, it was stale-ass popcorn, or a bag of Cheerios.

another reason why Cheerios are GOAT - sustainable portability. Haul a baggy of Captain Crunch or CinToast in a baggy for more than a city block, and it'll blow away like talcum powder when you open the bag.

Additionally, Cheerio's toroid shape invokes thoughts of a doughnut. It's love at first sight.

Finally, it's superiority as a weapon. Amongst school foods in general, it's only exceeded by the Skittle or the M&M in lethality over distance. When you throw one, it's shape self-stabilizes. You can land a Cheerio with authority from the other side of Study Hall. Try that with your Frosted Flake.

member 603

I would like to Make Cereal Great Again, maybe open a cereal bar where you can self-serve customize your own bowl with choices of cereals, fruits and berries, chocolate chips etc to garnish on top.
They have cereal bars out there.... This is one in NYC.


I've seen them in Austin Tx, L.A., and a few other places.... Basically a bunch of hipster douches paying 5-8 bucks for a bowl of cereal, choice of milk, and a topping..... Idiots


TMMAC Addict
Jan 20, 2015
me. at every pre-HS sporting event. because I couldn't have candy bars, it was stale-ass popcorn, or a bag of Cheerios.

another reason why Cheerios are GOAT - sustainable portability. Haul a baggy of Captain Crunch or CinToast in a baggy for more than a city block, and it'll blow away like talcum powder when you open the bag.

Additionally, Cheerio's toroid shape invokes thoughts of a doughnut. It's love at first sight.

Finally, it's superiority as a weapon. Amongst school foods in general, it's only exceeded by the Skittle or the M&M in lethality over distance. When you throw one, it's shape self-stabilizes. You can land a Cheerio with authority from the other side of Study Hall. Try that with your Frosted Flake.
During residency and fellowship, people could find me by following the trail of Cheerios I would inevitably leave as I walked around eating them from a zip lock bag. I must have saved thousands of dollars eating those every morning instead of paying for breakfast at the cafeteria.