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Is this Bolivia?
Aug 13, 2024
Looks like Ned is one of few still treading water on what’s left of the dismantled UG. Web browser shows only 3 active UG threads. Ned, itsKrisdude and ringworm talking to eachother in the Alta thread.

Not sure if anyone who wasn’t ban hammered can see if there’s more threads… or if any more comrades are still clinging on to that sinking ship.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Seems like a lot of the ug only guys are still alive over there

megatherium @megatherium have you been here the whole time since EY's site shutdown? Anyone else from over there over here? This is uncle tomahawk/eggplant tommy
Hey brotha good to see you. There aren't many, if any guys left here from EY but myself unfortunately. Basically people started leaving EY for Masatos and a few of us came here from there. Galt told me about this new place starting up.

You're old friend anti-D was part of that crew but no one has heard from him in years.
Anyway, great to hear from you Tommy. Hope you are well :laughing:


Jan 27, 2020
Might be a dumb thread to make considering it could be a "dont know what you don't know" situation, but id like to start a list of users we haven't seen make the transition yet in an attempt to get possibly get them over.

Zned is a name i havent seen yet, Pundit either.


Who else?
ZNED still posting on UG


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
Oct 24, 2015
Kirik_SR/ROCKETS? Then again, he is probably here under a new name. Where the fuck are you man?

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Hocky, DaveFu, CurtisE.Bear, Shan, Fett Loading76 TFK, crowbar, MasterofMartialArts, Straydog24, Mexican Janitor.

oh and Chris and Kirik. To name a few…
Dave was here
crowbar has been here long time
Saw MOMA as well