Society Who will be the 2024 US Presidential Candidates

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
thats why im thinking butigiege. hes a younger hillary

i regret voting biden. if its hillary or buttigege, ill write in Nina just as i wrote in Bernard in 2016 (my first time as a dem)
I think the DNC knows a gay fella won't be able to get enough votes to win.

The Big Guy

depends on how you define ugly

shes a beautiful woman inside. unlike that guy you simp for lol
She couldnt beat shontell brown. Once they both got on tv that 50point lead went away real quick. Progressives need to stop finding some local far left loonies and trying to build them up.

Doesnt matter since cuyahuga county is a corrupt shithole. She couldnt fix a sandwich anyway. Her and bernie and AOC are all nice talk and no real change

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
She couldnt beat shontell brown. Once they both got on tv that 50point lead went away real quick. Progressives need to stop finding some local far left loonies and trying to build them up.

Doesnt matter since cuyahuga county is a corrupt shithole. She couldnt fix a sandwich anyway. Her and bernie and AOC are all nice talk and no real change
the "far left" branding is a myth tho. a myth that establishment media on both sides of the aisle have sheep on both sides of the aisle believe to be true

"far left" policies such as medicare for all, higher minimum wage, higher taxes on rich, are widely popular

so in truth, all of the right is far right. and all the corrupt dems are actually right wing in other countries

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
i cant speak to your back and forths, but beards has always been kind to me. the only time i can ever recall getting mad turned out to be due to myself misreading something
Surprise surprise - every post of his is 1 line of babbling braindead Facebook chants about Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden.

Oh, and random GIFs.




Dec 15, 2018
Honestly I think for the GOP it's gonna be Trump or Desantis.

For the Dems I really have no clue. Biden isn't gonna run again and Kamala doesn't stand a chance. Blacks won't vote for a gay guy (Bootyjudge) and/or Spartacus Booker. Bernie is too old and can't win since he hasn't been able to make it to the finish line in his previous attempts.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary tried once again at this point...


Nov 14, 2019
She can beat Trump or his acolyte.

unless Ron makes a very public split from the Trumptards.
2 years to go.

As it stands right now unless there is a gop split they win with a weak dem choice.. hilary is a weak choice.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Donald Trump will be 78 years old on Election Day 2024.

Just watch how all of a sudden, the age factor isn't a thing for any of the "both sides" clowns on here.

Bernie is 80 right now. He'll be 83 next election day. If you think that Bernie is even going to run, you are dreaming. AOC is more likely to run, and would be a stronger candidate.



Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Hillary is still prominent in the party and Kamala is the least likeable person in the history of politics, so they aren't running her. Bernie is 406 years old, so he's out. I don't see who else is a viable candidate.
That's a statement about the terrible state of the Democratic Party right there. Is there really no one else?

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
That's a statement about the terrible state of the Democratic Party right there. Is there really no one else?
the dude on rogan yesterday who is trying to unseat gavin newsome believes that Gavin is eyeing the presidency (not necessarily in 2024 tho)

assuming biden doesnt run again, the democrats will have a primary

kamala harris

had no shot in 2020 and even less now

pete butigiege

the establishment will probably back him, but he has too much corruption related to firing a black police chief for this puppet masters. black voters hate him. so hes a no go

cory booker

the eatablishment may try for someone else like a cory booker. although he has been decent on social issues, he takes too much money from wall street and his speech is very fake. so he will fail to garner large support

elizabeth warren

in other words, 2024 may finally be the time for a progressive. elizabeth warren should be the betting favorite at this point

nina turner

if she wins the Ohio 11th district seat in May, its the beginning of a new future. she will have a full year to call out corrupt in congress on both sides of the aisle. then another year for the primaries

im back on the Nina vs Tucker Carlson train. and she will embarass that racist piece of shit

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