Raw is Kurt's Payback

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Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
They're really pushing the balor club thing eh?

Have they been too sweeting for a while and I just haven't noticed?


Feb 22, 2015
Yeah the 2 sweet thing has been going on for a while.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
I'm reading a lot of the fans in the arena are not happy about tonight's main event. Haha


Feb 22, 2015
Ronda came out after raw. Dana brook interrupted her. Ronda blocked the slap. Grabed her and threw her with a horrible pump handle/belly to side suplex. Look up the video. She's got 3 weeks to get better.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Ronda came out after raw. Dana brook interrupted her. Ronda blocked the slap. Grabed her and threw her with a horrible pump handle/belly to side suplex. Look up the video. She's got 3 weeks to get better.
Text book slap block. Literally. She held it like they were taking pics for a hand book.


The Unintentional Voice of Reason
Oct 18, 2015
The whole Braun and Alexa thing has been a fun ride. Theres still a part of me that wishes it was Bray amd Bliss. Bray coulda been convinced she is so some second coming of Abigail, then Bliss thinks “oh, could use that.”

Bray just goes out and fills the ring with spinning bodies in a finisher flurry, yelling at the top of his lungs “THIS IS WHAT SHE WANTED!!!”

Then Bliss just keeps using insane Wyatt. But alas, Braun’s gonna be the Tag Team Champion, Bliss has to face Nia, and Bray is just hiding out somewhere on the Hardy Compound....I think?


The Unintentional Voice of Reason
Oct 18, 2015
Friend and I were talking about Daniel Bryan and thought of an amazing idea for a storyline.

We figured that the goat faced hero needs to be a special attraction like Bay-rock Lessy. Helps keep him from getting sidelined, keeps the special feeling going, and overall sells.

After Mania have him announce he is stepping down as GM, but his final act as GM is booking a match between Nakamura and SD Lives newest active roster member, himself.

Seth Rollins goes to SD in Smackdown Shake Up for Styles, Gargano gets called up to main roster.

Anyways Bryan is active, has his rematch with Owens/Zayn. Even a little showdown with The Miz since all PPV’s gonna be cobranded again. But then, at a house show, Rollins uses the Curb Stomp on Bryan. Bryan does not immediately react, or just doesn’t use his left arm for awhile. Eventually ref throws up the X. Bryan is helped to the back, looking heartbroken as all shit.

WWE release Curb Stomp is rebanned, Bryan medically suspended. Rollins is nuclear heat. He keeps trying to be a face, crowd still will boo this man. He reinjured Daniel. Thats like ending Taker’s streak x10 .Have Dean make his comeback on Smackdown eventually. He comes out during a Rollins promo. He says,” Hey, not your fault, crowd wanted the curb stomp back.” Super important to habe the announcers say “Oh that silly Ambrose.”

Now, thats like when they had Ambrose be the guy to try and get less heat for Roman back when he popped before Shield Triple Threat. Crowd will hate his guts too. That wasn’t funny, that was some boolsheet. Even have Roman send out a tweet saying “Cant wait for DBry to comeback #BelieveThat” fuck you Roman. Don’t have to try to get Reigns heat, but just little shoves. Little shoves.

Dean and Seth are tag teaming it up against Usos, Rusev Day, BB, all that. Roman is IC to Universal levels. All still being faces. Crowd even slightly starts cheering Seth/Dean, have DBry release he just doesn’t know if he wants to risk it. Has a kid, and the second chance was appreciated. Got one final Wrasslemania. Well fuck these 2/3 Shield pricks.

Eventually around Survivor Series have Daniel comeback as a guest for Smackdown’s corner. Have some stupid dumbfuck angle where each corner has a coach. But little segment where DBry talks to Seth. He forgives him. Crowd boos like assholes. How dare WWE write that shit.

The Shield Triple Powerbomb him, Roman and Dean hold Bryan up for Seth to Curb Stomp him.

1. Heel reveal
2. Ya got played ya damn smarks. All within in storyline, just enough blurs.
3. Hey DBry still a thing! Hope!

Announced for Rumble, its the Shield vs DBry/Nakers/Styles(or Gargano). DBry team wins, as they celebrate, DBry looks at Nakers, Shinsky looks back, THAT FUCKING WRESTLEMANIA POINT BAYBAY!


The Unintentional Voice of Reason
Oct 18, 2015
Friend and I were talking about Daniel Bryan and thought of an amazing idea for a storyline.

We figured that the goat faced hero needs to be a special attraction like Bay-rock Lessy. Helps keep him from getting sidelined, keeps the special feeling going, and overall sells.

After Mania have him announce he is stepping down as GM, but his final act as GM is booking a match between Nakamura and SD Lives newest active roster member, himself.

Seth Rollins goes to SD in Smackdown Shake Up for Styles, Gargano gets called up to main roster.

Anyways Bryan is active, has his rematch with Owens/Zayn. Even a little showdown with The Miz since all PPV’s gonna be cobranded again. But then, at a house show, Rollins uses the Curb Stomp on Bryan. Bryan does not immediately react, or just doesn’t use his left arm for awhile. Eventually ref throws up the X. Bryan is helped to the back, looking heartbroken as all shit.

WWE release Curb Stomp is rebanned, Bryan medically suspended. Rollins is nuclear heat. He keeps trying to be a face, crowd still will boo this man. He reinjured Daniel. Thats like ending Taker’s streak x10 .Have Dean make his comeback on Smackdown eventually. He comes out during a Rollins promo. He says,” Hey, not your fault, crowd wanted the curb stomp back.” Super important to habe the announcers say “Oh that silly Ambrose.”

Now, thats like when they had Ambrose be the guy to try and get less heat for Roman back when he popped before Shield Triple Threat. Crowd will hate his guts too. That wasn’t funny, that was some boolsheet. Even have Roman send out a tweet saying “Cant wait for DBry to comeback #BelieveThat” fuck you Roman. Don’t have to try to get Reigns heat, but just little shoves. Little shoves.

Dean and Seth are tag teaming it up against Usos, Rusev Day, BB, all that. Roman is IC to Universal levels. All still being faces. Crowd even slightly starts cheering Seth/Dean, have DBry release he just doesn’t know if he wants to risk it. Has a kid, and the second chance was appreciated. Got one final Wrasslemania. Well fuck these 2/3 Shield pricks.

Eventually around Survivor Series have Daniel comeback as a guest for Smackdown’s corner. Have some stupid dumbfuck angle where each corner has a coach. But little segment where DBry talks to Seth. He forgives him. Crowd boos like assholes. How dare WWE write that shit.

The Shield Triple Powerbomb him, Roman and Dean hold Bryan up for Seth to Curb Stomp him.

1. Heel reveal
2. Ya got played ya damn smarks. All within in storyline, just enough blurs.
3. Hey DBry still a thing! Hope!

Announced for Rumble, its the Shield vs DBry/Nakers/Styles(or Gargano). DBry team wins, as they celebrate, DBry looks at Nakers, Shinsky looks back, THAT FUCKING WRESTLEMANIA POINT BAYBAY!
Bozy @Bozy BeardOfKnowledge @ConorMcGregorsBeard hey ya jerks, I wrote this for you! *I stealthily wipe a fustrated tear. You don’t notice, it was stealthy.*