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The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
This is like the super bowl for you fucking MAGAs. “Okay guys we’ve defended this guy through some horrible shit. Now he’s ripping kids out of their mother’s arms at the border. Suit up! This is what we’be trainer for!”
You guys circle jerking each other with your shitty MAGA memes staying hard and ready for days like these.
Tell the truth though, if Canada had that many illegals would you be as open to putting everyone in a camp until they have exhausted all measures to stay?

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Tell the truth though, if Canada had that many illegals would you be as open to putting everyone in a camp until they have exhausted all measures to stay?
Oh shit! I never thought of it that way! Throw these people in the garbage!!!

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
You ignorant slut.
Yes because once you break the law there is no limit to the cruelty that can be administered to you.
Not subjecting the children to detention like the adults = no limit to cruelty? lmao, right on...

Kid in the pic isn't with his dad. That happened to reunite him with his dad.
You're taking the meaning of it too literally (which I've noticed liberals have a tendency to do).

The point is Bill is talking about how traumatic it is for parents and kids to be separated after being detailed, while this kid literally had a firearm pointed at him after being stormed by armed men.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
In between tweeting about golf, Norm MacDonald has been very subtly trolling cheesy lib celebrities/comics who are virtue signalling over the poor detained illegals.

Deleted member 1

This whole family separation policy seems a cross over of our moral failings to solve the immigration crisis for 30 years.

At this point, failing to implement a strong yet compassionate system creates indentured service classes that are used as veritable modern slaves, creates an 'us and them' class divide, and makes people second guess all Latinos due to the preponderance of Latin America originating illegal immigration for the last 25 years. "You aren't really supposed to be here" is the tacit implication and Jeb Bush and others calling illegal immigration a "crime of love" seems to only inflame that sentiment.

The passive acceptance of the system has given cheap labor and and enriched many businesses and industries, but it undermines an entire population.

The historical policy was to detain people at the border and then release them into the United States for years while they await deportation. People went missing on their own accord or had kids during that time. Then they stayed indefinitely illegally or used those now American citizen children to petition to stay in the country. It's really a perverse set of incentives and we just did that for decades...dividing society and failing to solve it. Totally immoral in my opinion.

Now we address one tiny portion of all of this...the parents are being charged and held in federal facilities which allows an expedited deportation process. If they are not charged and sent through an expedited process they would have to be released in the old way. Which comes with all the problems that I mentioned.

And now if they have children, because the adults are being put into criminal proceedings, the children are held in substandard holding centers. Over the next couple of months they do their best to try to find family in America for the kids to stay with. But again, because of the abject failings of above, a lot of times the only family are people that are here illegally that we were released into the US. And when the parents are deported the children do not go back out of the country with them. The children are treated like unaccompanied minors and will not be sent out.
I can't find anything that says what happens at this point if the parents are deported and there are no family in the US. None of the articles I read seem to determine that.

Solving only one piece of this larger puzzle just keeps creating worse and worse outcomes and perverse incentives and unethical actions.
American Latinos are paying a discriminatory tax by having these policies undermine their legitimacy as part of American society. It's all pretty screwed up and needs to be fixed in a big way instead of kicking the can.

I'm hardly an immigration dove. But we caused this as a country with shit immigration policies that beg for people to break the law to get rewarded. We created the incentives and didn't fix it no matter who has been in office.I don't think using a couple thousand children in the single digits age group should be part of our countrys plan. Those kids are developing and 4-6+ months of substandard holding centers could really screw them up. This is just a byproduct of our policy failings.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
You pay alot ot tax, imagine paying much more because millions more illegals. You likely would start reversing closer to that direction.
In talking to liberals, I realized that most of them don't realize that the government doesn't have it's own money to spend. I think if you polled them, most would say the additional cost for more illegals would come directly from the pockets of Trump, Cruz, Ryan, etc.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
You pay alot ot tax, imagine paying much more because millions more illegals. You likely would start reversing closer to that direction.
'Illegals' pay more into the tax base than they take out from social services, but @Splinty is right creating an underclass is not the way forward. Needs a total revamp of immigration making it way easier and adding these people to society rather than trying to outlaw them.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
'Illegals' pay more into the tax base than they take out from social services, but @Splinty is right creating an underclass is not the way forward. Needs a total revamp of immigration making it way easier and adding these people to society rather than trying to outlaw them.
There must be a different system in US, I don't believe they pay tax in Canada, which would mean an unprecedented burden on tax payers if Canada had those percentages of illegals I presume.

member 3289

'Illegals' pay more into the tax base than they take out from social services, but @Splinty is right creating an underclass is not the way forward. Needs a total revamp of immigration making it way easier and adding these people to society rather than trying to outlaw them.
Yeah but we can't add all of them and continue to add the ones that come.

Deleted member 1

Yeah but we can't add all of them and continue to add the ones that come.
I also wonder (if I take the stat at face value) do illegal immigrants only take less than they give because they are denied access to so much of the system. And if they were given full access, what makes low skilled, low educated immigrants suddenly beat the odds? Every other group with low job skills and low education costs us money. Why would I expect that to be different?

And in the end, I'm just not that worried about the financial cost of the current illegal immigrants. I think its a much bigger problem. I see this all as an abject moral failure and we will pay the long-term penalties for this short term abuse of this population. It's not 'nice' to bring in illegal workers even if they really want to be here. It's just taking advantage of their situation and breeding resentment with the domestic population.

If 50 million Latinos are in the US and roughly 1:7 are here illegally (with plenty more one or two generations from an illegal parent), you breed a distrust against the entire Latino group by failing to solve this. 6:7 paying that discrimination tax. I want to wrap the whole American Latino population in damn red white and blue, coca cola, levis, eat tacos with them on 4th of July, just like everyone else, etc. But that will always be an uphill battle as long as Latino in America is colored with mass illegal immigration aka rule breaking, taking advantage of the system, etc. to the domestic population.

Its fracturing our society in our current arrangement. And I'm not totally sure what to do about it. Reagan gave amnesty and then businesses balked at implementing e-verify as they probably should have done. We'd have a much smaller Latino population now, but we wouldn't have them be so marginalized in society. And we'd probably have to put a dollar value on real wages for farm workers and force our immigration visas to skills focused, which might include blue color skills for things like farm workers. But at least then we'd know the real value/cost and we'd know what percentage of jobs could and could not be filled by Americans. And you'd kill the resentment that is being manufactured by these last 30 years of policies.