General Apple, Facebook, Spotify and Google/Youtube BAN Infowars Alex Jones

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Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I've heard him referred to as the "controlled opposition" plenty of times, but no one has ever been able to present any evidence of this. I think until someone can, I won't condemn him as such.

According to Wikipedia:

So it seems that his conspiracy-mindedness started when he was quite young and just continued from there. I know that his ex-wife has said that when 9/11 happened he immediately began talking to her about how it was a government-backed operation, so if she is being truthful then that may just be how his mind works.

That doesn't mean, of course, that he doesn't play things up for the cameras or perhaps run with stories that he doesn't totally believe in for ratings. He may do that. But based on his history it does seem like somewhere at his core he really is some version of his public persona.
9/11 was most certainly government backed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2018
The war on conservatism is certainly on.
It's definitely one-sided.

I'm watching Fox right now and Laura Ingraham is talking about this. These guys definitely aren't going after Antifa and other voices on the far left because it's a political move, not an honest move to make sure their "community guidelines" are followed.

I really, really wish that more people who care about democratic values would take firm steps to protest actions that attack those values. Facebook and Google and Apple are being assholes? Drop their products.

Can you imagine the reaction from these companies if literally everyone who disagrees with this decision simply stopped using these companies' products immediately?

The boycott is an underused tactic.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2018
9/11 was most certainly government backed.
I've not devoted a TON of time to it, but I have looked into 9/11 a fair amount.

There does seem to be some weird shit surrounding the event, but I don't think George Bush was down in the basement of the WTC strapping bombs to the support columns. If there was government malfeasance, my suspicion is that it was in the form of the government knowing the attack was coming and allowing it to happen anyway.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
I've not devoted a TON of time to it, but I have looked into 9/11 a fair amount.

There does seem to be some weird shit surrounding the event, but I don't think George Bush was down in the basement of the WTC strapping bombs to the support columns. If there was government malfeasance, my suspicion is that it was in the form of the government knowing the attack was coming and allowing it to happen anyway.

Agree with you how about "Neil Bush" and what his company was doing in the WTC months leading up to 9/11.

Bush Sr. meeting with Bin Laden's bro day before 9/11?
How about flash back even further in History and remember the Reagan shooting? Who tried to take out Ronald? ...

Then look up Bush Sr's close ties to that man's family.

If Ronald was to be taken out back in the early 80's ...VP Bush Sr would have taken office.

*Ask yourself if you really want to play connect the dots because it will consume you and your time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2018
Agree with you how about "Neil Bush" and what his company was doing in the WTC months leading up to 9/11.

Bush Sr. meeting with Bin Laden's bro day before 9/11?
How about flash back even further in History and remember the Reagan shooting? Who tried to take out Ronald? ...

Then look up Bush Sr's close ties to that man's family.

If Ronald was to be taken out back in the early 80's ...VP Bush Sr would have taken office.

*Ask yourself if you really want to play connect the dots because it will consume you and your time.
More than anything else, my biggest issue with concluding it was a vast government conspiracy is the VAST part. Something like this would involve a hell of a lot of moving parts--which means a lot of people--and that means those people would not only have to agree to be a part of this plan but they would also have to keep the secret forever. It's not something that could be accomplished solely by the Bush family and their closest friends.

Logistically, it's a real stretch.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
9/11 was most certainly government backed.
And I'd add OKC bombing(which Alex covered on site), as well as Boston Marathon.
Tsarnev would've been killed had the whole world not watched it live.
What did I say after that?
"We'll never hear from him again"

Next day news: "Tsarnev was shot in the throat & may never speak again"




Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
this is going to be some kind of Streisand effect and alex will be back bigger than ever and next level crazy

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
I've often wondered just how legit Alex Jones is. That is, how much of what he says does he really, truly believe?

I actually became LESS skeptical of his authenticity after learning a bit more about him. Apparently he's been banging the conspiracy drum since his teens and his ex-wife, who he's been battling in a custody fight and who has no reason to legitimize him in any way, has said that the guy you see on InfoWars is the guy she lived with at home: angry, driven and seeing conspirators under every rock.

I'm not still not certain at all about his authenticity, but that did make me feel a little better simply because I'd rather the dude be real (if somewhat delusional) than just be a guy playing a role to grow his audience and make money.

Perhaps the truth is that he's a little of both.

Lol...let me help you:

Alex came on the scene in the 90's and tried to align himself with Bill Cooper the real OG AM Radio Show Patriot / Conspiracy Theorist in order to get some street cred.

But unfortunately for Alex, Bill saw right through his bullshit! Then went on to expose Jones:

*This broadcast is from the late 90's:

Alex Jones listened very carefully to Cooper because he was trying to rip his style off and turn it into his own gimmick, Cooper was the original Bill was also the original guy to predict 9/11, something Jones tried to steal.

Not even 3 months later 9/11 happened, and on 11/5/2001 almost 2 months after 9/11 ..Bill Cooper was raided by the Feds - shot and killed.

After Cooper was out of the Way ...Alex Jones went All IN! and stole Bill Coopers Persona and make it his full time gimmick knowing full well Bill was dead and he could now become the face of the Conspiracy Movement.

Jones would even try to claim he was the guy who predicted 9/11 -- "not" giving credit to Bill Cooper:

July 25th 2001
- a month after Bill Coopers original 9/11 broadcast.

Here Jones tries to steal Coopers Shine:


In 2009 nearly 8 years after Bill Coopers death a caller asks Jones about Cooper and watch his response:

Jones gets obviously pissed about Coopers name bringing brought up ....he can't get out of his shadows and that reason is because old listeners know Cooper was Legit and Jones is the fraud.


Great Example of Alex Jones COINTELPRO

was a series of covert, and at times illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations

On January 25th 2010 Jones ambushed a Pro Gun Rally by storming in with his Megaphone and yelling over the peaceful Rally organizers who at first thought Jones had come to support them then quickly realized Jones true intentions.

Notice his rude behavior and bully mentality:

Jones is full COINTELPRO mode at this Rally:


These are just some of the examples over the years exposing Jones as a "Bullshit Artist" like Bill once labled him.

If that isn't proof enough then the nail in the coffin came when Alex Jones recently went through a divorce and during the pretrial hearing Jones own lawyer said Alex is a "Performance Artist" and "He's playing a character."

Not fake news: InfoWars' Alex Jones is a 'performance artist,' his lawyer says
Trump's Favorite Conspiracy Theorist Is Just 'Playing a Character'
Alex Jones' lawyer admits the one thing we all already knew
'It's performance art': Lawyer for Alex Jones says InfoWars founder is 'playing a character'


Here's to you Alex:

R.I.P The True Patriot:


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
More than anything else, my biggest issue with concluding it was a vast government conspiracy is the VAST part. Something like this would involve a hell of a lot of moving parts--which means a lot of people--and that means those people would not only have to agree to be a part of this plan but they would also have to keep the secret forever. It's not something that could be accomplished solely by the Bush family and their closest friends.

Logistically, it's a real stretch.
there are things deeper than govt


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2018
Enock-O-Lypse Now! @ENOCK, well, I appreciate you putting all that together for me. That's solid work.

I know who Bill Cooper is, I know about his "9/11 prediction," I know about the static between him and AJ and I know about the lawyer using the defense of AJ being "a performance artist."

A few things. . .

Sure, Bill Cooper was legit, in that I think he legit believed what he said. People don't fight to the death for causes they don't really believe in. At the same time, Bill Cooper seems to have been pretty clearly full of shit in a lot of regards. I know he believed that the HIV virus was a man-made weapon to kill minorities and I know he also believed in some pretty far out there UFO conspiracies. So I'm not sure that he should be held up as a sterling barometer of truth.

Second, it would not surprise me at all if AJ stole some of his methods from Bill Cooper. It's common for younger people in a field to look up to, and emulate, older practitioners in any given field. That doesn't make members of the younger generation full of shit, though.

Third, I think that in some ways Jones IS a performance artist, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't believe in the wares he's peddling. It only means that he uses certain tactics and techniques to get his point across. Also, it's worth noting that Jones was involved in a pretty ferocious custody battle and was trying to win custody of his kids.

His ex-wife, Kelly Jones, recently did an interview where she talks about living with the real Alex Jones and she pretty much says that the man you see on InfoWars is more or less the man that she lived with even when the cameras were turned off. Feel free to interpret her comments however you'd like, but this is an interesting interview:


I have not, however, seen that old ass 2001 InfoWars clip though. That shit is pretty wild.


"You're not even training are you Frenchy?"
Jan 2, 2017
The problem is, the premise leans toward social responsibility, and they do the opposite.
People get banned because of their unpopular opinion.
Really? I've seen enough of Alex Jones to know he likely did cross the line with hate speech on those platforms.


"You're not even training are you Frenchy?"
Jan 2, 2017
Hate speech defined by, and against whom?
Well it is their platform, so I guess it's up to their discretion on how to define it. Personally I think he's a nutcase that does more harm than good for the conservative movement. This isn't a free speech issue, it's a capitalistic one. He has his own website to promote his company and content.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Well it is their platform, so I guess it's up to their discretion on how to define it. Personally I think he's a nutcase that does more harm than good for the conservative movement. This isn't a free speech issue, it's a capitalistic one. He has his own website to promote his company and content.
We've covered this point of view within the thread.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Enock-O-Lypse Now! @ENOCK, well, I appreciate you putting all that together for me. That's solid work.

I know who Bill Cooper is, I know about his "9/11 prediction," I know about the static between him and AJ and I know about the lawyer using the defense of AJ being "a performance artist."

A few things. . .

Sure, Bill Cooper was legit, in that I think he legit believed what he said. People don't fight to the death for causes they don't really believe in. At the same time, Bill Cooper seems to have been pretty clearly full of shit in a lot of regards. I know he believed that the HIV virus was a man-made weapon to kill minorities and I know he also believed in some pretty far out there UFO conspiracies. So I'm not sure that he should be held up as a sterling barometer of truth.

Second, it would not surprise me at all if AJ stole some of his methods from Bill Cooper. It's common for younger people in a field to look up to, and emulate, older practitioners in any given field. That doesn't make members of the younger generation full of shit, though.

Third, I think that in some ways Jones IS a performance artist, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't believe in the wares he's peddling. It only means that he uses certain tactics and techniques to get his point across. Also, it's worth noting that Jones was involved in a pretty ferocious custody battle and was trying to win custody of his kids.

His ex-wife, Kelly Jones, recently did an interview where she talks about living with the real Alex Jones and she pretty much says that the man you see on InfoWars is more or less the man that she lived with even when the cameras were turned off. Feel free to interpret her comments however you'd like, but this is an interesting interview:


I have not, however, seen that old ass 2001 InfoWars clip though. That shit is pretty wild.

Solid Post and appreciate breaking down your point of view.

From one Conspiracy to another:

"I know he believed that the HIV virus was a man-made weapon to kill minorities"

Funny you bring that up because many suspect Easy E was injected with HIV during a trip to D.C to hear Bush Sr. speak.

1991 - Rapper Easy E meets up with George Bush Sr. through an invite from Phill Gramm ..

2:03 Bone Thugs breaks down their thoughts on the death of Easy E who had just signed them to his record:


Suge Knight alludes to Easy E being shot up with full blown Aids:
