General Lets talk about the Kavanaugh allegations and confirmation

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Kav will be confirmed as Supreme Court Justice???

  • Yes, he's voted into the Supreme Court

  • No, the vote fails or his nomination is withdrawn

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The Unintentional Voice of Reason
Oct 18, 2015
I don’t care what side of the field you come from, approaching this entire situation with a political mindset is down right disgusting. It does involve a political figure and a person claiming to be a victim. But bringing up your preferences of what color jersey you want in a chair regarding the verdict is asinine.

Leave it to 2018 politics to use a sensitive topic such as this for gain, which was the same thing they did with racism. Two families from this situation, no matter them being in the right or wrong, have taken permanent damage from this shitshow fiasco. Kavanaugh was not proven to be a rapist (oh sorry, a (r)apist because thats now a stupid thing), yet his ten year old has to deal with that ridicule. Fucking cruel when this could have been settled privately, as was Ford’s request.

Blaming the Republicans cannot go without blaming the Democrats for holding on and turning it into whatever the fuck that was.

This was at multiple times said not to be a trial, but lets be real, it was a mock trial. Thank goodness this wasn’t in an actual court of law. Given how many inconsistencies there were, would be a very short case. Grandstanding this and blowing it up for some political gain is a new low. Just sad

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Because the delay would mean that there's a possibility that the Senate majority will flip and he won't be confirmed, effectively bringing his career to an end.
Not getting appointed to the supreme court wouldn't bring his career to an end.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
I think the chances someone catches a perjury charge has just increased dramatically with the FBI now stepping in.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
2-3 months or a week?
This is not a full investigation and there will be complaints next week about how it was to short. If Dems only wanted a week long investigation then why not ask for one a week ago when the hearings were extended?

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
Stop being retarded. How many of those were accused and convicted of (R)ape?
Kavenaugh hasn't been accused or convicted of rape. If you want to take the gang rape ring accusation into account, it doesn't state he raped or participated in anything, only that he was part of the group.

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
Investigate what? How do you investigate a house party over 30 years ago? It’s literally a he said / she said argument.
You go to the "witnesses" she claims were there, who already made written statements under the potential of felony pergury, and interview them. Lifetime and current friend is one of them, and she said nope, never met kavenaugh, nor attended any party with him.
Oct 24, 2015
I see your Dennis Hastert and raise you a Mel Reynolds.
Illinois Democrat.
Guilty of 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography.
He was also busted for bank fraud, wire fraud, misuse of campaign funds and conspiracy just for good measure.

Sentenced to 11 years.

Pardoned by Bill Clinton.

Although I think he's back in prison for Tax Fraud.
And they say Democrats and Republicans can't be bipartisan.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Did the other accusers retract their claims? I haven't read much news yet today?
the Senate and the Committee consider the evidence put forth at the hearing.

not surprised you have no idea how this works.

Deleted member 1

I still think this whole think stinks, but I wouldn't vote for Kav anyway.

Why not?

I think he's a liar based on the obvious down play STILL of his party ways that are corroboated by many. The moment he lied he lost my vote.

I think something happened with this lady. But watching the circus of proceedings really made me unhappy with all of the senators. Just grandstanding and a dishonorable freak show for a very serious topic that has parallels to many others in our society right now.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
the Senate and the Committee consider the evidence put forth at the hearing.

not surprised you have no idea how this works.
-1 point for the use of an argumentum ad hominem.

I was discussing the accusations as a whole.

You know, since we were also discussing hundreds of decades old sexual allegations that were instantly deemed credible vs the accusations lobbed at Kavanaugh.

I am well aware the accusers (other than Fords) claims were not considered by at Kavanaugh's recent senate appearance.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016

If Kavanaugh was such a well behaved choirboy, I wonder why he was grounded for those 3 weekends in May (according to his calendar)?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I think he's a liar based on the obvious down play STILL of his party ways that are corroboated by many.
He's smart enough to see where they were going with that questioning.

If he blacked out before, maybe he blacked out when he was putting the moves on Ford and just doesn't remember. If he admitted to having it happened once, it would have been a slaughter.

I agree the lies make him look bad. Everyone knows what the Dems are up to. Everyone knows what the Republicans are up to. Everyone knows Kav is playing down his party days.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
He's smart enough to see where they were going with that questioning.

If he blacked out before, maybe he blacked out when he was putting the moves on Ford and just doesn't remember. If he admitted to having it happened once, it would have been a slaughter.

I agree the lies make him look bad. Everyone knows what the Dems are up to. Everyone knows what the Republicans are up to. Everyone knows Kav is playing down his party days.
What is the worst thing Mark Judge said about him in his book?

Is it the comment that he got so drunk one time that he vomited and passed out? That's the only thing that I remember hearing. Maybe he hung out with the big drinkers but wasn't so much himself?


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Why not?

I think he's a liar based on the obvious down play STILL of his party ways that are corroboated by many. The moment he lied he lost my vote.

I think something happened with this lady. But watching the circus of proceedings really made me unhappy with all of the senators. Just grandstanding and a dishonorable freak show for a very serious topic that has parallels to many others in our society right now.
I just didn't like him.

Most of what I read about him drinking was in college, long after Ford.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
So you believe he lied under oath? Would you still be good with that?
I would not be good with it, no.

I don't know that he's a liar, but - as someone who has also liked beer his entire life - the "I've never blacked out" claim is a bit much.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
What is the worst thing Mark Judge said about him in his book?

Is it the comment that he got so drunk one time that he vomited and passed out? That's the only thing that I remember hearing. Maybe he hung out with the big drinkers but wasn't so much himself?
I have no idea. Didn't read the book.

I thought I saw that he was often "incoherently" shitfaced.
Oct 24, 2015
What is the worst thing Mark Judge said about him in his book?

Is it the comment that he got so drunk one time that he vomited and passed out? That's the only thing that I remember hearing. Maybe he hung out with the big drinkers but wasn't so much himself?
Oh that Bart O'Kavanaugh. Maybe they should question him. He's probably the culprit. And here we are putting on blast this poor virgin boy.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
So Till and Edwards are the only innocent kids, two of the photos are not the correct age at the time of their death, and you’re comparing all of that to a girl getting groped up at a house party in the 80’s... got it

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
So Till and Edwards are the only innocent kids, two of the photos are not the correct age at the time of their death, and you’re comparing all of that to a girl getting groped up at a house party in the 80’s... got it

The photos are not the point here.

These young men (aged 14, 17, 12, 15, 18) were vilified in the media, yet some want Kavanaugh (17) to get a pass because he was just a kid.