General I’m crushing on Candace Owens

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Oct 20, 2015
Thread starts as a “I wanna stick my hang dang in her fart cannon”, then the retards show up and it’s about race.

Nov 21, 2015
People in the black community hate Candace Owens because she does't toe the Black line. She thinks and expresses herself differently than the masses. She believes that minorities shouldn't be pittied, and that in this country, we have the opportunity to become anything we choose. The same goes for me.
Damn bruh...

You just said the shit I wanted to say but didn't cuz it always falls on death ears and
I just get tired of trying to explain to brothas that they CAN succeed and its not all "whiteys"
fault they don't have anything

HOV spit so much game for young brothas trying to come up in this vid
but it fell on def ears. He literally broke down why disenfranchised black
and brown people are where they are in this day and age of so much abundance.

And it ain't "The Man" that's the problem. Its whatever bullshit story you are
telling yourself in your head why you can't succeed

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Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
I love Candace Owens. She's got a humongous pair of balls. She's intelligent, outspoken, and backs up what she's saying with facts. How many women do you know that do that shit? ;) The black community as a whole is worse than scientology. If you argue counter to their teachings, they call you a coon, uncle tom, house slave etc.and try to destroy your credibility (Ben Carson for instance). But if you say minorities are still slaves, people get up and clap. Mofo's like to wallow in misery. I know a lot of folks that will complain and rep a shitty hood, but won't do anything to change it. Black folks need to stop waiting for hand outs or reperations and go live the American dream that Illegals kill themselves to experience.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Good Lord does she hit the nail on the head with this one. Amazing.


Dropping BOMBS at 5 1/2 minutes and beyond.
This is the shit I've been wanting to say for 20+ years, but can't because of the color of my skin.
All these pussy-ass ignorant liberal "virtue-signal'rs" around me hating on their own skin for social brownie points.
Very disappointed in "Captain America", especially after just watching him say "He's everything I wish I was" in the extra footage post movie.
Amazing how we "evolved" isn't it.
Nov 21, 2015
It isn't both, it's only one. Race is defined as physical characteristics. There are no physical characteristics that would denote someone as being a Jew. This is why after you said "it's both" I asked you to describe what a Jew looks like.

Hating Jews makes you an anti-Semite, and a piece of shit. Not a racist.
I have no clue what you two are speaking about but in the interest of accuracy you
may be interested in the fact that high order Jews do carry a specific physical gene
that denotes them as coming from a specific high priest line.

I only found this out because I was researching the Dogon tribe in Africa
(Astronomy shit)and that led me to the Lemba tribe in Africa who all practice
Judaism and stated for hundreds of years that they were Jewish.

Of course the "Regular Jews" wanted nothing to do with them but upon genetic
testing they found not only did several people in the African tribe carry a genetic line of Jews
but several had the gene that indicated they came from among the highest order of Jewish priests

It was the funniest shit I ever researched. The World Jewish Congress had to finally come
out and recognize them as Jews officially cuz people in the tribe literally out ranked
the very people who were denying them. LOL

From the article: Members of the priestly clan of the Lemba, the Buba – which is one of 12 clans – have a genetic element also found among the Jewish priestly line, known as Kohanim. "This was amazing," Professor Tudor Parfitt from the University of London told the BBC. "It looks as if the Jewish priesthood continued in the West by people called Cohen, and in same way it was continued by the priestly clan of the Lemba.”

Lemba tribe in southern Africa has Jewish roots, genetic tests reveal
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Apr 18, 2015
Steele, Thomas and Carson have all been regarded as Uncle Tom's. If Eldridge were around in today's climate, he'd be called one too. Of course so would MLK.

Racism is exaggerated. That's not at all to suggest that it doesn't exist, but some forms of it are grossly over represented.
I think you should read a little more about MLK.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I have no clue what you two are speaking about but in the interest of accuracy you may be interested in the fact that high order Jews do carry a specific physical gene
that denotes them as coming from a specific high priest line.
and if they gave up their faith tomorrow, they'd still carry that gene. I understand why some people conflate race and religion, but it's incorrect to do so. It's also not correct when someone says "You're racist because you don't like people from *insert place here*." I can't think of any place on earth where everyone looks the same.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
You shouldn't change history that you don't understand.
You shouldn't make up facts to suit your agenda.
Have you ever noticed the way he dressed and spoke? He believed that had to be done to be taken seriously, and thought anyone not doing the same wasn't helping the cause. Same with the music he thought the people of his community should listen to (classical and gospel). He believed in, and owned, firearms ownership for self protection. If you do just a little digging it isn't hard to find out why there's MLK day instead of Malcolm X.


Apr 18, 2015
I've read quite a bit. He was a well known black conservative who had a pretty low opinion of the black culture of the masses.
Again, I think you need to read some more. Don't have time right now, but I can safely say if we timeshunted him from April, 1968 to present, many of the vocal members of this forum would hate him.


"You're not even training are you Frenchy?"
Jan 2, 2017
What’s funny is, this post exemplifies one of Owens talking points. You cant have an opinion that differs from the radical left, or you’re immediately labeled. Respectfully debate? Agree to disagree? Nah, fuck that.

One of the many reasons i respect kneeblock @Kneeblock so much. He presents an opinion, debates it respectfully, tries to educate, but doesn’t attack anyone if they disagree.

So what am I kwing? A hypocrite? Racist? Nazi? Label me brother. And don’t use dumb redneck, because I’ve already labeled myself that here many times here. That one is taken.
I'd agree with that, as well as the radical right.