General Democratic 2020 Election Watch

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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I can't wait for Biden to completely fuck this up.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
lol @ these fucks reaching across the isle when they do nothing but talk shit about the president

member 3289

Honestly perplexes me how Elizabeth Warren is considered a frontrunner

Deleted member 1

Honestly perplexes me how Elizabeth Warren is considered a frontrunner

If I watch outtakes of her and listen to her monologues she's pretty solid. She's definitely thought out some of her core issues at a deep level. I can't say the same for everything during a debate.
I think she plays very well with the Democrat primary but I think she gambles a lot in the general without changing strategy.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Tulsi Gabbard should be their nominee but she's too sane and rational for the DNC.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Honestly perplexes me how Elizabeth Warren is considered a frontrunner
She's smart and compassionate.
Perfect for "feel good" politics.

When she has to explain how she will execute her "pie-in-the-sky" plans and someone has a calculator close by, that's when she will go down in flames.

Plus she appears to get rattled. Biden took a couple snipes at her and she flinched. Not a good look for a commander in chief.

She'd probably be a great HR rep. Maybe president of an HOA. As long as we don't have to watch her drink beer again I don't give a fuck.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016


Apr 18, 2015
kneeblock @Kneeblock has been warning us of this for years and as Amazon eats up mom and pop while converting my data to revenue and profit, Yang is right....where's my portion of helping put me out of work? Or more importantly, why this is good economics.
Yang is diagnosing the problem correctly and is well ahead of the curve in Democratic politics by putting these issues on the table. The issue is his treatment, i.e. basic income, which I'm starting to have reason to believe could devastate the economy unless accompanied by a broader redistributionist agenda plus an expansion of public services. Nixon of all people almost launched a basic income program but was talked out of it based on some (contested) negative historical precedents. I'm very interested to see where Yang goes from here politically. I feel like he needs to work out some more details, but what he's bringing to the table is interesting.


Apr 18, 2015
From what I watched yesterday, Gabbard is the only one of that group that I can see myself voting for.

She isn't a crazy left psycho like Warren, she's too young to be a career politician like Biden and she doesn't regurgitate the same feel good talking points like all the other talking heads in politics.
Gabbard, based on policy planks, is to the left of Warren on most issues, so why is one a "crazy left psycho" and the other isn't?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Gabbard, based on policy planks, is to the left of Warren on most issues, so why is one a "crazy left psycho" and the other isn't?
That comment is based on the debates last night and nothing else. I admittedly know nothing about Gabbard. It's possible I'm completely wrong and will hate her with the heat of a thousand suns if I bother to do any research.

Alrhough it sounds like the Dems might cull her out of the mix with a quickness so it won't matter anyway.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Gabbard, based on policy planks, is to the left of Warren on most issues, so why is one a "crazy left psycho" and the other isn't?
And I might be further left than you think on some issues.