Who are you to tell anyone what's "enough"?
How do people even come up with this?, lol.
It's comical.
Yeah ok, here's a scenario.
Husband "works the system" for 40 years, has 6 kids, adopts a pile.
He has 50 million dollars and a nice 10 million dollar house on the California Coast.
He decided to retire, his wife get's a disease, treatment is 4 million a year just to fly her in and out of pain.
One of his sons who still lives at the house gets in a car accident(his fault) and he lapsed his insurance, Tort claim filed, he loses, awarded 10 million by the court, which is taken from dad.
In one year, his 40-year empire has been reduced 25% and he hasn't even been scuba diving in the ring of fire.
And these are likely, common occurrences; everyone has to deal with this kinda stuff, and we haven't even gone into year 2 or touched on the other 5 kids, or the next 20 years.
These thought processes are the processes, to me, of those with a lack of vision or sense of entitlement.
Or it's a politician trying to get elected, because no one else says this kinda shit.