But to clarify splints. Do you have minimum wage?
If you do then yeah. What a stupid lie.
Yes we do. there's a federal wage and then some states that have higher cost of living have chosen to make their minimum wage higher than the federal minimum.
Waiters and waitresses operate under a system in which the they are primarily paid by tips. you have to understand the significant difference in tipping waiters and waitresses in the USA versus many other countries.
We tip standard. Not just of his good service but unless it's just terrible service you're going to get 15 to 20%. We tip for all kinds of things. But we very rarely miss tipping waiters and waitresses and bartenders.
The job is basically making money from tips.
But the law requires that if the tips are bad then the employer must pay the wait er enough additional on their paycheck to make minimum wage.
I go in and I make $15 an hour averaged off my tips. My employer is only going to be paying $2.13 an hour which basically pays into my Medicare and social security. I will make another $15 an hour from my tips for a total of $17.13 an hour.
This is a pretty standard amount at this time for my friends that wait tables.
But let's say you work some slow shift or you're working at a terrible restaurant when they're new or something like this and you're not really doing any work. You're standing around waiting for tables to arrive and they don't. You make a dollar an hour in tips. No you do not go home with $2.13 an hour + one dollar an hour. Your employer must cover the difference between the $1 an hour you made and minimum wage. You will go home with minimum wage that shift. This is exceedingly rare if you're evan a half competent waiter.