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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Your inability to comprehend why someone living in North America would keep up on US politics and news is a little hard to comprehend.
No I get that, I said you have a weird obsession with it.

Thanks for admitting America is El Numero Uno!


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Thanks for admitting America is El Numero Uno!

I’m sure that’s what Harvard said as it took your socialist bailouts and added it to their $40 billion bank account.

Not sure that is what all the small businesses are saying as they get declined for funds they have applied for.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I’m sure that’s what Harvard said as it took your socialist bailouts and added it to their $40 billion bank account.
I'm sure the liberal institute of higher learning loved it.....What are you spending your Trump Change on? We said fuck it and are buying suppressors, because America.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Denmark and Poland are refusing to bail out companies registered in offshore tax havens
  • Denmark and Poland won't give financial aid to companies registered in offshore tax havens.
  • Governments around the world are scrambling to bail out their economies with huge stimulus packages amid the coronavirus crisis.
  • Denmark and Poland are the first to exclude firms that incorporate themselves in famous tax havens, meaning they can avoid domestic business taxes.
  • "Companies based on tax havens in accordance with EU guidelines cannot receive compensation, insofar as it is possible to cut them off," a translation of a Saturday statement from Denmark's finance ministry said.
  • "Companies that seek to dodge their obligations to broader society by cutting their tax bills shouldn't expect to get bailed out when things go wrong," Robert Palmer, the executive director of Tax Justice UK, told Business Insider.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
my cousin is a respiratory therapist. He's not a doctor.
My love interest is an ER doc in ground zero. I knew more a month ago than she does now.
But she can count respirators.

I offered her a box of N95's 3 weeks ago.
She said "nah, we're good".

And offerup, letgo, FB Marketplace are all censoring/deleting mask & sanitation sales.
Wtf right?

Deleted member 1

my cousin is a respiratory therapist. He's not a doctor.
This is the second time sparkuri @sparkuri has posted someone that is not a doctor as a doctor.

The guys (YouTube guy not sparkuri @sparkuri in case that isn't clear) video is dumb because again he talks about something he has no idea (covid PUI as a system process = covid death count is not true).

Same with his totally being wrong about viral testing modalities.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
This is the second time sparkuri @sparkuri has posted someone that is not a doctor as a doctor.

The guys video is dumb because again he talks about something he has no idea (covid PUI as a system process = covid death is not true).

Same with his totally being wrong about viral testing modalities.
ho is agrreiing with you?
What are you talking about?
What did I claim, and where are YOU saying I am wrong?
Are you kidding me?
You've been wrong since the beginning Mr. "This is the stupidest thread ever!"
I put out a 72,000 death count a month ago.
What'd you put out?
2 million?
What doctor did I post who wasn't a doctor that I tied anything solid too?
Are you high?


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
You've been riding the coatails of day-to-day propagated idiots Splinty, and I've been PREDICTING, and BEING RIGHT.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Whatever, I need a breather. See you when I'm done buying a yacht.
I never said this guy was anything but a witness.
Please post where the hell I said "the first time a guy was a doctor,lmao

Deleted member 1

What did I claim, and where are YOU saying I am wrong?
this is the second video that says somebody is a doctor that you've posted where they weren't a doctor.
That's what I'm saying. The video says hes a doctor and Filthy @Brian Ortega's Goon Hand made a comment about him not being a doctor.

It also appears you felt like I was talking about your opinions and testing/covid PUI being wrong. I was not. I'm talking about the guy in the videos statements and how they are wrong. I edited my post to be clear.

re you kidding me?
You've been wrong since the beginning Mr. "This is the stupidest thread ever!

You mean back when you guys were spamming this thing with 5G conspiracy and wondering why we weren't stickying it? Come on now son.

I put out a 72,000 death count a month ago.
What'd you put out?
100-150k in 12-18 months.

None of this changes how stupid I think that guy is in that video just posted. The guy is wrong about multiple core facts.

Deleted member 1

Whatever, I need a breather. See you when I'm done buying a yacht.
I never said this guy was anything but a witness.
Please post where the hell I said "the first time a guy was a doctor,lmao
Don't have a bad day because I don't like a YouTube video with a guy that takes ABGs and might intubate in some facilities ( but not most) who is claiming his knowledge of death certificates and infectious disease testing.
It wasn't long ago that you referred to an ER nurse (you actually thought he was an ER doc by the way) as a foot soldier who should not be listen to.

Why is this guy different to you?

This is an ER doc.
Other than seeing death and knowing "something" is happening, he should have no meaningful opinion.
He's a foot soldier.
Advice on what or what not to do is better left to guys with no hair or grey hair, and even then there's 100 popular opinions.

Hilarious foot soldier comment. I mean that. I laughed. But...
Is it the lack of hair on the RT that makes him credible and not "a foot soldier"?