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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Now the million dollars questions. When can I cross the border for a vaccine and what will it cost me? I know you're part of the brain trust and will have these answers.
I got a guy who can hook you up with the vaccination....the only down side is you will be microchipped and William Gates will control you.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
$200 rapid tests being offered for those wanting to travel and not quarantine up north of the border.

Deleted member 1


Ignoring that you are making a strong case that lockdowns are helpful and not harmful

It's misinformation:

Firstly, the numbers listed from 2015 through 2018 are official, having been released by the CDC ( here , here , here , here ). However, the final numbers for 2019 have not yet been released, and it is unclear where the image creator took the 2,900,689 figure from. This is the same for the 2020 projection.

Meanwhile, the 2020 figure leading up to Nov. 16 is also an official figure released by the CDC (pdf here ) – but it is not yet an accurate representation of how many people have died in 2020. The table doesn’t begin until the week ending Feb. 1, 2020 and still has six weeks to report between Nov. 16 and the end of the year. The latest weekly data in the Nov. 16 chart also appears to have a much lower death count than previous weeks, which the CDC has said is due to a lag in reporting. This lag can be anywhere between one and eight weeks, or more, and can be demonstrated by comparing the more than 35,000 deaths added to the final figure at the time of publication on the same listing in the report released on Nov.25 (here).

In mid-October, the CDC released analysis of death figures between Jan. 26 and Oct. 3, and revealed there had been an estimated 299,028 excess deaths in 2020 by this time ( here , ).


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
If we get the Pfizer one here, yes. I'd take it today if I could.

I'll look at the data on the rest as it comes out.
I'll probably get mine the first week of January. They want us to take it when you will be off work the following two days.

If you don't hear from me after that.....

Well I've enjoyed your dictatorship here knowing you.

Deleted member 1

Over 300,000 dead ?

Glad this went away as soon as the election was over!
At our current rate we'll see another hundred thousand dead before a substantial portion of the US is vaccinated.
2000 plus Americans dying every day will hit another 100,000 by sometime in February.

Normally I would think that this would sort of burn itself out and slow down kind of like the northeast in the spring and the south and the summer.

But with Christmas holidays coming they will probably be a lot of cross-pollinating which will keep things going more than usual.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
At our current rate we'll see another hundred thousand dead before a substantial portion of the US is vaccinated.
2000 plus Americans dying every day will hit another 100,000 by sometime in February.

Normally I would think that this would sort of burn itself out and slow down kind of like the northeast in the spring and the south and the summer.

But with Christmas holidays coming they will probably be a lot of cross-pollinating which will keep things going more than usual.
Is your area getting hit hard? I'm thinking it's going to be even worse.

I know each area is different. I seen that the first time around working in California and then here.

The difference I'm seeing with this round is in the first, it seemed like we were admitting them to the hospital and within 2-3 days knew which way they were going to turn (good or bad). This time they are hanging out at one level longer and more seem to be losing the battle: regular hospital bed, ICU bed but not intubated, and then intubated. So the strain on the hospital is much worse than before.

Deleted member 1

Is your area getting hit hard? I'm thinking it's going to be even worse.
Yes and I agree it will probably be worse. But trying to always lean on the conservative side to not appear over excited. That may be a fallacy and problematic in itself, but whenever deaths are higher than predicted it sort of nails home the severity of the issue.

We've done greater than 3000 deaths a day. It is very possible that we could do 100,000 deaths in a month and that would not surprise me

Deleted member 1

Lack of federal leadership.
An X prize or Manhattan project if you will, for testing, should have been started in March of this year.
The moment we made the national decision to shotgun approach lockdowns was the scramble time to start thinking outside of the box and putting funds and work towards this type of goal.

Even if you didn't get to home testing right away, testing kiosks in other easy access should be everywhere.

To put it in context, South Korea has had that since February. Even India provides that now, though they don't have the money to put it out as broadly as they need to. Still the technology and the will already exists and countries with much less infrastructure and much less money.

Only a year in and we authorized tech from before the summer finally



Nov 14, 2019
Over 300,000 dead ?

Glad this went away as soon as the election was over!
what did they die of! what was the average age?

this is being suppressed here.

our government brought in regulations similar to ww2 in order to keep the information to themselves. We do t know anything. One minute they are locking us down. Then they say you have a do ever for 5 days at Xmas.

they say the new strain affects children and may make them vectors. But when schools with big out breaks try and close down 4 days before terms end the government threatens to sue them...

its most likely incompetence but I would like the facts as well. I wouldnt trust Johnson to make me a cup of tea the cunt.