General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
It's a risk reward/thing, bruv. Seen it too many times.

Es fine. They are driving like responsible adults. We are in the back of the neighborhood, I can count the number or vehicles that have driven by since last night on 1 hand.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Dude on The Weather Channel reporting from Texas ran from the sunshine to the shade and said it was definitely colder in the shade. Thanks Einstein.
And he was reporting while wearing a cowboy hat. If you are that cold, put a winter hat on dumbass.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Master bath shitter and tub have water again. Woooooooooooo.
No leaks..... Yet.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
That's the problem. It's either safe (and fucking boring) or it becomes horrendously dangerous. There's no in between. It's like tubing behind a boat that either goes 5 or 150.
I can't wait to get a tow bar.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
It's like tubing behind a boat that either goes 5 or 150.
Or tubing behind a boat doing 20, then they make a hard turn.
You go from 20 to 135 mph in seconds. Haha.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
That's the problem. It's either safe (and fucking boring) or it becomes horrendously dangerous. There's no in between. It's like tubing behind a boat that either goes 5 or 150.
then the truck stops short and you eat the bumper


Jun 2, 2016
I’m not really getting snow, it’s more ice pellets falling out of the sky. It’s getting windy though, so maybe the snow will blown in ?not sure where you are, but is it actual snow?

I’d be so happy if I could have a play day in the snow with my son tomorrow. I grew up with lots of snow, and itkind of bums me out sometims that he hasn’t had those kind of similar experiences.
We got a nice dusting last night 2-3 inches.

But it's mostly melting away by now.


I'm down South West Texas.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
America, used to be plain zero,


Sub zero.

-the running man


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Well fuck..

My house has pex piping. There's a second distribution block to give water to an opposite end of the house. That end has no waters....pipes frozen.
So I go track down and the damn pipes run uninsulated through the attic. Soooo valves are all open and here's to hoping I don't have a leak when it all thaws.
@Lars R. Biden and others...

So here's the second PEX manifold in the attic. The attic runs of the lines are mostly run through the blown in insulation against the ceiling of the house. The other in the house has its own manifold. That manifold is behind an access panel at ground floor as it should be. This manifold is in the ceiling including the water shut off to that manifold which is problematic in its own right.

All the pipes look good and I don't see any failure of any fittings.

Because I have no hot water or cold water to this end of the house that's fed by this manifold, it's either the manifold or the main cold line I would assume and most likely the former. Or both. So to begin with I have a heating pad over the cold intake line and then wrap the entire manifold with a large blanket over that to heat the manifold and the cold water line.

All my hardware stores and Walmart and everything are closed today through Wednesday.

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Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Long-term I can insulate and add a thermostatic heater tape (probably) or I can pay a plumber to move the entire manifold and cut an access point in the bathroom below this. I'd actually like to do that but I suspect it would be incredibly expensive.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
@Lars R. Biden and others...

So here's the second PEX manifold in the attic. The attic runs of the lines are mostly run through the blown in insulation against the ceiling of the house. The other in the house has its own manifold. That manifold is behind an access panel at ground floor as it should be. This manifold is in the ceiling including the water shut off to that manifold which is problematic in its own right.

All the pipes look good and I don't see any failure of any fittings.

Because I have no hot water or cold water to this end of the house that's fed by this manifold, it's either the manifold or the main cold line I would assume and most likely the former. Or both. So to begin with I have an electric blanket over the cold intake line and then wrap the entire manifold with a large blanket over that to heat the manifold and the cold water line.

All my hardware stores and Walmart and everything are closed today through Wednesday.

View attachment 28072View attachment 28073
Just heat the room below that area and leave your attic entry door open for heat to enter

You will be fine...what temp is the air in that attic currently?

I don't like those shark bite fittings...I prefer a copper one piece manifold and all expansion Pex Fittings...probably sounds like gibberish but Expansion fittings are far superior to other Pex fittings

member 1013

@Lars R. Biden and others...

So here's the second PEX manifold in the attic. The attic runs of the lines are mostly run through the blown in insulation against the ceiling of the house. The other in the house has its own manifold. That manifold is behind an access panel at ground floor as it should be. This manifold is in the ceiling including the water shut off to that manifold which is problematic in its own right.

All the pipes look good and I don't see any failure of any fittings.

Because I have no hot water or cold water to this end of the house that's fed by this manifold, it's either the manifold or the main cold line I would assume and most likely the former. Or both. So to begin with I have an electric blanket over the cold intake line and then wrap the entire manifold with a large blanket over that to heat the manifold and the cold water line.

All my hardware stores and Walmart and everything are closed today through Wednesday.

View attachment 28072View attachment 28073
Exemplary home building

member 1013

Does it seem strange that this passed code and inspection?
It would never pass anywhere where cold is common but I doubt that’s even a consideration for most Texas codes. So in a different climate, yes. Plus y’all are cowboys and yahoos.