General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
The trades people and staff for insurance companies might love disasters but the companies themselves and stake holders hate them.
Sure, but Big events aren’t anything new to texas insurance companies (hurricanes, floods, etc). My insurance has already notified me of a $500 offering for spoiled food from having no power, and to notify them immediately of any other house damage. Doesn’t sound like their running away. I’ve never had a problem with a claim including “acts of god” like your other post said. That’s for cars and my house. We had a hail storm and I got a new roof out of it with minor damage, and the adjuster got me extra money for “damaged siding” lol (which is Hardy board)

the industry people have every incentive to push claims through otherwise they don’t make money. They aren’t in the business of denying claims unless it’s total bullshit. It’s actually pretty disgusting at how much money goes into their pockets from a claim. I’m happy my bro has made good money doing it, but it’s an incredibly crooked industry.

I’m sure your right about stakeholders hating it, but all I know is my brother and his cronies are all freaking out at how much they’re about to cash in in this. Sure things can change, but big events here historically have been big profit events for many people.
PS sorry if this is discombobulated, my connection is in and out and it fucks up when I try to check alerts/ratings. I’ve tried to retype this 3 times now lol


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
looks like lyin ted is suckin dick pretty hard right now lol . he just went on hannity and abc just released a 20 min vid with ted and teds youtube is starting to drop clips . the GOP media spin team is on the case . he will probably be oin crowder in the morning

member 3289

Dude, the insurance industry loves catastrophe.
Large-scale losses like this put property insurance companies in the red.

A lot of companies don't offer homeowners insurance in Florida because of the threat of hurricanes and the potential for widespread losses/filing of claims.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Did you guys know our autoclaves can't run without water?
We can do surgery as far as our existing kits. Can't cycle them until water... tomorrow? Saturday?

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Large-scale losses like this put property insurance companies in the red.

A lot of companies don't offer homeowners insurance in Florida because of the threat of hurricanes and the potential for widespread losses/filing of claims.
Here on the south west coast of BC, home insurance coverage for earthquakes will run you an extra 30-40% increase in your annual insurance cost plus an approx 33% of value deductible for the claim... so unless it’s a total loss, it’s a scam.

We are always being warned about ‘the big one’. After watching the Texas shit show might be worth buying a generator.