I will drop everything for you anytime you get that itch. That’s our deal and I’m here for you whether you need support, a distraction, or a kick in the pants.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Life is tough enough these days without the guilt. What’s done is done - you can’t change the past but you can take the lesson. Regret can be a gift when it becomes motivation. I am thankful every time the thought of alcohol crosses my mind because the idea of going back to how I was scares the hell out of me.
You’ll turn that itch into a positive trigger too - I know it! You had a great four months and here is to your new streak! Much love brother…
Fucking hell.
Cheers man.
Fucking hell.
Those words will be my shield next time I get an itch. And if that doesn't work. I will ring you. Just for 12 seconds of stop it you idiot. Stop it.
Thank you mate.
Your pm previous helped me so much. I'd forgotten how powerful you are.
Look I've fucked up. But I'd forgotten the reason the reason I'd stayed strong for 4 months was your help.
I appreciate it's down to the individual. It's always on you. That's just how it is.
But christ. Reading those words help more than you can know I genuinely mean that.
I'm clean now till the next itch. And the next time I'm leaning hard on you... Thank you again. X
Fuck. Thank you. X