Except the benefits most definitely do NOT outweigh the risks short or medium term for anyone under 60 with less than 2 co-morbidities, and long-term is completely unknown.its an intelligent decision in the sense that the benefits outweigh the risks. I’m sorry to hear about your older friend. That’s a sad situation, but you must realize that is a rare case. And with them being an older person, it really is in their best interest to get the vaccine. That being said, I still believe it SHOULD be a personal choice.
Have you actually seen the data here?
It's undeniable.
The has killed at least 100,000 people worldwide that we know of, just between erased VAERS reports combined with Britain, Scotland, Eudraviligence & India alone.
MILLIONS of horrible adverse reactions & permanent injury.
Go a couple pages back, just on the WHO website I posted top page.
This is undeniably worse than every vaccine in history put together.
That's statistical mathematical fact.
For a 99.97&'r?
There's more benefit found in bloodletting.