Yep. A few of my thoughts as to how confusing it was (copy-pasted from a convo with Lars):
Does Perrin become the new ruler of that kingdom? Why didn't he stop Padan Fain?
Perrin didnt join the fight because he has PTSD from killing his wife and was taught the Way of the Leaf. But he is struggling with that idea, which fits into the theme Padan Fain mentioned: balance
In terms of stopping Padan Fain, Padan was with two Fades. There is very little chance that an untrained kid could beat one Fade, let alone two. So he didn't really have a choice but to let them go.
Egwene can bring people back to life?
Good question. But no. Nynaeve is one of the Strongest female channelers in thousands of years. She doesn't know how to use her power yet, but she's able to withstand way more than most people. So the amount killed the two nameless women and then Amalisa. And it almost killed Egwene, but Nynaeve healed Egwene while dying herself. Nearly died. and Egwene returned the favor
Where the fuck did Rand go at the end?
Rand didn't tell Moiraine where he went. How the fuck should I know? Actually, I think I know. But I'm not spoiling that. The main question is why did he leave?
Rand is the Dragon Reborn. The prior Dragon (the dude in the cold open), went crazy as all men who channel the One Power do. And the prior Dragon killed his family. Then he blew up and created the mountain called Dragonmount that Rand was born on. So Rand is basically scared that he is going to go mad and kill those around him. That's why he bounced.
Can Moiraine get her power back?
Unfortunately, they do not know how to heal men from gentling or women from stilling. But there are plenty of people in this story without power that do major things. And Moiraine is one of them.
They said the dark one was in a cage. I'm guessing that fucking pit was his cage?
Cage. Prison. It's not a physical thing per se. As the story goes on, you'll see that it's a multiverse. There are parallel universes so to say. there are dream worlds where what happens to you there happens to you in the real world. And the prison is sort of like that. You're not in this world. There are Seven Seals of cuendillar sealing away the Dark One and the Foresaken. The guy Rand and you are calling the Dark One is not the Dark One. He is one of the Foresaken. And since the seals have begun to break, he was able to partially escape his prison and get into their dreams. He was trying to lure Rand there and use Rand's power to break completely free, but instead, Rand shot him in the face with fire lol
What the fuck was that ending scene and what the fuck did it have to do with anything? Oh they apparently killed a young girl with a tidal wave I guess? Cool?
The story takes place on a land mass. But there is another huge land mass across the Western Ocean that is home to people called the Seanchan. They are badass. The Blue Sitter (one of the top three blue ajah) that chatted with Moiraine in the hottub briefly mentioned ships arriving on the western shore. That final scene was an example of it. The Seanchan have arrived
Basically, its a huge world, and book 1 and season 1 dont even scratch the surface of the cultures, kingdoms, species, magic, etc that is going to come into play. Think of Seanchan like Slavers Bay in game of thrones. not that they are similar. just that its off on an entire differently continent. Oh and it is similar in a way. The two women who yelled something are controlling the two women in front with those mouth things. Because the channelers in the Seanchan arent the badass leader Aes Sedai ... they are slaves
There were literally 5 people in the whole fucking city who could channel?
Three. They were lucky that Nynaeve and Egwene happened to be there. Amalisa had been telling her brother to bring Aes Sedai there, but he is a macho man who has devoted his life towards fighting Trollocs and Fades and defending Tarmin's Gap. so he's basically shunned the Aes Sedai against his sisters wishes. And it came back to bite him in the ass
Why does the Chinese ruler's sister let the power corrupt her?
The One Power isnt like Gandalf who just does magic at will. It's like a river of energy that women succumb to and then direct. the opening scene of egwene in the river was a metaphor for the One Power. you have to relax and then guide it
for men (due to the taint) its more like a storm that you can barely control.
But for both of them, it's like a drug. When you take it in, you don't want to let it go. And you want to take in more and more.
Amalisa is a woman who has the gift, but she is very weak. So she never even tested to become Aes Sedai because she would have failed (possibly even died) doing the test. They will get into the test in Season 2 with a bunch of characters
So Amalisa only ever felt a trickle of the one power. Feeling the amount from Egwene and Nynaeve was overwhelming. And she lost control
I love how Rand becomes Moiraine at the end. Stares at you when you ask him questions and doesn't answer. Just smiles and keeps walking.
LOL great point
It opened up so many new directions that it confused the fuck out of anyone unfamiliar with the story.
Way more questions than answers now.
Great finale.
sarcastic or did you enjoy it?
the book ending is weak. its three different foresaken. its hard to tell what happens to one of them. two of them appear for the first time in that chapter alone. most of the Tarmin's Gap battle happens offscreen and then Rand comes in and just destroys them all. it was a weak book ending. but the world building was cool enough to get me into book 2
and as the books keep going, the author gets much better at developing the characters
the show should get better and better and the ending is going to be awesome, with a lot of huge subplots and climaxes along the way