Dada 5000's family 'appalled' at 'overtly racist' comments made by Joe Rogan

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TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Before I continue, I appreciate the civil discussion as well. I apologize if I crossed any lines by calling you passive aggressive, but your comment about seeing race in everything felt like it was directed at me & FELT passive aggressive. I felt the need to address it.

The reason why anyone would see race in friend chicken & flavored soda is cause there are racial overtones.

That being said, I feel like you're moving the goalpost here. On the one hand, it sounded like you tried to minimize anyone who acknowledges the historical context of what Rogan said as being in the eye of the beholder. It goes deeper than that. There's history there, which I explained numerous times.

Now it sounds like you're acknowledging the racial overtones. He didn't just call Dada an out of shape fat slob, he went racial with it. It sounds you're trying to justify it cause you like to make fun of all your friends.

There is a huge difference between you & your friends or me & my friends breaking each other's balls in private. I had a friend who made some comment about me being a (1/2) Peruvian pygmy who got raped by Cortez. I told him my great grandfather owned his great grandfather. Would we say shit like that in public? No.

It's not as simple as how you feel or what you want. There is an entire demographic of people involved here. They probably don't feel the same as you do. Dada's family don't. They're the ones that have to deal with it.

My point is this: African Americans, & Dada's family, have a right to call Rogan on his comments, regardless of anyone else feels about it. There is no denying the racial overtones. If he incites the wrath of blacks & social justice warriors, he deserves it.

Making fun of a cultural stereotype is one thing. Louis CK does it all the time. But Rogan's timing & intent is just shitty. He couldn't leave well enough alone with the fat slob comment. He brought race into it. And like you said, the guy's still in the hospital. His family's still dealing with it. His timing was shitty, & on some level, he knew he was about to cross the line, which is why he probably stopped at orange soda.

If Rogan has to make another 1/2 hearted apology, or gets suspended, or has someone like Rampage pissed off at him, good - fuck 'em. He's a meatheaded douche & asked for it. I'll just sit back & have a laugh.

Yeah, Dada is fat, out of shape, & should've never taken that fight in his condition. Kimbo sucks too, & I hope Justin Wren KO's him to Bolivian. Personally, I think it's lame to bring anything with racial overtones into the discussion with the guy in hospital. It wasn't really that funny, & just another time Rogan tried to hard to be edgy.
I still believe these comments were cultural, and not racial. The Canadians on here giving the Americans crap, and vice versa....what if all Canadians were black, or purple, or green, would this banter all of the sudden be racist? No.

Like I said, if you live by race, you see it everywhere. That goes for everyone. Best thing is to see people, and believe in their good nature. Rogan's attempts to be funny has hurt people I am sure, but not all of them were black, some of them were women, or his gay neighbour, or Bryan Callen, Brendan Schaub, mexicans... you name it.

The word racism will start to lose its meaning, as it is so easily and cheaply made use of these days. That is my concern.

And your friend is hilarious by the way :)
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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Before I continue, I appreciate the civil discussion as well. I apologize if I crossed any lines by calling you passive aggressive, but your comment about seeing race in everything felt like it was directed at me & FELT passive aggressive. I felt the need to address it.

The reason why anyone would see race in friend chicken & flavored soda is cause there are racial overtones.

That being said, I feel like you're moving the goalpost here. On the one hand, it sounded like you tried to minimize anyone who acknowledges the historical context of what Rogan said as being in the eye of the beholder. It goes deeper than that. There's history there, which I explained numerous times.

Now it sounds like you're acknowledging the racial overtones. He didn't just call Dada an out of shape fat slob, he went racial with it. It sounds you're trying to justify it cause you like to make fun of all your friends.

There is a huge difference between you & your friends or me & my friends breaking each other's balls in private. I had a friend who made some comment about me being a (1/2) Peruvian pygmy who got raped by Cortez. I told him my great grandfather owned his great grandfather. Would we say shit like that in public? No.

It's not as simple as how you feel or what you want. There is an entire demographic of people involved here. They probably don't feel the same as you do. Dada's family don't. They're the ones that have to deal with it.

My point is this: African Americans, & Dada's family, have a right to call Rogan on his comments, regardless of anyone else feels about it. There is no denying the racial overtones. If he incites the wrath of blacks & social justice warriors, he deserves it.

Making fun of a cultural stereotype is one thing. Louis CK does it all the time. But Rogan's timing & intent is just shitty. He couldn't leave well enough alone with the fat slob comment. He brought race into it. And like you said, the guy's still in the hospital. His family's still dealing with it. His timing was shitty, & on some level, he knew he was about to cross the line, which is why he probably stopped at orange soda.

If Rogan has to make another 1/2 hearted apology, or gets suspended, or has someone like Rampage pissed off at him, good - fuck 'em. He's a meatheaded douche & asked for it. I'll just sit back & have a laugh.

Yeah, Dada is fat, out of shape, & should've never taken that fight in his condition. Kimbo sucks too, & I hope Justin Wren KO's him to Bolivian. Personally, I think it's lame to bring anything with racial overtones into the discussion with the guy in hospital. It wasn't really that funny, & just another time Rogan tried to hard to be edgy.
At what point do we stop being so sensitive about injustices of the past and move forward?


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
I still believe these comments were cultural, and not racial. The Canadians on here giving the Americans crap, and vice versa....what if all Canadians were black, or purple, or green, would this banter all of the sudden be racist? No.

Like I said, if you live by race, you see it everywhere. That goes for everyone. Best thing is to see people, and believe in their good nature. Rogan's attempts to be funny has hurt people I am sure, but not all of them were black, some of them were women, or his gay neighbour, or Bryan Callen, Brendan Schaub, mexicans... you name it.

The word racism will start to lose its meaning, as it is so easily and cheaply made use of these days. That is my concern.

And your friend is hilarious by the way :)
We'll just have to agree to disagree on everything except my friend. Yeah, he's a fucking riot (the bastard).

And thank you, Yossarian @Yussarian, for not being a cunt about the discussion.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
none of that was racist,maybe borderline un-pc ,but not even remotely racist.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
We'll just have to agree to disagree on everything except my friend. Yeah, he's a fucking riot (the bastard).

And thank you, Yossarian @Yussarian, for not being a cunt about the discussion.
Hey man, I think you're a good poster on here no matter what color you are :)
I think a good sense of humor goes a long way, without having to ignore historical context.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
This place... I fucking love TMMAC! :D
Yeah, no kidding. This is so much better than the cunthole of a framed forum most of us migrated from.

This feels like the (sometimes heated) discussions I get into with my 'real' friends. At the end of the day, we're all still friends, & I'm glad to have them in my life.

Yossarian @Yussarian & ThatOneDude @B!rdW@tch3r are great dudes, even if they are running late for their Klan meeting (I kid, I kid...).


Apr 18, 2015
2 comments from a negro:

1) Rogan line stepped, as he is known to do. Doesn't matter whether white people think he did or he didn't as it's not up to them to adjudicate.

2) I love chicken, but dont drink orange soda since they discontinued Diet orange slice. RIP


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Yeah, no kidding. This is so much better than the cunthole of a framed forum most of us migrated from.

This feels like the (sometimes heated) discussions I get into with my 'real' friends. At the end of the day, we're all still friends, & I'm glad to have them in my life.

Yossarian @Yussarian & ThatOneDude @B!rdW@tch3r are great dudes, even if they are running late for their Klan meeting (I kid, I kid...).


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
2 comments from a negro:

1) Rogan line stepped, as he is known to do. Doesn't matter whether white people think he did or he didn't as it's not up to them to adjudicate.

2) I love chicken, but dont drink orange soda since they discontinued Diet orange slice. RIP
I'll say this: I grew up with Brothas in the East Coast. I cringe & get a pucker in my anus when white dudes try to tell you uppity Negros how you're supposed to feel about shit like this.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Maybe when people stop saying stupid racist shit while a family member's in the hospital?

This is the best explanation I've seen on historical context & racism.

But if we stop giving these words power, then it won't matter. Black people say racist shit, white people say racist shit, Canadians say racist shit, everyone says racist shit. As soon as we stop putting people into these little groups or tribes based on something so meaningless as skin pigmentation we will all be better off. And part of that is to stop trying to see racist shit in every little thing.


Posting Machine
Jan 31, 2016
Rogan was doing well until he mentioned the orange soda and fried chicken. If he mentioned grape soda, it would have been a wrap. Hope he apologized.


Feb 9, 2016
The reason one laughs is because something is off. It's a twist at the end, it's a shock, it's a non-sequitur, the beginning doesn't match the end, etc... to be upset by this is kind of being mad at human culture.

Now, you can be mad at the person TELLING the joke, but the joke itself is really all your interpretation of it.

Think of it like this... when you're reading an article from a respectable news source, they will censor curse words. This is so that they don't get in trouble. The problem is that they are making you figure out what the curse word is behind those asterisks. Honestly, they're not censoring anything because everyone is pretty much able to figure out what was supposed to be censored; all they're doing is shifting the blame. Instead of them getting in trouble for uttering profanity, they're making you do a puzzle so that YOU utter the profanity.

TL;DR The only reason to be mad at someone is because they made you think a thought that YOU thought was inappropriate.


Feb 16, 2015
2 comments from a negro:

1) Rogan line stepped, as he is known to do. Doesn't matter whether white people think he did or he didn't as it's not up to them to adjudicate.

2) I love chicken, but dont drink orange soda since they discontinued Diet orange slice. RIP
100% true. If black people used the casual talk that comes out of certain crowd nowadays people would start understanding. The 'not PC' movement is strictly geared for one group, if other groups started being 'un-pc' the rules would change. Imagine if Obama had started his campaign with 'a lot of you are racists but some of you I assume are good people'.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
People are way too touchy. Rogan was making a joke, and to make that joke he had to think of popular foods that were horrible for you and he came up with hamburgers, friend chicken and cola. I'm white and I love that shit. People today are just obsessed with wanting to see people get in trouble, everyone's a wanna be hall monitor.


Feb 16, 2015
People are way too touchy. Rogan was making a joke, and to make that joke he had to think of popular foods that were horrible for you and he came up with hamburgers, friend chicken and cola. I'm white and I love that shit. People today are just obsessed with wanting to see people get in trouble, everyone's a wanna be hall monitor.
Well, tell that to the people picketing Beyonce, Kanye or Cam Newton.