General Explosions rock Manchester Arena

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Posting Machine
Dec 30, 2015
That didn't take long.
So you posted a video of a muslim fundamentalist wacko.
Here's a video of a Christian fundamentalist wacko.


Here's a video on Jewish fundamentalist wackos.


Your point?
I've watched half of the first video, will watch the rest later when I have more time. Without having seen the entire video here are some fundamental differences already:

I don't see those christians moving en masse to muslim countries and carrying out organized terrorist attacks on a bi-weekly basis against innocents.

The dude is obviously radical, mental and extreme, but is he the rule or the exception regarding the majority of the Christian body? Because with muslims who have immigrated to the west, the rule is that they hate the way of life westerners lead and most of them hate the local people. And even though this dude is radical and crazy, there is still a difference with the radical muslims. He says either god should kill homosexuals or homosexuals should kill themselves - at least as far as the bit I've watched so far. The radical muslims want to carry out the punishment themselves. Of course what the radical christian says is stupid and absolutely crazy and non-christian, but there is still a difference.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
I've watched half of the first video, will watch the rest later when I have more time. Without having seen the entire video here are some fundamental differences already:

I don't see those christians moving en masse to muslim countries and carrying out organized terrorist attacks on a bi-weekly basis against innocents.

The dude is obviously radical, mental and extreme, but is he the rule or the exception regarding the majority of the Christian body? Because with muslims who have immigrated to the west, the rule is that they hate the way of life westerners lead and most of them hate the local people. And even though this dude is radical and crazy, there is still a difference with the radical muslims. He says either god should kill homosexuals or homosexuals should kill themselves - at least as far as the bit I've watched so far. The radical muslims want to carry out the punishment themselves. Of course what the radical christian says is stupid and absolutely crazy and non-christian, but there is still a difference.
You guys know what turned Sayyid Qutb, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood whose members later started Al Qaeda & used his writings heavily, against the west? He was in the USA at college & found himself at a church dance in a dry county & saw people dancing to "Baby, It's Cold Outside"

What you said is spot on. You can find crazy Christians or Jews, but you won't find many people supporting them & many people denouncing them. Now look at polling among Muslims about support of Sharia Law, penalties for leaving Islam, honor killing rape victims, penalties for gay people, etc. It's not pretty. The reality is this isn't a problem of 'radical' Islam, the truth is Osama bin Laden was one of the most devout followers of Islam in modern times

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Since when is the US a Christian country?
  • Pentecostalism – movement which emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit, finds its historic roots in the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles from 1904 to 1906, sparked by Charles Parham. It is estimated to have over 279 million followers worldwide, many in Africa and South America.[114]
  • Adventism – began as an inter-denominational movement. Its most vocal leader was William Miller, who in the 1830s in New York became convinced of an imminent Second Coming of Jesus. The most prominent modern group to emerge from this is the Seventh-day Adventists.
  • The Latter Day Saint movement founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith in upstate New York. Multiple Latter Day Saint denomination can be found throughout the United States. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the largest denomination, is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has members in many countries. The Community of Christ, the second-largest denomination, is headquartered in Independence, Missouri. Worldwide they claim about 15 million members.
  • Jehovah's Witnesses – originated with the religious movement known as Bible Students, which was founded in Pennsylvania in the late 1870s by Charles Taze Russell. Loosely connected in its early years with Adventism, with which it shares some similarities. They claim about 7.69 million active members worldwide.
  • Christian Science – founded by Mary Baker Eddy in the late 19th century. The church claims some 400,000 members worldwide.
  • Churches of Christ/Disciples of Christ – a restoration movement with no governing body. The Restoration Movement solidified as a historical phenomenon in 1832 when restorationists from two major movements championed by Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell merged. It has an estimated 3 million followers worldwide.
  • Metropolitan Community Church – founded by Troy Perry in Los Angeles, 1968.
  • Unitarianism Developed out of the Congregational Churches. In 1825 the American Unitarian Association was formed in Boston, MA.
  • Universalist Church of America's first regional conference was founded in 1793.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
Who remembers that time Ariana Grande was on a radio station and said that she wished all of her fans would just fucking die?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The Islamic State group claimed responsibility Tuesday for the suicide attack at an Ariana Grande show that left 22 people dead as young concertgoers fled, some still wearing the American pop star's trademark kitten ears and holding pink balloons.

Teenage screams filled the Manchester Arena just after the explosion Monday night, and members of the audience tumbled over guardrails and each other to escape. Fifty-nine people were injured in what British Prime Minister Theresa May called "a callous terrorist attack."

"We struggle to comprehend the warped and twisted mind that sees a room packed with young children not as a scene to cherish but as an opportunity for carnage," she said. Campaigning for Britain's June 8 election was suspended.

Greater Manchester Police said the bomber was killed in the attack. They announced Tuesday that they had arrested a 23-year-old man in the south of the city, in connection with the bombing.

The attack sparked a nightlong search for loved-ones — parents for the children they had accompanied or had been waiting to pick up, and friends for each other after groups were scattered by the blast. Twitter and Facebook were filled with appeals for the missing.

Some concert-goers said security was haphazard before the show, with some people being searched and others allowed inside unhindered. The bombing took place at the end of the concert when the audience was streaming toward the exits of the Manchester Arena.

Witnesses said they saw bolts and other bits of metal, indicating the bomb may have contained shrapnel intended to maximize injury and death.

"There was this massive bang. And then everyone just went really quiet. And that's when the screaming started," said 25-year-old Ryan Molloy. "As we came outside to Victoria Station there were just people all over the floor covered in blood. My partner was helping to try to stem the blood from this one person ... They were pouring blood from their leg. It was just awful."

Grande, who was not injured, tweeted hours later: "broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don't have words."

May said authorities believe they have identified the attacker, but did not release the name. She said authorities were trying to determine if he had an accomplice.


Apr 18, 2015
We still don't know who the bomber was or their motivations. ISIS has claimed responsibility, but it's not uncommon for them to claim responsibility for everything.

Xenophobia is an easy response as are calls to enhance the powers of the security state, but there's a lot more nuance required to adequately address terror.

In this case, it's highly unlikely increased bag checks would have made any difference. The attacker was near the ticket booth area as people were exiting following the concert when no one would reasonably been checking anything anyway. We don't know who the suspect was, their mental state, their national origin or their path to radicalization, if indeed there was one.

All we know is that someone wanted to die and wanted others to die. Their politics, religion or country of origin may have been amplifiers to that fact, but at the core, the death drive is what's most to blame here. Those children who died deserved better, longer lives and the ones who lived have been traumatized for who knows how long. All because someone hated life enough to justify doing something horrible.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
We still don't know who the bomber was or their motivations. ISIS has claimed responsibility, but it's not uncommon for them to claim responsibility for everything.

Xenophobia is an easy response as are calls to enhance the powers of the security state, but there's a lot more nuance required to adequately address terror.

In this case, it's highly unlikely increased bag checks would have made any difference. The attacker was near the ticket booth area as people were exiting following the concert when no one would reasonably been checking anything anyway. We don't know who the suspect was, their mental state, their national origin or their path to radicalization, if indeed there was one.

All we know is that someone wanted to die and wanted others to die. Their politics, religion or country of origin may have been amplifiers to that fact, but at the core, the death drive is what's most to blame here. Those children who died deserved better, longer lives and the ones who lived have been traumatized for who knows how long. All because someone hated life enough to justify doing something horrible.
Yeah! Don't get all judgemental!


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
not all, a Muslim congressman was sworn in on the Koran, I believe Jewish members have sworn in on the Tanakh
Which proves it doesnt really matter. America is weird. Why are you swearing on a religious book in the first place? A country like America has so many varied and diverse roots it would be better to do something better than that.

The UK surely has some even weirder shit. But I always thought that swearing on a religious text was a bit stupid. In court too.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
We still don't know who the bomber was or their motivations. ISIS has claimed responsibility, but it's not uncommon for them to claim responsibility for everything.

Xenophobia is an easy response as are calls to enhance the powers of the security state, but there's a lot more nuance required to adequately address terror.

In this case, it's highly unlikely increased bag checks would have made any difference. The attacker was near the ticket booth area as people were exiting following the concert when no one would reasonably been checking anything anyway. We don't know who the suspect was, their mental state, their national origin or their path to radicalization, if indeed there was one.

All we know is that someone wanted to die and wanted others to die. Their politics, religion or country of origin may have been amplifiers to that fact, but at the core, the death drive is what's most to blame here. Those children who died deserved better, longer lives and the ones who lived have been traumatized for who knows how long. All because someone hated life enough to justify doing something horrible.
23-year-old Salman Abedi


Posting Machine
Dec 30, 2015
What a stupid question. They all swear on the bible.
Ok good one, smart intelligent poster. A picture of one of the "revolving door" of puppets holding his hand on a bible. My god, how utterly intelligent you are.

Oh wait, what, so now he is a jew as well? Or does this mean that taking a picture with a religious symbol does not actually mean you believe in that as well.

Now here come the person who actually run the US while Obama was in power:


I could also post all the anti-christian propaganda by the msm, pop artists and "comedians" but this is too much time spent on a response to you. It's funny how you and your kind of people posts in these threads only after someone states the obvious. All you bitches are fine with a terrorist attack, but all hell shall break lose if someone tries to blame the islamic fundamentalists for it.

Xenophobia is an easy response as are calls to enhance the powers of the security state, but there's a lot more nuance required to adequately address terror.
How has the "complicated" response to addressing terror worked so far?

Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Sounds like he was part of a smaller cell within the manchester region, i imagine they work 'isolated' from main ISIS contacts until the day of the attack so they do not highlight involvement early on. I imagine a video or audio has been recorded by the terrorist or his cell to be sent to ISIS so they can confirm details of the attack on behalf of ISIS and take 'credit'.