Cinema Game of Thrones Season 7 Discussion Thread

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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Isn't it supposed to kill white walkers?
i havent read it yet, but people have told me that it relates to healing powers

which makes sense. its given him seemingly infinite life, and possibly other powers

but seems likely that it will be used to heal jorah's greyscale

and shireen grew up on dragonstone. i wonder if she was healed by accidentally ingesting some dragonglass or something


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Some chick just texted me this theory...

Hey this is kinda random and I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to tell you my theory about Game of Thrones what i think going to happen. Okay so you know the white walkers, and how they're able to resurrect the dead to make zombie Warriors. They're totally going to resurrect all the people from the tombs, because they forgot to burn all the bodies from the tombs so the people of Winterfell and Kings Landing are all going to be fighting their loved ones who they have been mourning, so you have a chance of Joffrey returning lol. The probably going to resurrect the dead dragons too. I just want to share my theory with you cause you showed me the show.


Nov 15, 2015
They showed it in the preview at the beginning of the episode.
Thanks. I was fumbling with directtv and missed the first couple minutes lol.
Still think it would be better if they showed them right before the relevant scene - at least in some cases.

member 3289

Some chick just texted me this theory...

Hey this is kinda random and I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to tell you my theory about Game of Thrones what i think going to happen. Okay so you know the white walkers, and how they're able to resurrect the dead to make zombie Warriors. They're totally going to resurrect all the people from the tombs, because they forgot to burn all the bodies from the tombs so the people of Winterfell and Kings Landing are all going to be fighting their loved ones who they have been mourning, so you have a chance of Joffrey returning lol. The probably going to resurrect the dead dragons too. I just want to share my theory with you cause you showed me the show.
Tell the "chick" who texted you this that she's fucking retarded.

White walkers can only resurrect those that were killed by white walkers or the army of the dead.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Some chick just texted me this theory...

Hey this is kinda random and I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to tell you my theory about Game of Thrones what i think going to happen. Okay so you know the white walkers, and how they're able to resurrect the dead to make zombie Warriors. They're totally going to resurrect all the people from the tombs, because they forgot to burn all the bodies from the tombs so the people of Winterfell and Kings Landing are all going to be fighting their loved ones who they have been mourning, so you have a chance of Joffrey returning lol. The probably going to resurrect the dead dragons too. I just want to share my theory with you cause you showed me the show.
this is actually a very good chance.

a few people have dreams of the bodies rising in the winterfell cripts

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
the NK was AA
this is a knowlede bomb, not deserving of a drunk message

think about it. the last hero supposedly fought the Others 8k years ago. well... at BEST he drove them back, but didnt kill them. because the NK is here

so i propose that the last hero was actually the dude who was turned into the NK, as part of a peace pact between humans and the children

and all that azor ahai lore about the burning sword through the heart was the dragonglass (otherwise knwn as frozen fire), being shoved through his heart

the last hero was losing the fight to the others, the WW. so he found the children. and theuy converted him into something that culd control the WW

(the NK is NOT a WW. i keep sayng ths in my videos, but everyone in the community refuses to believe me. he was created differently than them and has different powers. WW are the Others. NK is the last hero. but something happened, and he's pissed)

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
What's everybody's thoughts on Tyrion possibly being a Targaryen?
books, i think so but i bet it will be left open-ended. show, i dont think they go that route

if you're really asking "can he ride a dragon?" yeh, thnk he wlll

did u watch the pre season trailers?

trailer references below...

jaime is charging onthe field of fire. my theory is that he is charing tyrion, who is on a dragon. they have some beef that needs to get squashed. a couple frames from a prior trailer show two people falling into water. i think bronn saves jaime from being burnt. and then dragon rider tyrion and future queenslaying jaime bro hug it out

member 3289

WW havent been shown to be able to resurrect anyone. only the NK has so far imo
Benjen/Coldhands said he was killed by white walkers and started to turn before he was saved by the Children of the Forest (who kept him from turning by shoving a piece of a dragon glass through his heart).

He never mentioned the NK specifically. You'd think he would have if it had been the NK.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Benjen/Coldhands said he was killed by white walkers and started to turn before he was saved by the Children of the Forest (who kept him from turning by shoving a piece of a dragon glass through his heart).

He never mentioned the NK specifically. You'd think he would have if it had been the NK.
sorry not following the question. are u asking, if i think the NK was the original last hero, then why would he have attacked benjen? (and others like bran?)

btw, grrm has said benjen on the show isnt coldhands. and asoiaf nerds stand by this. but im with u. benjen = coldhands

member 3289

sorry not following the question. are u asking, if i think the NK was the original last hero, then why would he have attacked benjen? (and others like bran?)
Wasn't asking a question. I was telling you what Benjen said to Bran and Meera.

btw, grrm has said benjen on the show isnt coldhands. and asoiaf nerds stand by this. but im with u. benjen = coldhands
D+D have said that, at least in the show, Benjen is Coldhands. The show and the book are obviously different in many ways, asoiaf nerds need to get over it.