I'm definitely not clicking any of those photos. I think it's sick how glued we become to this. Like the news allll night and day literally just replays the gun fire and screaming on a fucking loop. It's so horrible, and now because of phones, we have pictures of every single thing from every angle and shit. Fuck
The concert shootings really get to me, because I have been to so many and they are a huge part of my life. Obviously every mass murder is a tragedy, it's just these feel so real to me and like whenever I go to a show I think about the worst case nightmare scenario happening. Then you see something like this, basically worse than you could ever imagine, and it really fucks with you. These were regular people just like me, you, etc, who wanted to go out and listen to music and enjoy life. And one random guy can just take dozens of lives, wound hundreds of others, simply because he snaps one day and decides to do so.
Human life is so precious to some and completely worthless to others. Wow. And it can be taken in a moment when you would never expect it, just living life normally, not deserving of anything. Damn man.