Lifestyle Anyone else absolutely hate flying?

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Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Flying sucks but I try to temper my expectations. I travel a lot and do whatever I can to make it suck less. Global Entry is worth every penny if you fly more than once or twice per year. Even though these days the line is often longer than the standard line, at least I don’t have to take off my shoes and go through nearly as much security theater.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I don't like any flight over 3 hrs. Flying from LAX to georgia,florida or NY sucks.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I dont appreciate TSA taking a picture of my vascular penis and testicles.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
It sucks, just check out all female stewards asses and size them up
They’re sluts, believe me.
Be friendly with them and they will hook you up.
You’re married, so you can’t really mess around with them, but they will show their “bad side” and they also hook each other up with alcohol in hotel rooms. They have little stashes in hotel rooms under the beds

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
It's the worst. Rude ass people. Sitting around for hours. Constant delays. Idiots standing up as soon as the plane lands - where the fuck you gonna go jackwagon?

If I can drive there in 10 hours, I'm driving. By the time you factor in all the bullshit (arriving early, delays, shuttles, securing rental car) flying doesn't save that much time.

Work made me fly to Chicago recently. That is like a 5 hour drive for me. They insisted I fly. 100% took up more of my time doing that - and the flight home was delayed so it was more like 7 hours for a flight in which I spent less than an hour in the air. Should have trusted my gut, rented a car and just drove home.

I've flown private 1 time. That's the shit. Limited security check. You arrive like 15 minutes before your actual flight. All the seats are first class, and from touch-down to getting off the plane it's like 5 minutes. That's a win.
If you are in the aisle it is the right thing to do to stand and get your shit together so you are ready to go. Makes deboard much faster. Also who cares if people stand as long as they stay in their row.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
If you are in the aisle it is the right thing to do to stand and get your shit together so you are ready to go. Makes deboard much faster. Also who cares if people stand as long as they stay in their row.
It saves zero time.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Dead wrong but I ain't gonna convince you.
You shouldn't stand up to get your things until it's your turn to exit the plane. Carry-ons aren't always directly over top of your actual aisle. So if they are behind or in front of you, they become unreachable when everyone stands up. When the bags are in front - no biggie, I'll get them when I walk by when it's my turn to leave. But if they are behind me- now I have to shuffle through the crowd of standing-for-no-reason masses to get my bag - either that or just let them leave ahead of me - but then you have to wait for their window-seated partner to collect their things. Rinse/repeat if their bags are also in an overhead further back in the plane. Chaos.

Stay seated until it's your turn to leave. Grab your carry ons when you stand up to leave. Simple. Orderly. Efficient.

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
So standing up half hunched over is better?
You get in the aisle. I feel like you are intentionally misrepresenting what 99% of people do. Either way, even if you think it is pointless, which it def isn't but you can believe what you want, it has no effect on you unless you mean row cutters who I agree should be shot.

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
Flying sucks but I try to temper my expectations. I travel a lot and do whatever I can to make it suck less. Global Entry is worth every penny if you fly more than once or twice per year. Even though these days the line is often longer than the standard line, at least I don’t have to take off my shoes and go through nearly as much security theater.
I have that plus precheck. Can't remember the last time I waited in a security line.

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
You shouldn't stand up to get your things until it's your turn to exit the plane. Carry-ons aren't always directly over top of your actual aisle. So if they are behind or in front of you, they become unreachable when everyone stands up. When the bags are in front - no biggie, I'll get them when I walk by when it's my turn to leave. But if they are behind me- now I have to shuffle through the crowd of standing-for-no-reason masses to get my bag - either that or just let them leave ahead of me - but then you have to wait for their window-seated partner to collect their things. Rinse/repeat if their bags are also in an overhead further back in the plane. Chaos.

Stay seated until it's your turn to leave. Grab your carry ons when you stand up to leave. Simple. Orderly. Efficient.
So you create a situation I wasn't talking about again :) And when my bags are right there and I can save the people waiting behind me the time it takes me to grab my kid's stroller, my bag, my wife's bag, hand everyone in my row their bag if they want, etc. It saves time for sure and either way, again, affects you zero.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
So you create a situation I wasn't talking about again :) And when my bags are right there and I can save the people waiting behind me the time it takes me to grab my kid's stroller, my bag, my wife's bag, hand everyone in my row their bag if they want, etc. It saves time for sure and either way, again, affects you zero.
Not creating a situation. Just relaying what I've seen in the past. You are correct - other than seeing inefficiencies and wasted effort it doesn't really affect me. I usually pick a window seat anyway - mostly so I don't have some aisle-standers crotch right in my face while he tries to frantically grab all his overhead belongings before it's time to slowly walk off the plane in 10 minutes.

Shouldn't your stroller be stored in the cargo hold?

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
I've got one that folds up smaller than a roller bag. But replace stroller with anything you want. Look if it's just me I'm so fast I don't need to get up but if you are a family and have a lot of crap or people near you need time to get their shit, it is by far more efficient. At worst it isn't and doesn't affect you at all so I never got the hate.

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
Crotch thing is funny. I had some Japanese dude doing tai chi or some shit shaking his ass in my face for an entire flight to chicago.

I also basically never fly coach though so people seated, standing, etc., they are never on top of you. No the aisle isn't any bigger but you are more spread out and people act more like humans

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
Meanwhile in my counter experience, I've had to wait for ages for people that didn't prepare to go. If you aren't ready in a reasonable time you forfeit your position IMO and need to stay seated and wait until everyone has gone past.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Another luxury of driving. I don’t have to deal with the ‘stand or don’t stand’ argument (would have been a great Seinfeld episode).


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Meanwhile in my counter experience, I've had to wait for ages for people that didn't prepare to go. If you aren't ready in a reasonable time you forfeit your position IMO and need to stay seated and wait until everyone has gone past.
Do you still have to go to the counter? Mobile boarding pass and most airports let you print bag passes and drop without talking to anyone. Takes like 1-2 mins total.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2024
Don’t forget the volunteer/forced bag check-in because they run out of overhead room every time, the two hour delay I had today, and the fucktards that jump up and try to push forward despite me all prepped to go - little Asian dude from a row or two back sprinted past me. I get to fly 5 hours back on Friday and Saturday an 8hour - yay me!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2024
Being herded like cattle, and people in airports just randomly starting and stopping, reversing, left and then right, stopping, etc. all with too much baggage stuffed with shit they don’t need, their hands filled with drinks, food, pillows, blankets - half the time people ask if I can hold their shit or heft their overweight and oversized bag to help them out - flying is a pain!