Lifestyle Anyone else absolutely hate flying?

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Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
Hopefully you get seated next to some giant walrus of a woman who wants to talk the whole flight.
That way you will almost welcome a crash into the mountains.
I never have this problem, people hate my face


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
No idea what that is sir.
That is the Air Force base home of our strategic air command to a degree.
Reconnaissance central.
I believe that's what he's referring to.
You in Nebraska?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
It's the worst. Rude ass people. Sitting around for hours. Constant delays. Idiots standing up as soon as the plane lands - where the fuck you gonna go jackwagon?

If I can drive there in 10 hours, I'm driving. By the time you factor in all the bullshit (arriving early, delays, shuttles, securing rental car) flying doesn't save that much time.

Work made me fly to Chicago recently. That is like a 5 hour drive for me. They insisted I fly. 100% took up more of my time doing that - and the flight home was delayed so it was more like 7 hours for a flight in which I spent less than an hour in the air. Should have trusted my gut, rented a car and just drove home.

I've flown private 1 time. That's the shit. Limited security check. You arrive like 15 minutes before your actual flight. All the seats are first class, and from touch-down to getting off the plane it's like 5 minutes. That's a win.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
I hate the entire process, from packing to check-in to TSA check-in to the flight. And then I have to do it all again in reverse. The hell with flying! I'd rather drive cross country than fly.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I've never flown Qatar, but I've flown Emirates several times. First time I ever had lamb was a fucking meal on coach. lmao

I once got bumped to business class on Emirates and holy was amazing.

Now, I've not flown in probably 15 years. I used to do it somewhat regularly, though. As a kid, I'd fly from central OR down to southern California during the summer to see my grandparents. Not every year, but probably 2 out every 3 years or so.

Then I went to college in NC, so I'd fly out there every fall, and back home to Oregon every spring - a couple times for Christmas, too. (I did take the bus from Oregon to NC one August since it was so cheap and holy mother of fuck...what an experience THAT ended up being. hahahaha dang)

Then when I was doing contract work in Iraq during the mid-late '00s, I'd fly once down to Houston from NC for processing, then from the middle east to NC & back every 4-6 months. Straight shots from Atlanta to Dubai in 16 hours were a slog, but not bad...just try to sleep as much as possible.

I enjoyed the flying to a degree...I just found it fun. The process could be a huge chafe, though...depended on the airport. I enjoyed some airports as I enjoy people-watching, and especially when you're in other parts of the country or world, it's cool seeing stuff you would normally not see. Like flying once through St. Louis when McGwire was in the middle of chasing the home run record was cool, as the airport was covered with Cardinals stuff. Going into a newsstand in Frankfurt, Germany was funny with porn magazines on full display right at eye level as if they were Newsweek or something.

The Dubai airport is wild - super modern, crazy duty-free, gold in damn vending machines, etc.

Other places absolutely suck ass, though. I went through Newark Intl once and what an absolute shithole. I used to connect through Gatwick in London a lot and I absolutely loathed that place, too.

Security is bullshit all over the world, though - not just TSA. I've been "randomly selected" for additional security screening (going through my bag, a pat down, etc) at least once on *every* international flight I've been on - sometimes stateside, several times in Gatwick, etc.

Whatever you do, don't get stopped at security in Dubai...those fuckers are nuts. Break one of their rules (like get caught with porn or anything they could even *remotely* construe as anti-Islam) and you get hauled right off to jail.

Then there was the el cheapo Russian charter flights the company I worked for would put us we got from Dubai to Baghdad & back. hahahaha the stories I could tell about those sketch-jobs.
What was you doing in the middle east?


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The level of faggotness in this thread is staggering. Bunch of crying pussies.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
I also hate it. I'm a big guy over 6 feet and def not skinny.

I also can't sleep on a plane no matter what time the flight is or how long goes. Once spent a connecting flight from Hawaii to Chicago just staring at the back of the seat in front of me for hours.

Le Chat Noir

Le Chat Noir ©
Jan 28, 2020
I love it!! You’re flying and that’s an awesome thing to do!
I’ll lean my seat way back into the guy’s knees behind me.
‘I’ll talk to the person next to me about mundane family drama!
I’ll bring my own food on the flight and make quite a bit of noise opening it up!
I’ll laugh loud and heartily at the Madea movies I downloaded for the flight!
Flying is a wonderful experience.

Le Chat Noir


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Not a huge fan but the airport itself doesn't really bother me so much. It's pretty chill. TSA is worse than security in almost every other country. Basically everywhere in Europe you can go from entrance to your gate in 5-10 minutes. So I can understand why you Americans hate that experience a lot more than we would.

Flying sucks though. Tight space, shit food, Tiny smelly toilets. I can't sleep on flights either.

I'd rather take a train than fly, I hate driving over 4 hours though that's also super uncomfortable.


Posting Machine
Sep 4, 2015
I don't mind flying.

It's the other people at the airport I can't stand.
I dig airports. I'm indifferent on Flying. Of course I like some elbow room but I can usually get some sleep.

One thing that's changed, is for cross country flights, I like a connection to break it up

I'll drive pretty far to avoid it though, because I love the open road


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
I dig airports. I'm indifferent on Flying. Of course I like some elbow room but I can usually get some sleep.

One thing that's changed, is for cross country flights, I like a connection to break it up

I'll drive pretty far to avoid it though, because I love the open road
That's the first time I've heard anyone say they prefer a connection.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Well, scheduled to depart Omaha in an hour. I must say, their security process was the best I’ve experienced in a while. Hope my connection at Chicago holds up and I get home as planned. Booked seats in totally open rows. Hoping no one has booked beside me in the past 4 hrs.


We all float down here
Nov 17, 2023
Well, scheduled to depart Omaha in an hour. I must say, their security process was the best I’ve experienced in a while. Hope my connection at Chicago holds up and I get home as planned. Booked seats in totally open rows. Hoping no one has booked beside me in the past 4 hrs.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
I have to be in Kansas all next week. I’m driving it from Indiana.


Nerd of Nerds
Aug 13, 2024
Idiots standing up as soon as the plane lands - where the fuck you gonna go jackwagon?
lol...that's me

But I have a really bad back, and I'm not trying to go anywhere, I just need to stand up due to the physical torture I've been in for the last couple of hours.

Hence why I avoid flying at all costs.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
lol...that's me

But I have a really bad back, and I'm not trying to go anywhere, I just need to stand up due to the physical torture I've been in for the last couple of hours.

Hence why I avoid flying at all costs.
So standing up half hunched over is better?


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I have to be in Kansas all next week. I’m driving it from Indiana.
I've been in Kansas.
Do you know what's cool in Kansas?
Nothing since I left.