Avengers Endgame Official Thread

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Who is the Strongest Avenger?

  • Thor Odinson

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Thor Son of Odin

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters
Jan 21, 2015
Rocky > MCU
I agree! Rocky 1 might be my favorite movie eva.

I was more referring to the sheer scope of the project, the amount of films, the density of the full story and how it actually holds together till the end. Nothing like that has ever been done. Deserves props imo even if there may be other films we like better.

MCU I don't think ever made me cry or put a lump in my throat. I've seen the Rocky films like 100 times and I still crumble in tears every single fucking time. Its so embarrassing lol


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
picky picky. what do you call it then, Denouement? For a story this big, the Denouement > Climax imo.
It's not nearly the story you're making it out to be. Chris Evans is retiring from the role, so they're bring in another actor it happens literally all the time. It's just the conclusion of the film, logical conclusion if you think about it.
Jan 21, 2015
It's not nearly the story you're making it out to be. Chris Evans is retiring from the role, so they're bring in another actor it happens literally all the time. It's just the conclusion of the film, logical conclusion if you think about it.
What is the conclusion... that they all become tools of Satan?
Jan 21, 2015
Wait, do you think that moment was what the entire franchise was building towards?
lol maybe they are going to now spin and expand the franchise in a whole new direction with a completely opposite ideology and moral compass.

Like they did with Star Wars.

I am only half joking


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
lol maybe they are going to now spin and expand the franchise in a whole new direction with a completely opposite ideology and moral compass.

Like they did with Star Wars.

I am only half joking
What did they do with Star Wars? As far as I can tell all that they did was remake the original 3 with different actors.
Jan 21, 2015
What did they do with Star Wars? As far as I can tell all that they did was remake the original 3 with different actors.
lol yeah that's another way to see it

I thought they stripped the whole mythology and re-engineered it into something that is really quite different from what imho made Star Wars so attractive in the first place. Star Wars used to be about Good and Evil, Peace and Temptation, Selfless vs Selfish, Fear and Love, etc. It was an opposites thing, Light side and Dark side, and how to not fall to the Dark Side and the disastrous effects of doing so. It was real MYTHOLOGY, a parable for important truths and how to conduct ourselves in this crazy life. THAT's what made it great, Lucas followed Joseph Campbell's Hero With A Thousand Faces for a reason, that shit is timeless and resonates.

Now is all about GREY.

They say Satan's favorite color is Grey.

They also for some reason added a foreskin-faced creature with bare tits in the latest one for no apparent reason. Yeah Nudity in Star Wars. That will be good for the kids.
Jan 21, 2015
I'm not gonna watch a whole movie for sake of discussion. Give me your thoughts I can dig it.

Not sure what you mean about hammer and nail in this context...

I do enjoy considering how movies can be used for cultural engineering and mass-programming. It is my tinfoil half-paranoid suspicion that a LOT of this has been going on in Hollywood from the beginning, perhaps sometimes more propaganda and mind control than entertainment or even capitalism.

This Luciferian/moral relativism being a part of that, I've been seeing a lot of trends over the past bunch of years, especially towards kids.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Not sure what you mean about hammer and nail in this context...

I do enjoy considering how movies can be used for cultural engineering and mass-programming. It is my tinfoil half-paranoid suspicion that a LOT of this has been going on in Hollywood from the beginning, perhaps sometimes more propaganda and mind control than entertainment or even capitalism.
You answered your own question.
Jan 21, 2015
That's one reason why Star Wars was such a big hit imo, it broke that artificial story-programming, & tapped into true archetypal mythological truths. People sensed it consciously or unconsciously, and hearts sang. Imaginations soared. The hero in all of us rose to the surface.

Hollywood doesn't know how to do this. They are better at portraying villains or anti-heroes.

When Disney bought Star Wars they did not know how to wield the magic. Or if they did, they deliberately changed it. That's why the new movies don't sing, don't steal hearts the same way. It's just another empty action franchise. They consciously removed and twisted what made it great.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Off to see this again in 3D.
I hate 3D but I've got to feel this in a new refreshing interactive way.
I will catch a lot more now that I can contain myself from laughing at fat Thor for 10 minutes straight.
Jan 21, 2015
Off to see this again in 3D.
I hate 3D but I've got to feel this in a new refreshing interactive way.
I will catch a lot more now that I can contain myself from laughing at fat Thor for 10 minutes straight.
I laughed hard at that too

so awesome


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I laughed hard at that too

so awesome
I have a new fan theory.

Dark Phoenix is gonna kill everyone except one member, who will connect the time travel the Avengers introduced and that's how the X-men will be introduced with the remaining MCU.

AND, the next new MCU bad guy is NOT Galactus or Kang the Conqueror, but none other than DR. DOOM.

Imaging Thor, Magneto, Scarlett Witch & Dr. Doom in a movie.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
OK but lets keep the time travel stuff to a minimum.

Lets not go all Star Trek here, lol

Idk if you stayed or saw the Spider man trailer, but it's pretty clear that we've moved into alternate universes with the MCU, just as it did in the comics.

After watching this again, I came to somepretty solid conclusions.
I concluded contextually, it's an epic movie.
I don't know how (or why) one would judge it on it's own, it makes almost zero sense.

Before The movie started I started talking to a guy in there and I was like Hey have you seen this before? He said no and asked me if I saw it and I said yes.
I said OK, but certainly you saw infinity war, to which he replied, no!

I don't even know where to begin with you! How do you even do that?"

To which he replied I don't have a TV.

I think people are a little too upset about fat Thor. It's not fat Thor the bothers me, it was the slight insecurities he had on Asgard where he's having a silly little panic attack. A little funny but maybe not worth the tradeoff in character.
But it makes the guy happy and keeps them employed and the movies are gonna continue to pump out.

I think if you're giving this less than a 9/10, either you're missing the subtleties that reference the span of the other 21 movies, you're overly nitpicky, your standards are far too high, or something else that you ought be publicly flogged for.
Maybe VR has desensitized you to the point where 3 hours is too much.

This time around was more emotional, still thoroughly enjoyable.
I highly recommend seeing it at least twice on the big screen, with the second time a different experience if available.
Maybe 3D, 4DX, RPX, IMAX, DOLBY, D-BOX, etc.
Jan 21, 2015
Idk if you stayed or saw the Spider man trailer, but it's pretty clear that we've moved into alternate universes with the MCU, just as it did in the comics.

After watching this again, I came to somepretty solid conclusions.
I concluded contextually, it's an epic movie.
I don't know how (or why) one would judge it on it's own, it makes almost zero sense.

Before The movie started I started talking to a guy in there and I was like Hey have you seen this before? He said no and asked me if I saw it and I said yes.
I said OK, but certainly you saw infinity war, to which he replied, no!

I don't even know where to begin with you! How do you even do that?"

To which he replied I don't have a TV.

I think people are a little too upset about fat Thor. It's not fat Thor the bothers me, it was the slight insecurities he had on Asgard where he's having a silly little panic attack. A little funny but maybe not worth the tradeoff in character.
But it makes the guy happy and keeps them employed and the movies are gonna continue to pump out.

I think if you're giving this less than a 9/10, either you're missing the subtleties that reference the span of the other 21 movies, you're overly nitpicky, your standards are far too high, or something else that you ought be publicly flogged for.
Maybe VR has desensitized you to the point where 3 hours is too much.

This time around was more emotional, still thoroughly enjoyable.
I highly recommend seeing it at least twice on the big screen, with the second time a different experience if available.
Maybe 3D, 4DX, RPX, IMAX, DOLBY, D-BOX, etc.
Yep. I saw it in the VIP theatres here, we had wine and real food in a comfy chair with lots of legroom.

I agree the movie will be a grueling 3.5 hours of WTF if you haven't done your homework. For those who have geeked out enough, can cite the locations of all infinity stones etc it is a great great ride.

I thought Fat Thor was brilliant, even the panic attacks. It puts his whole character.lifespan into perspective, and is a wonderful allegory for the human condition of living up to others expectations and hopefully discovering our true selves someday

Really down on alternate timelines and too much time travel shit. I can't keep up with that. To me it ruins stories. I will check out if that happens. I had a good run.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I think people are a little too upset about fat Thor. It's not fat Thor the bothers me, it was the slight insecurities he had on Asgard where he's having a silly little panic attack. A little funny but maybe not worth the tradeoff in character.
It bothered the fuck out of me. They made him fat for no discernible reason other than that they wanted some cheap comedy. He was one of many characters who could have been absent from the movie entirely and it wouldn't have influenced the outcome of the film. It also irritates me that Hulk never got his revenge after being completely sonned in Infinity War. Now that I think of it, the entire last battle scene had no bearing on the outcome of the movie. If you're at all objective it's very obvious that Marvel Studios was trying to break out of the "comic movie" label by making a 3 hour long epic. Apparently no one told them length doesn't dictate quality.