OK but lets keep the time travel stuff to a minimum.
Lets not go all Star Trek here, lol
Idk if you stayed or saw the Spider man trailer, but it's pretty clear that we've moved into alternate universes with the MCU, just as it did in the comics.
After watching this again, I came to somepretty solid conclusions.
I concluded contextually, it's an epic movie.
I don't know how (or why) one would judge it on it's own, it makes almost zero sense.
Before The movie started I started talking to a guy in there and I was like Hey have you seen this before? He said no and asked me if I saw it and I said yes.
I said OK, but certainly you saw infinity war, to which he replied, no!
I don't even know where to begin with you! How do you even do that?"
To which he replied I don't have a TV.
I think people are a little too upset about fat Thor. It's not fat Thor the bothers me, it was the slight insecurities he had on Asgard where he's having a silly little panic attack. A little funny but maybe not worth the tradeoff in character.
But it makes the guy happy and keeps them employed and the movies are gonna continue to pump out.
I think if you're giving this less than a 9/10, either you're missing the subtleties that reference the span of the other 21 movies, you're overly nitpicky, your standards are far too high, or something else that you ought be publicly flogged for.
Maybe VR has desensitized you to the point where 3 hours is too much.
This time around was more emotional, still thoroughly enjoyable.
I highly recommend seeing it at least twice on the big screen, with the second time a different experience if available.
Maybe 3D, 4DX, RPX, IMAX, DOLBY, D-BOX, etc.