I don't think people really need to know what I think about Brie Larson.oh yeah fuck captain marvel
Spiderman said to Tony "hey remember that time I got all dusty? Well I must've blacked out, because when I woke up, Doc Strange said 5 years had passed, and you needed our help".... So no time had passed for the dusted, meanwhile, all the survivors continued their lives (Tony stressed to Bruce no to undo the last 5 years, just bring everyone back to now..So does anyone have a clear grasp on how exactly they brought people back?
What did those where were erased experience? Did they just move the timeline back as though it never happened, with no memory of the events?
Or did they come back into existence but it's 5 years later?
thanks that's great. I didn't catch that lineSpiderman said to Tony "hey remember that time I got all dusty? Well I must've blacked out, because when I woke up, Doc Strange said 5 years had passed, and you needed our help".... So no time had passed for the dusted, meanwhile, all the survivors continued their lives (Tony stressed to Bruce no to undo the last 5 years, just bring everyone back to now..
Yeah that father/son relationship was well developed since Homecoming. The crazy thing is that they knew that they couldn't have gone back in time and fixed the snap from the moment it happened (it would've created a "splinter timeline" from that moment)... However, I feel the real reason they never entertained it was because Tony didn't want (as he stated when mentioning his priorities) to jeopardize his current relationship with Pepper, and Morgan's existence.thanks that's great. I didn't catch that line
Stark/PeterParker relationship was written nicely I thought
He's holding the shield upside down because when they pulled it from the case it was right side up? Oh, let me guess. Because Satan worshipers?Notice anything different?
(besides skin color)
How much glue did you guys huff to think that was a masterpiece?
The heat Captain Marvel generates is hilarious though. She's quickly becoming my favorite MCU character.
Rocky > MCUSaw it last night, blown away.
What a masterpiece! Seriously, there is no rival in cinematic history that even comes close to what this MCU franchise has put together.
and also:In my experience no visuals in films like this are left to chance or directed willy-nilly. Every shot is carefully storyboarded and pre-designed right down to the colors and lighting, these filmmakers are heavy on detail and visuals. I honestly can't believe that it was random or accident or just sloppy directing that resulted the shield to be placed this way. There must have been a team of folks scrutinizing that shot before, during, and after filming, and FOR SURE the question of the star came up and was chosen to be inverted.