Avengers Endgame Official Thread

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Who is the Strongest Avenger?

  • Thor Odinson

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Thor Son of Odin

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It bothered the fuck out of me. They made him fat for no discernible reason other than that they wanted some cheap comedy. He was one of many characters who could have been absent from the movie entirely and it wouldn't have influenced the outcome of the film. It also irritates me that Hulk never got his revenge after being completely sonned in Infinity War. Now that I think of it, the entire last battle scene had no bearing on the outcome of the movie. If you're at all objective it's very obvious that Marvel Studios was trying to break out of the "comic movie" label by making a 3 hour long epic. Apparently no one told them length doesn't dictate quality.
I get it. I'd rather of had Thor rip his head off myself. But....

From my point of view, Thor was reigning as Prince in Asgard for 1000 years.
His first test he was shamed, stripped of his power, almost started a war, and cast to earth the day before he was to take the crown.
Then tricked by his brother to believe he killed his dad, fell in love with a mortal whom his dad disagreed with.
Upon restoring order to the 9 realms, his mother is killed by Malekith, which he took personally.
After that, his earth squeeze dumps him, his father dies. He tells his dad he can't do it alone not believing in himself.
Then his sister comes, kicks his ass twice & takes out his eye and destroys Asgard entirely; (protector of nine realms).
So with his mom murdered, his dad killed, Asgard destroyed he's now on a liferaft with his people. Then half of them are killed at Thanos hands and he gets his ass handed to him apparently.
Then his best friend is murdered in front of him to boot, along with his brother.
Asgardian refugees are left dead floating in space.
He finds out the dwarves(under their protection) were all slaughtered, tried to stop the snap, thinks he won but missed the heart, head, or gauntlet after letting Vision die and the final stone taken along with half the life in the universe destroyed including half of the remaining Asgardians.

He lost his mother, father, brother, best friend, all of Asgard, half it's people, all it's army.
Then, half of the remaining half of his people, along with half of all life.

After killing Thanos, an Asgardian "king apparent" (alcoholics) failure stuck on earth with everyone he knew throughout his life dead, and 1/4 of his people staring at him and no woman, it's an understandable, real grief thing.
A curveball yes, but no one came even close to losing all that Thor did.

Hulk not getting revenge falls by the wayside when he doesn't really care.
Remember Hulk and Banner don't really recall anything, including Pride or vengeance.
That would've gone against his entire character and been more for Hulk fans.

To me what will suck is if they keep Thor fat for Asgardians of the Galaxy.
I doubt that because the backlash is already quite boisterous.

All said and done, I look at it and say, "yeah, I'll give them that".
Plus it was funnier that shit looking so ridiculous.

Then there's the fact that Captain Vagina, Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, Hulk and 'Full- Strength berserker Thor' along with the rest of the band would tool Thanos, they had to underpower Thor.
Scarlet Witch alone(in the comics)was more powerful than anyone on the field; she stripped ALL mutants powers(prof.x & the rest)

One of my favorite moments of the movie was watching her on the verge of realizing her true power as she began disassembling Thanos.

And Dr. Strange at full-power according to comic storylines was crazy powerful.

Jan 21, 2015
yeah man cut the dude some slack, he's had a hard day.

Some Fat Thor -Rocky training sequences once he finds his motivation will be excellent!
Last edited:

member 603

So my take on fat Thor is this.... Chris Hemsworth just re-upped his contract, throughout phase 4 (or whatever they're calling it) and past Chris Evans, he was probably the character who had to get in the best shape for these films.... I think with this fat Thor, they'll slim him down for Guardians 3 and the rumored Thor 4, but now he doesn't have to get as ripped as he was in the past, allowing him to do the role into his 40's comfortably.
Jan 21, 2015
I personally hope they don't turn him back again completely.

A Big Lebowski-esque God of Thunder who is a bit fat, semi-drunk, but happy with who he is I think is a hilariously rich character. Classic Thor is so empty and dull in comparison. They could really make some great stuff with that imo.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
From my point of view, Thor was reigning as Prince in Asgard for 1000 years.
His first test he was shamed, stripped of his power, almost started a war, and cast to earth the day before he was to take the crown.
Then tricked by his brother to believe he killed his dad, fell in love with a mortal whom his dad disagreed with.
Upon restoring order to the 9 realms, his mother is killed by Malekith, which he took personally.
After that, his earth squeeze dumps him, his father dies. He tells his dad he can't do it alone not believing in himself.
Then his sister comes, kicks his ass twice & takes out his eye and destroys Asgard entirely; (protector of nine realms).
So with his mom murdered, his dad killed, Asgard destroyed he's now on a liferaft with his people. Then half of them are killed at Thanos hands and he gets his ass handed to him apparently.
Then his best friend is murdered in front of him to boot, along with his brother.
Asgardian refugees are left dead floating in space.
He finds out the dwarves(under their protection) were all slaughtered, tried to stop the snap, thinks he won but missed the heart, head, or gauntlet after letting Vision die and the final stone taken along with half the life in the universe destroyed including half of the remaining Asgardians.

He lost his mother, father, brother, best friend, all of Asgard, half it's people, all it's army.
Then, half of the remaining half of his people, along with half of all life.

After killing Thanos, an Asgardian "king apparent" (alcoholics) failure stuck on earth with everyone he knew throughout his life dead, and 1/4 of his people staring at him and no woman, it's an understandable, real grief thing.
A curveball yes, but no one came even close to losing all that Thor did.
Dude, he's a God. Lightning courses through his veins. He's not some soft human worried about picking up the kids from daycare and a mortgage payment.

Hulk not getting revenge falls by the wayside when he doesn't really care.
Remember Hulk and Banner don't really recall anything, including Pride or vengeance.
That would've gone against his entire character and been more for Hulk fans.
The whole premise of the Hulk is that he is anger. Bruce Banner on the other hand is a pussy, but the idea that Hulk wouldn't have cared about fucking up Thanos given the opportunity is craziness.
Jan 21, 2015
Dude, he's a God. Lightning courses through his veins. He's not some soft human worried about picking up the kids from daycare and a mortgage payment.
Yeah but that's what would make it such a great character! Multi-faceted, 2 sides of the character seemingly at odds. A writer's dream to play with, add depth/inner/conflict/jokes. Every writer is told not to write 1-dimensional characters, Thor was getting like that imo before they flipped the script imo.

I think it would be hilarious if it rubbed off on the rest of the Guardians crew, lol Star Lord wouldn't be so self conscious next to Thor anymore worrying about his weight etc, they could all let it go and turn the ship into a bachelor student housing scene, lol Peter, Thor, Drax, Teen Groot, and Rocket leaving beer bottles and dirty clothes around, playing video games, not doing any cleaning and farting all the time.

Gamora could get sick of it and leave, disheartened because her man has turned into a slob, and they could all have a moment of realization that they have gone too far, and have to pick it up to win her back.

member 1013

Even drunk and fat, king Thor with storm breaker and Mjolnir should have easily been the most powerful warrior on that battlefield

member 603

Even drunk and fat, king Thor with storm breaker and Mjolnir should have easily been the most powerful warrior on that battlefield
Someone brought this up on YouTube or somewhere and it made sense.... You've seen Thor and a bunch of other Asgardians actually practice and train in the MCU movies, so he was always sharp.... But this Thor probably hadn't gotten into an actual altercation in over 5 years (since beheading Thanos), so him being a little off his game definitely would make sense

member 1013

Someone brought this up on YouTube or somewhere and it made sense.... You've seen Thor and a bunch of other Asgardians actually practice and train in the MCU movies, so he was always sharp.... But this Thor probably hadn't gotten into an actual altercation in over 5 years (since beheading Thanos), so him being a little off his game definitely would make sense
I figured it was more that he was still completely wasted during the battle (he is drinking strong Asgardian spirits with his mom right before they snap). But both of those weapons amplify and channel his powers... he would have easily been able to lighting the entire field to cinders or wash them Away with a tidal wave, or make a tornado and blow them into space. He was completely powered down and barely used any of his actual powers, drunkenly brawling.


Jul 20, 2016
Ok, I did not like that they underpowered Thor. I thought it was super obvious during the movie (I only saw it once) and it did bother me at the time.

Captain Marvel was better in her own movie. In this one she was a block of wood they didn't need for the plot at all. (She was kind of a block of wood in her movie, but way better and at least she was part of the plot.)

I thought Thor being overweight the whole movie was a progressive thing. Like black people can be superheroes, women can be superheroes, fat people can be superheroes. But I do like @Rhino's idea better that it sets him up to get old playing Thor.

*Also re: Captain Marvel - major missed opportunities there for them to actually do cool stuff with aliens or even dialogue between characters. Instead she was so poorly written. They should have just cut her out entirely if they were going to do that.

member 1013

Ok, I did not like that they underpowered Thor. I thought it was super obvious during the movie (I only saw it once) and it did bother me at the time.

Captain Marvel was better in her own movie. In this one she was a block of wood they didn't need for the plot at all. (She was kind of a block of wood in her movie, but way better and at least she was part of the plot.)

I thought Thor being overweight the whole movie was a progressive thing. Like black people can be superheroes, women can be superheroes, fat people can be superheroes. But I do like @Rhino's idea better that it sets him up to get old playing Thor.
Thor is the strongest avenger. The poll says so.


Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
"Your dad liked cheeseburgers too. I'll get you all the cheeseburgers you want."


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
"Your dad liked cheeseburgers too. I'll get you all the cheeseburgers you want."
That was the one part of the movie that really got to me, but I was a yuge fan of the first Iron Man movie. I could tell half the theater just thought it was a random scene.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Marvel’s boss just settled a big debate from ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Captain America is the topic of at least one heated debate between fans, and even top Endgame execs, who can’t agree where Steve Rogers went at the end of the movie. The directors say it’s a different timeline, which makes the most sense, while the writers claim he’s been here in the main MCU timeline — Earth-616 — all along. But there’s one other Cap-related debate about his worthiness, and now it has finally been put to rest.

Cap summoning Mjolnir is easily one of the highlights of Endgame, and there are plenty of fantastic scenes in the movie. Steve gets the hammer that Thor brought with him from the past and uses it to kick Thanos’s ass. He then calls it back right before saying the famous line we’ve been waiting for him to deliver. And he keeps wielding Mjolnir, and even Stormbreaker at one point, all throughout that epic fight.

Here’s where MCU fans disagree about when Steve became worthy of the hammer, and it all goes back to a cute scene from Avengers: Age of Ultron. Every man from the Avengers team tries to pick up the hammer, just as Thor mocks them for not being worthy. When it’s Steve’s time to do it, he nudges it just enough to stress out Thor, but Cap doesn’t lift the hammer:

View: https://youtu.be/ltCVlrOyt5k

Some people think he’s always been worthy, but Cap chose to hide it. Others say that because he lied to Tony for all these years, he wasn’t worthy. I’ve personally been in the former camp — Thor’s “I knew it” reaction when Cap does finally call Mjolnir is priceless, by the way. And we now have the answer we’ve been looking for.

Kevin Feige went on Reddit for an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session, where he answered some of the many questions that fans unleashed. Cap’s worthiness came up. Of course.

“Cap lifting Mjolnir was one of the strongest (crowd-cheering) moments in Endgame,” is one of the questions a Redditor asked. “Does he become worthy in that moment or has he been worthy for a while since, say, Avengers: Age of Ultron?”

“We think he was always worthy and was being polite in Age of Ultron,” Feige answered. And we all know how polite Steve Rogers can be, don’t we?

If that’s not enough for you, then here’s Joss Whedon answering a variation of the same question and making it clear that they intentionally planted this particular Mjolnir seed:

View: https://youtu.be/nvzsPj9P8IU

Mind you, this happened all the way back in 2015, after Age of Ultron hit theaters.


Of course, @Lars Leigh @Leigh & myself know Cap was worthy because Thor let him be.

But we understand there's a lot of Cap fans; how worthy would we be if we didn't let you
go along?


member 603

Ok, so my theory on the timeline is this.... Even if Cap returned every stone in the 'Time Heist' to the moment they returned it, it still doesn't equate for the new timeline Loki created in 2012 when he stole the tesseract.

That said, my opinion is that the Captain America that was the old man at the end of the movie, was the 2012 Cap from the new Loki timeline. Endgame Cap took the stones back, returned to the 40's with Peggy and led a incognito life (although how funny a movie would it be seeing that Steve tell Peggy to Google a restaurant, or to look something up on the internet, and Peggy be like "what is that?"). When they found that era's Cap in the ice 70 years later, Endgame Cap stayed away, until after the battle of NY (where he would have told the new Captain America about what he faced in his timeline, and maybe even gave him the time GPS, telling him where/when to go). The Loki timeline kicked in after that battle (and who knows, maybe Tony doesn't die in that timeline)... And maybe those Avengers deal with a bunch of other battles that our Avengers didn't due to the new timeline. At the end of Endgame, old man Cap said that he felt comfortable handing over the shield because it was always Sam's, and Steve didn't need it anymore (not because of age, but because of his timeline not needing a Captain America).

So towards the end of his life, Loki timeline Cap went back and handed off his unbroken (since he didn't battle Thanos in his future) shield. Maybe this isn't why he mentioned who he was married to, because it wasn't Peggy.

Anyway, I hope you got all that, I'm in between long flights

member 1013

Kevin Feige has said recently Cap was worthy in AoU.

Russo’s have said that’s what they thought too.

I’m cool with it. There are other worthy people. Beta Ray Bill is confirmed for guardians 3 so I’m sure he’ll get stormbreaker

Russo’s also co formed the Loki that got away with the Space Stone created an alternate Timeline because it was highly improbable Cap would be able to track him down. He would need Mjolnir and at least one stone to counter Loki with a stone. I doubt he used either the hammer or a stone again before returning them.

There was other stuff I can’t member rite now doe.


Jun 2, 2016
In my experience no visuals in films like this are left to chance or directed willy-nilly. Every shot is carefully storyboarded and pre-designed right down to the colors and lighting, these filmmakers are heavy on detail and visuals. I honestly can't believe that it was random or accident or just sloppy directing that resulted the shield to be placed this way. There must have been a team of folks scrutinizing that shot before, during, and after filming, and FOR SURE the question of the star came up and was chosen to be inverted.

Now maybe it has nothing to do with satanism, perhaps the director was trying to infer something else, maybe its an homage to some comic lore I'm unaware of, etc... but I find CMNH's explanation to be unsatisfying from a filmmaking point of view. You don't sacrifice such a key visual at the very climax of an opus like this for some simple continuity issue. That's Cap's shield. Iconically, the star has always been facing UP.

I thought this stuck out like a sore thumb, and I didn't even have my tinfoil hat on while watching, I left that shit to the side to enjoy the film. However my research into such symbology in Hollywood leads me to think that its not a totally implausible theory.


Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
My idea is that Cap stayed in the same timeline and always was Peggy's husband. That's how he ends up on the bench in that same timeline at the end.

Loki is in one of many separate timelines that will merge with the F4 and X-Men's timelines in an adaptation of Hickman's Time Runs Out --> Secret Wars 3 comics. They can even bring back alternate versions of Iron Man etc. for that.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Nobody could have predicted today’s announcement that Avengers: Endgame will be re-released in theaters next weekendwith six additional minutes of footage. According to Kevin Feige, this new material will consist of “a deleted scene, a little tribute, and a few surprises.”

Cynical types may well look towards Endgame‘s ongoing battle with Avatar to become the highest grossing movie of all time and wonder whether this is Disney’s last roll of the dice to get Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to triumph over James Cameron’s Na’vi. After all, the Marvel movie is now just a couple of million dollars away from claiming that prize and a re-release like this should tip it over the edge.

Fans weren’t slow to make the connection, either, with a ton of reactions on social media referencing the battle between the two movies. And here’s a selection of some of the best:

View: https://twitter.com/itsjustanx/status/1141371960343093248

View: https://twitter.com/kmxrix/status/1141380316164173831

Marvel Fans Going Wild On Twitter Over Avengers: Endgame Re-Release