I get it. I'd rather of had Thor rip his head off myself. But....It bothered the fuck out of me. They made him fat for no discernible reason other than that they wanted some cheap comedy. He was one of many characters who could have been absent from the movie entirely and it wouldn't have influenced the outcome of the film. It also irritates me that Hulk never got his revenge after being completely sonned in Infinity War. Now that I think of it, the entire last battle scene had no bearing on the outcome of the movie. If you're at all objective it's very obvious that Marvel Studios was trying to break out of the "comic movie" label by making a 3 hour long epic. Apparently no one told them length doesn't dictate quality.
From my point of view, Thor was reigning as Prince in Asgard for 1000 years.
His first test he was shamed, stripped of his power, almost started a war, and cast to earth the day before he was to take the crown.
Then tricked by his brother to believe he killed his dad, fell in love with a mortal whom his dad disagreed with.
Upon restoring order to the 9 realms, his mother is killed by Malekith, which he took personally.
After that, his earth squeeze dumps him, his father dies. He tells his dad he can't do it alone not believing in himself.
Then his sister comes, kicks his ass twice & takes out his eye and destroys Asgard entirely; (protector of nine realms).
So with his mom murdered, his dad killed, Asgard destroyed he's now on a liferaft with his people. Then half of them are killed at Thanos hands and he gets his ass handed to him apparently.
Then his best friend is murdered in front of him to boot, along with his brother.
Asgardian refugees are left dead floating in space.
He finds out the dwarves(under their protection) were all slaughtered, tried to stop the snap, thinks he won but missed the heart, head, or gauntlet after letting Vision die and the final stone taken along with half the life in the universe destroyed including half of the remaining Asgardians.
He lost his mother, father, brother, best friend, all of Asgard, half it's people, all it's army.
Then, half of the remaining half of his people, along with half of all life.
After killing Thanos, an Asgardian "king apparent" (alcoholics) failure stuck on earth with everyone he knew throughout his life dead, and 1/4 of his people staring at him and no woman, it's an understandable, real grief thing.
A curveball yes, but no one came even close to losing all that Thor did.
Hulk not getting revenge falls by the wayside when he doesn't really care.
Remember Hulk and Banner don't really recall anything, including Pride or vengeance.
That would've gone against his entire character and been more for Hulk fans.
To me what will suck is if they keep Thor fat for Asgardians of the Galaxy.
I doubt that because the backlash is already quite boisterous.
All said and done, I look at it and say, "yeah, I'll give them that".
Plus it was funnier that shit looking so ridiculous.
Then there's the fact that Captain Vagina, Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, Hulk and 'Full- Strength berserker Thor' along with the rest of the band would tool Thanos, they had to underpower Thor.
Scarlet Witch alone(in the comics)was more powerful than anyone on the field; she stripped ALL mutants powers(prof.x & the rest)

One of my favorite moments of the movie was watching her on the verge of realizing her true power as she began disassembling Thanos.
And Dr. Strange at full-power according to comic storylines was crazy powerful.