The Rnaught is 3-7, And the mortality rate is estimated at at least 23 times higher and possibly up to 50 times higher than the flu.
These are "spanish flu" numbers.
And what is worse than all of that is the incubation.. It is estimated that the incubation on this is at least 3 weeks out and in some cases for 5 or 6 asymptomatically, With the range being as little as one meter.
Using simple math on timelines, assuming this was an illness that was released in late October in China and using the first U.S. case as entry point 1, this could mean there are already 10's of thousands of cases in the U.S., but no one is being tested, because no one can be; there's little testing and China isn't playing nice.
WHY that is should be concerning.
This thread and all the information contained is all anyone needs. There WILL be outbreak pockets.
All signs point to a conspiracy, particularly that biological weapons don't just walk out of labs, and top scientists & whistleblowers don't all just die within weeks.
There's a difference between hysteria and mathematical common sense.
The former will have to wait for supplies, the latter don't.
Wash your hands constantly, bleach solution your most used areas, wear a mask SO THAT OTHERS ARE COMPELLED TO, and simply slow life down for a couple weeks to see how things unfold.
The "Peak Prosperity" videos are simple & should be watched.