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Nov 14, 2019
Went into the chemist and asked an assistant "What gets rid of coronavirus?"
She said "Ammonia cleaner"
I said "I'm sorry, I thought you worked here"


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
This is scathing.
They're about to pull the plug any minute, lol.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
This is scathing.
They're about to pull the plug any minute, lol.
Where is all my tax money going?

We can buy Bombs to fight "terrorism" until we literally run out of Bombs....Trillions spent.

But we get no response for shit like this inside the countries borders...Pretty fucked up man.

System is broken and corrupt. Fleecing our asses royally IMO.


Jan 14, 2015
I am going to have fun poking fun at Sparkuri in the future when all of this blows over and the panic goes away. It will all be in good fun and thicken his skin up in the future for when another media provoked panic attack is pushed.

Either that, or I will feel like a complete ass and this will be one of my more shameful moments. I'm going with the former though :)


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
His mother is perfectly fine, by his own admission.
It literally sounds, throughout this thread, like you're in some echo chamber of MSM.
Have you done ANY research?
You like statistics...have you looked at any?
42 days.
42 days, asymptomatic, has been proven, as has 27, 24, and 21. Incubation is ridiculous.
The R0 is ridiculous; patient 1 and 2 were 6 weeks separated, community caught.
The guy you missed, was "fine". 2 days later he was dead.
I'm not gonna try to change your mind, it seems pointless at this point.
But sitting in the same hospital as patient 1 U.S., I took a keen interest, particularly after coughing up blood.
You're not changing my mind because of whatever you're watching or hearing, I really don't thinking you're grasping, or retaining all the information.
If you wanna believe that half the planet has closed their borders and industry has stopped for the first time in your life over a flu, or that the fed has dropped interest rates for a disease for the first time in history for...what reason?
If you think China shipped in 80 incinerators running at full capacity for looks....
If you think 11 million people had their doors welded shut for a cold....
If you think China suppressing information for....what again?

Stop with the "sparkuri's panicking" non-sense.
Facts are facts. I'm dancing to the humpty dance over here while sharing info.
Now I'm eating waffles; it's multitasking.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'm trying to sell masks on offerup, Letgo, Craigslist, and Facebook Market.
ALL of them remove my posts after flagging.
The suppression of information is off the hook up here.

This is the testbed, that's why they're letting it run off the hook, and that's why Bill Gates'(In New Zealand) "foundation-funded" Pirbright Institute had the vaccine contract green-lit 2 weeks after U.S. patient 1.
Ya'll might see if you can still find Event 201 on Youtube, if they haven't removed them all...


too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
I noticed sparkuri @sparkuri didn't give any emoticons or quote this post. Probably researching articles to debunk it to keep his paranoia in place :)
don't be so cocky, you might catch something. then you're going to wish you'd have taken it more seriously~