General Democratic 2020 Election Watch

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On February 6, 2009, Robert Richards admitted to raping his 3-year-old daughter. “I feel horrible,” he told the judge, according to court documents. “There’s no excuse for what I’ve done to her.”

His lawyer, calling the 6-foot-4, roughly 300-pound Richards “a somewhat gentle person,” argued he “would not fare well” in jail. Hours later, Richards walked away from Delaware Superior Court a free man. He pleaded guilty to a charge of rape in the fourth degree, paid a fine of $4,395 and promised to attend a high-end treatment center in Massachusetts.

Judge Jan Jurden, who presided over the case, had initially considered sentencing Richards to eight years in prison; ultimately she gave him eight years of probation. “I have concerns about this, because arguably, you should be [in jail] for what you did,” Jurden said during the sentencing. “But I think you have significant treatment needs that have to be addressed, and you have very strong family support. So unlike many unfortunate people who come before me, you are lucky in that regard, and I hope you appreciate that.”

Richards did have support that most convicts lacked. Upon his release, he went back to living on the proceeds of his multimillion-dollar trust fund, the result of being a member of one of Delaware’s most powerful families, the du Ponts. While he never worked for or had any affiliation with the DuPont company, he still benefits from the family fortune, which Forbesvalued at $14.3 billion in 2016, and dates back 200 years in the state.

Richards also benefited from another, remarkable stroke of luck: The case was missed by the local press, and he avoided any negative attention. That is, until 2014, after his marriage had ended, and his ex-wife, Tracy Richards, sued him in civil court for monetary damages caused by his crime. Suddenly the earlier case became a national sensation—fueled by public outrage—and many were astonished that Richards had evaded jail time. Many also wondered what role his fortune played in keeping him a free man.

Pure fuckery involved imo

More from the article here

How A Du Pont Heir Avoided Jail Time For A Heinous Crime

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
it’s unacceptable that Democrats support child rape. if anyone at all still votes for them after that then all hope is lost.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Spot the difference.

One man is a politician who’s only end game is to get elected. One man is driven by principles and wants to make the system work for everyone.