How is content going to dry up? Look at the Ukraine thread or any other breaking news thread. A dozen tweets per page for the latest developments. Anyone involved in a global news event who has something to say to the world, they default to Twitter.
Because you're thinking now.
In 2 years time it's eminently possible the new smart phones shoot in vr.
You will watch the content in real time live with the reporter/camera man so you are actually there.
Twitter will still be active but it won't get to be cutting edge.
Definitely it will still exist but it won't be what under 30s want.
Twitter is old tech.
Twitter is TV. Its great. Smart phones are great. But I would suggest it's at its pinnacle. Maybe this plateau last for 5 years.
But believe me vr is coming. For live sports. Porn, News, anything.
TV will maintain but the future isn't twitter. A new version will emerge.
Facebook meta know this.
Its a bit like teletext or ceefax.
Or fax machines.