Fallout 4

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Daglord @Daglord if you have 5 ranks in Strong Back, 3 ranks in action boy, and the Nuka Quantum power armor, you can walk around overburdened very, very easily. It gets a little trickier if you have an active stealth field on while sneaking, but i rarely even notice an issue.
Also, maxed out Agility. Forgot that part.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Just about to start this up. Anyone have some advice that'll save me from reading all the other posts in here?


The Unintentional Voice of Reason
Oct 18, 2015
Just about to start this up. Anyone have some advice that'll save me from reading all the other posts in here?
Yeah, do you like putting fists to faces or bullets to brains?

If its fists to faces, still keep a gun. Theres very special super mutants that are holding a gift you are gomma wanna shoot, mkay?

Secondly, no matter which of those you choose, high agility is beneficial for both parties, so keep that in mind. The way the leveling works, you can always spend a point to up the SPECIAL, and no level cap. So high agility doesn’t need to be a high priority right away.

And armor doesn’t really effect stealth, which seems wonky in this one, so stealth route aint the super best.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Here is a fallout new vegas quest chain and a fallout 4 quest chain.



The Unintentional Voice of Reason
Oct 18, 2015
Here is a fallout new vegas quest chain and a fallout 4 quest chain.

This is sadly accurate. For RPG reasons its very poor. Combat is where most of the main focus went into, and thats a big improvement. The dialogue options pattern were my main gripe.

What do you think of a Synths?
A- Im sort of a bitchboy that will protect anything.
B- Synths? You mean toaster parts?
X- Pffft, I was a fan of Darth Vader.
Y- Syyyynnnnthhhh?


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Just about to start this up. Anyone have some advice that'll save me from reading all the other posts in here?
  • Anyone could be a synth, including your cows.
  • Companions are over-rated, go at it alone.
  • Build at least a couple of bases, you'll get perks.
  • Your son is an asshole.