Cinema Game of Thrones Season 7 Discussion Thread

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member 3289

Question for Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse and all other avid followers of the show:

Who do you think is the best actor (1) on the show?

I am biased of course, but for me it is Kit Harington (Jon Snow).

Like I said in a previous post, there is so much more to acting than just dialogue. Jon Snow is meant to be such a deep and complex individual, and Harington demonstrates that depth and complexity perfectly imo.

The way he stares/broods, his tone, his eyes (full homo).


Please note that the word actor is the common word used for both men and women now. The word actress is sexist, and gender equality is what we should be striving for.
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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I thought it was stupid that it even got tense between them.

Apparently there's a scene that didn't make the final cut for episode 7 in which Sansa goes to see Bran and says "we need to talk."

It was supposed to explain Sansa's confusion about whether she should follow Littlefinger's advice or confide in Arya, but there shouldn't have been any confusion from the beginning.
I knew about LF death ubfortubately, bUT if I hadnt, I'm glad they did it the way they did (leaving out the bran scene) bc otherwise it would have been obvious thst she wasn't still pissed at arya in th3 beginning of it

member 3289

I knew about LF death ubfortubately, bUT if I hadnt, I'm glad they did it the way they did (leaving out the bran scene) bc otherwise it would have been obvious thst she wasn't still pissed at arya in th3 beginning of it
Yeah it made total sense for them to cut that part out. It played up the suspense big time.

I had read spoilers and unfortunately read that LF would be executed, but it wasn't happening exactly the way I read it, so I assumed the spoilers must be wrong.

I wasn't sure what Sansa was going to do until she started the "you stand accused of murder, you stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges..." line.

Then when she turned her face and said "...Lord Baelish?" I was so giddy/excited that I screamed like a little girl on Christmas morning.


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
why not just walk across the bottom of the body of water, and walk out on the other side?

I think it would be a better plot point if the wights could only exist in sub-freezing temperatures.
I don't know, covered in ice around the shore, steep banks, too stupid


Throwing bombs & banging moms
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Question for Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse and all other avid followers of the show:

Who do you think is the best actor (1) on the show?

I am biased of course, but for me it is Kit Harington (Jon Snow).

Like I said in a previous post, there is so much more to acting than just dialogue. Jon Snow is meant to be such a deep and complex individual, and Harington demonstrates that depth and complexity perfectly imo.

The way he stares/broods, his tone, his eyes (full homo).


Please note that the word actor is the common word used for both men and women now. The word actress is sexist, and gender equality is what we should be striving for.
I think Davos is probably the best actor, his delivery is on point. Charles Dance/Tywin Lannister was the absolute best but he's dead now.

His scene where he was skinning that horse (it was a real horse and a butcher gave him a quick lesson just before shooting the scene) while talking to Jaimie was probably the best scene of the series.

member 3289

I think Davos is probably the best actor, his delivery is on point. Charles Dance/Tywin Lannister was the absolute best but he's dead now.

His scene where he was skinning that horse (it was a real horse and a butcher gave him a quick lesson just before shooting the scene) while talking to Jaimie was probably the best scene of the series.
I thought it was a stag, meant to signify the end of (trueborn) House Baratheon?


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
My wife and I just watched Season 1 - Episode 1. Never watched GOT before. Looks like it could get interesting.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
My wife and I just watched Season 1 - Episode 1. Never watched GOT before. Looks like it could get interesting.
I can't stress this enough. Don't even Google "game of thrones" or u will face spoilers.

ID even recommend not even telling people u are watching.

Just avoid all lll spoilers and enjoy the ride.

If u have questions, dont Google it. Start a spoiler free thread ans ask it there. Tag some of us and we can provide answers without spoilers (if u need clarity on family, backstories and shit).

But u learn more and more along the way. So if/when u ask something, say how far along u are



Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
I can't stress this enough. Don't even Google "game of thrones" or u will face spoilers.

ID even recommend not even telling people u are watching.

Just avoid all lll spoilers and enjoy the ride.

If u have questions, dont Google it. Start a spoiler free thread ans ask it there. Tag some of us and we can provide answers without spoilers (if u need clarity on family, backstories and shit).

But u learn more and more along the way. So if/when u ask something, say how far along u are

Will do!

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I didn't explicitly say it but I'm sure u caught my drift

This show has several WTF moments. Big surprises. And that's definitely part of the fun

These topics have been memed, turned into youtibe videos, articles. It's everywhere

U can't goggle a small topic or question withoUT the search results spoiling huge stuff

Alot of big fans of the show here. We Wil definitely love hearing/fielding ur questions

We just need ti be careful in our responses

I'm so effing jealous of u rigjt now. Not even exaggerating lol


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
I didn't explicitly say it but I'm sure u caught my drift

This show has several WTF moments. Big surprises. And that's definitely part of the fun

These topics have been memed, turned into youtibe videos, articles. It's everywhere

U can't goggle a small topic or question withoUT the search results spoiling huge stuff

Alot of big fans of the show here. We Wil definitely love hearing/fielding ur questions

We just need ti be careful in our responses

I'm so effing jealous of u rigjt now. Not even exaggerating lol
Lol why jealous? You've already been thru all of the seasons right?

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Lol why jealous? You've already been thru all of the seasons right?
Yeh. My job right now is pretry much reading te books, watching the show, and making videos

So I've seen most scene (except seaosn 7), 10-20 times. And some many, many more bc they are clips in videos I make, and ull see those clips a dozens or 2 times on the course eof making a video

Even before making videos,I'd seen most episodes atleast 3-5 times. Or more. I would rewatch the every seaosn before the new season. It's that good

Even when u know the plot, the acting is great. And tje musical score (same dude for westworld) is a genius

But jealous bc the first time througu is special (due to the surprises)

member 3289

My wife and I just watched Season 1 - Episode 1. Never watched GOT before. Looks like it could get interesting.
I'm not going to spoil it, but I do have a request.

Please record your wife's reaction to the end of season 1 episode 9 and to the end of season 3 episode 9.

Then post the reaction videos here.

member 3289

My wife and I just watched Season 1 - Episode 1. Never watched GOT before. Looks like it could get interesting.
Also, now is a good time to start watching it.

By the time you catch up to everyone else, you won't have that long of a wait until the 8th (final) season starts.


Nov 15, 2015
My wife and I just watched Season 1 - Episode 1. Never watched GOT before. Looks like it could get interesting.
You're in for a treat.
This is hands down the BEST show to binge-watch late in the game, bar none.
I started around Season 4 & watched seasons 1-4 till I caught up - waiting weekly for the rest was torture.
You're coming in at the right time.
Digest each episode after watching, before watching the next one.
Pay attention to speeches & get used to the accents lol.
Everything comes back around and is referenced later.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
You're in for a treat.
This is hands down the BEST show to binge-watch late in the game, bar none.
I started around Season 4 & watched seasons 1-4 till I caught up - waiting weekly for the rest was torture.
You're coming in at the right time.
Digest each episode after watching, before watching the next one.
Pay attention to speeches & get used to the accents lol.
Everything comes back around and is referenced later.
Episode 1 was kind of confusing lol but I think we have it figured out. Guess they were introducing the different kings and people from different areas? We paused it a couple of times and were like "okay, do you know whats going on here" lol.

member 3289

Episode 1 was kind of confusing lol but I think we have it figured out. Guess they were introducing the different kings and people from different areas? We paused it a couple of times and were like "okay, do you know whats going on here" lol.
It will start to make sense with each passing episode.

In the beginning it's confusing as fuck for everybody.

member 3289

That's a sick scene.
Jon: You mistake me, my lord. That was a command, not an offer. Pack your arms and armor, say your farewells, and ride for Greyguard.

Janos: I will not go off meekly into the night to freeze and die! Give it to one of the fools who cast a stone for you! I will not have it. You hear me, boy? I will NOT have it!

Jon: Are you refusing to obey my order?

Janos: You can stick your order up your bastard ass.

Jon: (to others) Take Lord Janos outside. Olly, bring me my sword.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
When you have to wait until 2019 for the show... you start reading the books all over again!



Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
That said, has anyone read the novellas and compendium?


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
Do you mean the adventures of Dunk and Egg, and the world of ice and fire?
Those and I think there is The Rogue Prince and another. Should be about 5 or so novellas if I remember right. Gf got me a gift card to Barnes and Noble and I was going to maybe grab them.