Cinema Game of Thrones Season 7 Discussion Thread

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Chinese Virus
Feb 11, 2016


Chinese Virus
Feb 11, 2016
fuck game of thrones .. The next season will air after 2 years.
so fuck fuck fuck

member 3289

@Readily Formed Voltron If white walkers can't swim how the fuck they dragged the dragon out of water with chains..

There’s a major “Game of Thrones” plot hole, and just hear me out
The white walkers swam to the bottom and attached the chain.

I guess, I don't know honestly. I honestly don't care as long as Jon Snow lives.

The only people that overanalyze shit like this are fags like Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse who are butthurt that Ramsey Snow got murked.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
The white walkers swam to the bottom and attached the chain.

I guess, I don't know honestly. I honestly don't care as long as Jon Snow lives.

The only people that overanalyze shit like this are fags like Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse who are butthurt that Ramsey Snow got murked.
No need to swim down. Hundreds sank to the bottom when they charged into the water. I'm guessing they were just chilling on the bottom until the chains were lowered. Then they climb back up the chains. Sorted.

member 3289

No need to swim down. Hundreds sank to the bottom when they charged into the water. I'm guessing they were just chilling on the bottom until the chains were lowered. Then they climb back up the chains. Sorted.
Yeah I didn't see the reason for this particular criticism.

The White Walkers have been lying in wait for 8,000 years. That's gotta be enough time to find a few fucking dragon-sized chains on a ship or some shit.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Yeah I didn't see the reason for this particular criticism.

The White Walkers have been lying in wait for 8,000 years. That's gotta be enough time to find a few fucking dragon-sized chains on a ship or some shit.
That reminds me. I believe in the books that some slaver ships actually get ship wrecked near Hardholm. I could be wrong, but there was definitely something to do with slavers, ships, and the freefolk around there. Been a while since I read them.
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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I'm most curious to know why the wights can't swim. It doesn't seem to be magic. Is it that the 'mind control' of the Night King can't penetrate water? Is it because the wights can't "live" above freezing temperature? What is it about water that renders them useless?

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
so is jon fucking his cousin then? i only watched season 6 & 7.. and just finished watching season 1 esp 1 in my determination to catch up to who is fucking/killing who..
you really should avoid this response and EVERYTHING GoT if you are going to watch the show. a big part of the ride are the shocking moments. find those out ahead of time and you lose a lot

dany is jons aunt

mad king aerys had 3 kids survive (alot of childbirth problems like all families)
1 - rhaegar
2 - viserys
3 - dany

and rhaegar had 3 kids. 2 with elia martell and 1 with lyanna stark
1 - rhaenys
2 - aegon (not jon)
3 - aegon (jon)

member 3289

you really should avoid this response and EVERYTHING GoT if you are going to watch the show. a big part of the ride are the shocking moments. find those out ahead of time and you lose a lot

dany is jons aunt

mad king aerys had 3 kids survive (alot of childbirth problems like all families)
1 - rhaegar
2 - viserys
3 - dany

and rhaegar had 3 kids. 2 with elia martell and 1 with lyanna stark
1 - rhaenys
2 - aegon (not jon)
3 - aegon (jon)
Yeah I mentioned the stillborn children as well.

Dany was born after Jon, too. Rhaegar was 23-24 when Dany was born, plus Jon was his third kid.

It makes the Mad King's balls pretty impressive. Dude still had it, in an age with no viagra/IVF.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
It was Joffrey who ordered the murder of Robert's bastard, because they posed a threat to his (illegitimate) reign.

Go back and watch the scene where Tyrion sends Janos Slynt to the Wall. Janos confirms it was Joffrey who gave the order to kill all Baratheon bastards.
joffrey orders the massacre in the show, but cersei orders it in the books

member 3289

and the wall. if they didnt go get a wight, the NK would have had no way past the wall
It wasn't Jon's plan to go north.

All he did was agree to it, lead the entire expedition, defeat a white walker in single combat for the SECOND FUCKING TIME (no one else has ever defeated a white walker in single combat), and SACRIFICE HIMSELF FOR THE GREATER GOOD AGAIN by sending everyone off on Drogon while he fell into icy water.

And it wasn't all for naught. Cersei may still plan on taking back southern Westeros while the Great War is being fought, but she's lost Jaime, the commander of her forces, and she's also possibly lost the soldiers that will go with him (including Ser Bronn of the Fucking Blackwater).

Yeah but let's all shit on Jon, the guy who sacrifices every bit of himself for the greater good, during every waking moment of his life. The guy who was killed by traitors because HE TRIED TO SAVE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE.

You guys make me absolutely sick with your Jon Snow hate. I'm seriously gonna put all you fuckers on ignore unless you promise to cut that shit out RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Had to search this out, a little late to get it. I didn't realize that Danny had 2 brothers and that one was much older.

Can I get some clarification on this story line?

Rhaenys Targaryen was the daughter of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell. She had a younger full-brother, Aegon, and a younger paternal half-brother, Jon Snow.[1][2] For mysterious reasons, Rhaegar allegedly abducted Jon's mother Lyanna Stark, sparking a Rebellion that ultimately deposed House Targaryen as the ruling house of Westeros. Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon, who was Lyanna's betrothed, at the Battle of the Trident. Soon afterwards, Rhaenys and Aegon were brutally murdered along with their mother by SerGregor Clegane during the Sack of King's Landing.[3]

Season 3
Thoros of Myr reminisces how he witnessed Gregor Clegane presenting the bodies of Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys before the Iron Throne.[4]
- mad king aerys was king
- rhaegar was heir. rhaegar was married to elia martell of dorne. and rhaegar was really into prophecy. he sensed doom. i think he wanted a third child, but elia was sickly. so it was unlikely she would have another kid (they had 2 already. a girl named rhaenys and a baby boy named aegon)

- rhaegar (speculation) calls a huge tourney together, probably to discuss outing his dad and voting in a new king (or himself).
- Mystery knight (lyanna stark) subplot - howland reede was being picked on. lyanna shows up and saves him. later, those dudes are sitting in the champions seats of the jousting tourney. a mystery knight showed up at the tourney and unhorsed them. the mystery knight never took off his (or her) helm. and disappeared the next day. the mystery knight was probably lyanna stark (she could ride a horse pretty well)
- rhaegar was sent to find the mystery knight. but found only a shield. most likely, he found lyanna, and found it really hot that she (a) defended howland and (b) is a badass, since everyone assumed the mystery knight was a guy
- they fall in love and eventually elope

- lyanna had been betrothed to robert baratheon (who grew up as a ward with ned stark at the Vale. Jon Arryn was lord of the vale)
- so rumors circulate that rhaegar kidnapped her
- ned's father Rickard and his older brother Brandon (betrothed to catelyn tully) go to king's landing pissed. mad king aerys kills them
- jon arryn convinced ned to marry Catelyn to unite house tully (riverlands) to the starks. then together with Jon (vale), robert (stormlands), and ned (north), they rebelled. it should have been called "jon's rebellion" imo since he was the brains behind it

- rhaegar and lyanna escape south to dorne (tower of joy)
- rhaegar eventually leaves and heads back to the riverlands to war
- robert kills rhaegar

- tywin lannister (previously Mad Kng Aery's hand) finally joins the fray at the end of the war. shows up at kings landing pretending to be on mad king aerys side
- varys tells aerys "dont trust him! keep those gates locked!"
- pycelle says "let him in"
- aerys lets him in and tywin betrays him
- tywin's mad dog, gregor clegane kills elia/rhaegars child rhaenys. then rapes and kills elia. then kills aegon (in the books, he presumably kills a fake aegon. varys secretly snuck the baby aegon out of king'slanding)

*** this is why oberyn came to king's landing in season 4. after 15 years or so, it was time. he wanted revenge on tywin and gregor. "elia martell [my sister]. say her name!!! you RAPED her. you MURDERED her. you KILLED HER CHILDREN. say it!!" plus "WHO GAVE YOU THOSE ORDERS!?!?", impying gregors leige lord, tywin lannister

Jaime's Fever Dream - in the books, jaime has a legendery "fever dream" before going back to harrenhal and saving brienne from the bear. in the dream, rhaegar and the other king's guard harass him for not protecting rhaegars children. so he is going to be PUMPED to hear jon is rheargars son. one last chance to regain his honor

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
It wasn't Jon's plan to go north.

All he did was agree to it, lead the entire expedition, defeat a white walker in single combat for the SECOND FUCKING TIME (no one else has ever defeated a white walker in single combat), and SACRIFICE HIMSELF FOR THE GREATER GOOD AGAIN by sending everyone off on Drogon while he fell into icy water.

And it wasn't all for naught. Cersei may still plan on taking back southern Westeros while the Great War is being fought, but she's lost Jaime, the commander of her forces, and she's also possibly lost the soldiers that will go with him (including Ser Bronn of the Fucking Blackwater).

Yeah but let's all shit on Jon, the guy who sacrifices every bit of himself for the greater good, during every waking moment of his life. The guy who was killed by traitors because HE TRIED TO SAVE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE.

You guys make me absolutely sick with your Jon Snow hate. I'm seriously gonna put all you fuckers on ignore unless you promise to cut that shit out RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
lmao, wait, is this CMNH? lol ive been wondering who this was

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
There's a prophecy that says Cersei will be choked to death by her younger brother. Cersei spent her entire life believing that person would be Tyrion. It's one of the main reasons why she hates him. But Jaime is going to be the one to do it.

Bet the farm.
the didnt include the valonqar prophecy in the show. the left out that piece, which opens the door to them going a different route with cersei