Cinema Rate the last movie you saw

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I'm worried about 1917, I tend to cry a lot during war movies. Is it a tearjerker Rambo John J @Inside Job ?

Inglorious Basterds, Full Metal Jacket and Platoon are the only war flicks I have ever really been into.
bring a couple tissues
gotta watch it though

If you are prone to crying then you will find a couple spots to do so


Jun 23, 2015
bring a couple tissues
gotta watch it though

If you are prone to crying then you will find a couple spots to do so
Best I don't watch it at the moment then. Not sure if it's the army brat in me, but I struggle with most war stuff. Tried Band of Brothers twice and it was just too harrowing to get through.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Just finished it. Amazing film.
Just beautifully shot and I'll hear nothing otherwise.


I needed a good war movie
I'd never heard of the shooting.
I watched it and realized, 'I think I just watched the longest single take in cinema history'.

You'll remember Goodfellas was highly acclaimed for it's shot where Ray Liotta took his broad(Lorraine Bracco?) through the backdoor of the restaurant, then throughout it in a single take, the camera being a counter-balanced gyro-type 'newer' technology, at the time.

With the Netflix movie Outlaw King, the opening saw Chris Pine and cast go on an unbroken opening scene that lasted, iirc, at least 9 minutes. One take.
That's acting, appreciation for the craft.

I still haven't looked into, but I'm quite sure 1917 broke every record concerning that.
From a single take, all the way to the tripwire explosion in the vacant bunker.
Every, single, actor, had to be perfect.
I could be wrong, but in that alone, and throughout with massive unbroken takes , I'd have to give it a perfect 10.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot - 4/10

Terrible movie. Smith pulls a Tarantino and makes this, which seems like, the sole motivation of casting friends and family. Smith's daughter is terrible and looks more like Jay from the Inbetweeners that either her parents.

Points for castings Chrises Hemsworth and Jericho and Melissa Benoist. Also for Holden's (Ben Affleck) speech about becoming parent.

Instead of feeling nostalgic it just made me feel old. Go rewatch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back instead, which is probably the point Smith was making.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
american assassin

had some great action scenes some pretty innovative gun shot scenes that had good camera work but the main actor was not interesting this movie could have been better with another lead actor. michael keaton was good but a bit unbelievable in his role as like a 70 year old spy bad ass overpowering people with chokes and strikes.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
altered carbon resleeved

it is an animated film setting up the newest season of altered carbon.

it has some pretty crazy animation mixed in with 3d . it also reminds you of some things in the altered carbon universe that make watching the new season make more sense.


Formerly formulating formally
Jan 30, 2015
I'd never heard of the shooting.
I watched it and realized, 'I think I just watched the longest single take in cinema history'.

You'll remember Goodfellas was highly acclaimed for it's shot where Ray Liotta took his broad(Lorraine Bracco?) through the backdoor of the restaurant, then throughout it in a single take, the camera being a counter-balanced gyro-type 'newer' technology, at the time.

With the Netflix movie Outlaw King, the opening saw Chris Pine and cast go on an unbroken opening scene that lasted, iirc, at least 9 minutes. One take.
That's acting, appreciation for the craft.

I still haven't looked into, but I'm quite sure 1917 broke every record concerning that.
From a single take, all the way to the tripwire explosion in the vacant bunker.
Every, single, actor, had to be perfect.
I could be wrong, but in that alone, and throughout with massive unbroken takes , I'd have to give it a perfect 10.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I'd never heard of the shooting.
I watched it and realized, 'I think I just watched the longest single take in cinema history'.

You'll remember Goodfellas was highly acclaimed for it's shot where Ray Liotta took his broad(Lorraine Bracco?) through the backdoor of the restaurant, then throughout it in a single take, the camera being a counter-balanced gyro-type 'newer' technology, at the time.

With the Netflix movie Outlaw King, the opening saw Chris Pine and cast go on an unbroken opening scene that lasted, iirc, at least 9 minutes. One take.
That's acting, appreciation for the craft.

I still haven't looked into, but I'm quite sure 1917 broke every record concerning that.
From a single take, all the way to the tripwire explosion in the vacant bunker.
Every, single, actor, had to be perfect.
I could be wrong, but in that alone, and throughout with massive unbroken takes , I'd have to give it a perfect 10.
It wasn't shot in a single take.

Big Dummy

Cream of the Crop
Dec 15, 2018
Lone Wolf and Cub- The Sword of Vengeance
Lone Wolf and Cub- Baby Cart by the River Styx 9-9.5/10
The first 2 installments of the Lone Wolf and Cub series. These are the films that Shogun Assassin was pieced together from. Great tale of vengeance and merc’n fools. They have all 6 films for freebon the Kanopy app if you have a public library account. I’ve always liked my martial arts movies overdubbed but I didn’t mind the subtitles at all. An awesome plot line with plenty of violence, blood, beautiful Japanese women, and the occasional titty make these films worth watching. The whore at the Bat Springs and the head Samurai broad could both get it.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 and 2
13/10 for both. Fantastic historical movies.


Jun 23, 2015
I watched The Gentlemen last night and while it didn't seem cohesive I laughed my ass off loads so 9/10.
Too many sub plots which worked with Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels hence no 10/10
It could easily have been 2 films.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Down Perriscope
Kelsey Grammer, Lauren Holly, Rob Schneider, William Macy, Bruce Dern, Rip Torn

A goofball navyman (Grammer) gets a shit assigment on an old decommisioned submarine and has to prove himself with a crew of goofballs against US Nuclear subs off the coast of Virginia.

The movie is as dumb as it sounds. Slapstick comedy. Schneider is as annoying as always. Grammer comes off as a sitcom guy giving movies a try. Lauren Holly is a smokeshow, but not much develops there.



Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot - 4/10

Terrible movie. Smith pulls a Tarantino and makes this, which seems like, the sole motivation of casting friends and family. Smith's daughter is terrible and looks more like Jay from the Inbetweeners that either her parents.

Points for castings Chrises Hemsworth and Jericho and Melissa Benoist. Also for Holden's (Ben Affleck) speech about becoming parent.

Instead of feeling nostalgic it just made me feel old. Go rewatch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back instead, which is probably the point Smith was making.
I couldn't bring myself to watch it.

I used to love Kevin Smith flicks. Clerks, Mall Rats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Clerks 2 (thought it would be horrible was pleasantly surprised that I was mistaken), shit even Jersey Girl wasn't terrible.

I couldn't stand Jay and Silent Bob Strike back. I thought it was just him jacking himself off (which was why I was apprehensive about Clerks 2) to tired jokes for fan service.

Red State wasn't bad but Tusk and Yoga Hosers are abominations.

In my opinion he lost his way but to each his own.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron. A modern take on the age old rivalry of good vs evil.
Any-Man. A documentary about ants and a man who controls them.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
The Last Thing He Wanted-
2/10. Painfully slow and the twist were obvious. Watched it with my girlfriend last night and we both thought it was shit.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
The Last Thing He Wanted-
2/10. Painfully slow and the twist were obvious. Watched it with my girlfriend last night and we both thought it was shit.

Its honestly incredible to watch how frequently Netflix completely shits the bed in the movie making department.