@LarsRumors from the Ukraine frontline allege a “Ghost of Kyiv”:
View: https://twitter.com/MarketRebels/status/1497008381722349570?s=20&t=cee1wqLbQilB5MWiy6168w
View: https://twitter.com/pilotjohn4/status/1497057409440915461?s=21
@LarsRumors from the Ukraine frontline allege a “Ghost of Kyiv”:
View: https://twitter.com/MarketRebels/status/1497008381722349570?s=20&t=cee1wqLbQilB5MWiy6168w
CNN saying the rumour is Sumi has fallen
Atleast you've been treated to a Ukrainian sunrise. We can watch it together. No homoI can't stop watching this even though basically fuck all is happening.
You can hear a lot more of what sounds like jet engines as the daylight approaches though. Interesting shit.
I actually have CNN on right now on one of my screens and they said they don’t know whose jet it is, not that it’s Russian.
Yes, hours agoWord is Russia has taken chernobyl
Russian capture of Chernobyl sparks fears for hostages and condition of exploded reactor's shelter
Russia may have opted to capture Chernobyl because it offers the shortest route to Kyiv from staunch ally Belarus, where Moscow has staged troops. The site in Pripyat was abandoned following the world's worst nuclear disaster back in 1986.news.sky.com
I was confirming for you!Just got home from work. Trying to catchup
Polish foreign minister Radek Sikorski in a private conversation with US diplomats in 2008 said that Germany protects Russian interests in Nato in return for access to the Russian market.
The cable went on: "Asked what the US strategy should be towards Germany and Russia, Sikorski responded that Germany appears to have a deal with Russia. 'They'll play with Russia and in return German companies will get hundreds of billions of euros of business there, a pretty good deal'." Sikorski made the comment after Germany opposed giving Georgia and Ukraine a Membership Action Plan (MAP) at a Nato summit in Bucharest.
At what point does a guy start doomsday prepping?I was confirming for you!