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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
But you won't.

Because actually........ you can't.

So you won't.

Does this make sense as a point to you?

Yes, Obama ordered a bunch of morally repugnant shit when he was President, and failed to put a stop to a near-infinite amount of terrible stuff. In many serious and significant ways, he failed to live up to his Hope and Change bullshit that he was so good at selling.

What's your point? Do you expect me to just reflexively defend everything that Obama ever said or did?

you're the one who asked for the "morally-repugnant shit"-off.

i think i won.


when we having the Medicare4All vote?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
you're the one who asked for the "morally-repugnant shit"-off.

i think i won.


when we having the Medicare4All vote?
Hey man, I'm just blowing off steam between calls at work. I'm not mad. I'm agreeing with half of the very little that you guys are offering, ffs. But if you guys aren't going to discuss anything or engage with anything except Biden is senile memes (and again, he IS showing VERY concerning signs of mental deterioration), then why pretend otherwise? Either you're in the thread to talk about what is going on in the political realm....... or you're not. I'm not here to mindlessly shill for the Dems and Biden, or just mindlessly chant "Orange Man Bad" and offer no reality-based criticism. I have all sorts of issues with the Dems. Why make it so tribal right off the bat?



Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Where is the nuance in just chanting "both sides, both sides" over and over, ignoring any and all evidence presented to the contrary, and acting like any and all politics talk is to be restricted to Qanon-level conspiracy garbage or memes about Biden being senile and that's it?

Is identity politics what this other guy who I apparently am, used to do?

You are aware that a whole lot of people do not support either side though right? It's not like you have to pick a team and both sides can be equally shitty

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
You are aware that a whole lot of people do not support either side though right? It's not like you have to pick a team and both sides can be equally shitty
I don't support either team, as I have said four or five times now? The Dems are corrupt, cronyist, out of touch, incompetent and run by a bunch of rich, smug, entitled geriatrics who should have walked away 10-20 years ago. They need a top-down housecleaning. Okay? That's what I think about the Dems.

But the objective reality is that both sides are not "equally shitty". One is currently FAR more radicalised than the other. To the point that they are now openly anti-democracy, and are in fact using that as a selling point to their base.

That's the reality.

That's why you can't really come back with much to counter this, other than memes, random gifs, and insults.



First 100
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
One is currently FAR more radicalised than the other. To the point that they are now openly anti-democracy, and are in fact using that as a selling point to their base.

“My polling people are going to charge me $20,000 to do a poll right before the primary. And if the poll says Luna’s gonna win, she’s gonna be gone. She's gonna disappear,” Braddock said in the recorded call, pledging Olszewski to secrecy. “For the good of our country, we have to sacrifice the few. … For the better or the good of the majority of the people, we've got to sacrifice the few.”


Nov 3, 2015
I think pertinent to this discussion is that Obama just recently even got a statue in Canada



Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Either you're in the thread to talk about what is going on in the political realm....... or you're not. I'm not here to mindlessly shill for the Dems and Biden, or just mindlessly chant "Orange Man Bad" and offer no reality-based criticism. I have all sorts of issues with the Dems. Why make it so tribal right off the bat?

you're coming across as a shill for Team D because you're over-generalizing the criticisms of Joe Biden, and engaging in naked what-abouts like they've some sort of rhetorical relevance.

and - because it's one tribe with two names. Or do you think Donald Trump and Joe Biden were the two most qualified people to lead the US?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
you're coming across as a shill for Team D because you're over-generalizing the criticisms of Joe Biden, and engaging in naked what-abouts like they've some sort of rhetorical relevance.
I have acknowledged the things that you have said, and agreed with half of it.

and - because it's one tribe with two names.
Saying that over and over does not make it true. The "one tribe" can literally not work together at all. On anything. Including who won the election, and whether or not the Capitol insurrection and emergency evacuation of the entire Congress was something that should be investigated.

Or do you think Donald Trump and Joe Biden were the two most qualified people to lead the US?
Of course not. What have I said that would come anywhere close to indicating that? This is not a serious question, but I'll answer it anyway.

I don't think that either of them were close to the best choice that was even in the race on their respective sides.

I don't even think that it is possible for a candidate or party that I would fully buy into and support with no reservations, to make it to the debate stage. If that candidate or party even exists at all in the first place.

I would expect much the same attitude from you, is that fair?

Do you honestly, seriously think that since I don't actively, fully and completely support anyone on either debate stage, that means that there can be no possible difference at all between any of them in my eyes? And neither in yours?

Because there IS not a single difference between, say, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz, and everything plays out just exactly the same regardless of whether it's President Sanders or President Cruz? Come on, man. That's ridiculous.



Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I don't support either team, as I have said four or five times now? The Dems are corrupt, cronyist, out of touch, incompetent and run by a bunch of rich, smug, entitled geriatrics who should have walked away 10-20 years ago. They need a top-down housecleaning. Okay? That's what I think about the Dems.

But the objective reality is that both sides are not "equally shitty". One is currently FAR more radicalised than the other. To the point that they are now openly anti-democracy, and are in fact using that as a selling point to their base.

That's the reality.

That's why you can't really come back with much to counter this, other than memes, random gifs, and insults.

Counter what exactly? Your opinion?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Counter what exactly? Your opinion?
Any of the points that I have made, or examples that I have given.

What do you want, aside from my opinion? The complete and total truth on everything? I can't supply that, sorry. Or do you just require me to press the like button on everything you post and not offer any comment other than agreeing with you? That's not really a discussion, is it.



Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Any of the points that I have made, or examples that I have given.

What do you want, aside from my opinion? The complete and total truth on everything? I can't supply that, sorry. Or do you just require me to press the like button on everything you post and not offer any comment other than agreeing with you? That's not really a discussion, is it.

Where exactly do you sit on the autism spectrum?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Your opinion is exactly that.your opinion you are entitled to are other people .your opinion on politics or politicians doesn't invalidate other people's opinions.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
You mean like how Congress voted down everything for the entire 4 years of Trump just cuz? But it's only wrong when the Senate does it?
They didn't vote down everything. The partisan divide is not completely one sided of course, it has broken down into complete dysfunction at this point.

Having said that, Biden ran his whole campaign talking about how he was going to use his 200 years worth of Washington insider relationships to press the reset button and calm things down. He's watering down all his big legislation when the Republicans flash their panties at him and hint that there's some possibility that the two sides might work together for the good of the nation. But he falls for it every time, because he thinks it's still the 1970s, and they tell him to go fuck himself every time.

I mean, as a party they won't even accept the reality that they lost the election fair and square, and they are actively purging the party of anyone who dares to say that they lost. This is unheard of in modern American history, and it is a legitimate crisis point for any democracy. ONE party has gone this fanatic and anti-democracy. And you are apparently just....... not even acknowledging it, like it's not even happening and doesn't mean anything even if it is. Are you THAT deep into this "both sides" mantra that you're afraid to even acknowledge any of this?


Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Haven’t really been paying too much attention, but from what I’ve seen it seems like Biden is doing an amazing job.

Way to go Joe!!!