member 3289
thats the primary reason why it doesnt appeal to me. i could care less what anyone else thinks about something, so im not interested in reviews
but to be fair, some peoples reactions are enteraining. so the show/movie isnt really the content per se, its the reactors that are the content
and there are also hardcore fans who like hearing how non-book readers are taking in the show. and who they predict as the dragon reborn for instance
but its totally not my cup of tea. before a season 3, i sometimes watch season 2 recaps. i find those useful. so i try to make efficient recaps. and when i was new to Game of Thrones, i used to watch history and lore breakdowns. so i found that useful, and thus, make history and lore type shit for other stories
but basically, if i see someone making a face on a thumbnail, or if i see a person on camera in a video, i know immediately its not the type of content im looking to consume
in terms of padan fain, i found that one the first watch through. but thats the type of insight i pride myself on in my content
take the new money heist for instance. i didnt watch the top "ending explained" video. but it has about 100k views and mine has 1k so far. to be fair, i didnt even work on it the day it came out since i was busy until 10pm still working on The Wheel of Time from the day before. and i half asses my saturday because i was burnt out. so i was two days behind
but even under normal circumstances, im a day later than others because instead of watching sometjhing once and churning out a recap/ending as quickly as possible, i always
- watch
- write rought draft
- rewatch to pick up details i missed
- amend final draft
- record audio
- watch the entire episode or episodes a third time while producing the video
so i go way overboard compared to most. yet they get out first and win in terms of views and money lol.
butttt, as sandor once said (timestamped):
View: https://youtu.be/rzbLYrUqmTg?t=53s