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Feb 7, 2020
So Europe has confirmed they are banning Americans from travelling there.

Chinese citizens are welcome.

maybe they should rename the virus to the ‘Murcia virus!
I made a joke about that to my family living abroad today.

The freedom virus. Europe doesn't want it.



Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
This is probably bullshit

But I would like one of our doctors to send a test in with out swabbing anybody to see the results

Or swab the same person with four tests and send them all in to see what comes back

You know, to test the science


member 3289


Well I'll be damned.
Arizona is the first to start choosing who lives and dies due to hospital overflow.

Arizona? Rona? Sounds like a conspiracy to beat Florida and Texas.
Per capita they lead the pack

Screenshot_20200630-213617_BBC News.jpg

Lol Texas doesn't even have a number


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
This is probably bullshit

But I would like one of our doctors to send a test in with out swabbing anybody to see the results

Or swab the same person with four tests and send them all in to see what comes back

You know, to test the science


Could you pull this off in a private practice? Creating 3 patients and sending specimens to a lab for testing?

I know it would be near impossible in a hospital setting.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

Could you pull this off in a private practice? Creating 3 patients and sending specimens to a lab for testing?

I know it would be near impossible in a hospital setting.
if he could do such a thing
he could not speak of such a thing in this very place
because such a thing shall not be spoken of if such a thing was a thing


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I think whoever posted that lied. Or the NP lied. Just my opinion though.
odds of an anonymous tweet/PM being inaccurate or completely fake is very very high
there are other similar tweets/PMs but that doesn't make them accurate either

I have wanted to see more testing of the testing for months...If the test is our measuring stick then let us test the test and determine it's accuracy, inaccuracy, and how many other things can trigger the test.(specifically which other coronaviruses)
Can't hurt and will only help understand

Science is Science

Deleted member 1


Could you pull this off in a private practice? Creating 3 patients and sending specimens to a lab for testing?

I know it would be near impossible in a hospital setting.
Yes I could. But it'd eat up some money doing so. So this person had more money lying around than me to waste (doubtful ;) ) to do that.