Hey pretty close guess to the situation. We'll see right?
So she was fired then and what...they sat around with an alert for her known IPs lol? They decided recently to look back and happen to find the Nov 10 log?
Shared user/pass, IP address...
If they don't actually find cached access on her computer, this is defensible.
And even then, I wonder how it's accessed. Is it a website? a terminal? an app? Could she have just opened her usual tabs and its one she always had saved?
The more I think about it, if they are only going after one day of login, the more I think a defense attorney would make them look stupid for the shared user/password thing even with a login logged.
Found it
The Florida Department of Health says someone hacked into a system used to send emergency communications earlier this month and sent an unauthorized message to members of the State Emergency Response Team responsible for coordinating public health and medical response.
The Nov. 10 message, obtained by the
Tampa Bay Times, urged recipients to “speak up before another 17,000 people are dead. You know this is wrong. You don’t have to be a part of this. Be a hero. Speak out before it’s too late.”
The message appears to have been sent to people on the contact list for the state’s
Emergency Support Function 8, one of 18 specialized groups that comprise the state’s emergency response personnel. Group 8, which is led by the Department of Health,
coordinates public health and medicine response in emergencies.
Rebekah Jones was fired from her job in May as the geographic information system manager after she complained in an email to users of a state data portal that the state was manipulating data.
This is pretty interesting. They don't seem to have anything other than supposed motive?
Can we find anything showing this ladt was in "group 8"?