How am I contradicting myself? By saying that if someone cant assimilate to the broad cultural norms of that society then they should seek out one that does fit with their value system. Example, I grew up in Connecticut, I dont agree with the high taxes, I don't agree with the left leaning politicians of that state, I don't agree with their guns laws, etc etc etc. So as someone who was born in Connecticut, I said 'welp clearly the broad societal values of Connecticut doesn't match up with my value system, time to find some place that does' I moved. If someone is coming from another country, and wants their new home to fit their value's then maybe they made a wrong choice and they should seek out a place where their personal values match up with the broad societal norms.
I believe that the muslim religion, as a whole, is worse than christianity yes. That does not mean I dont believe christianity isn't fucked as well, but if I am ranking them in order of fucked uppedness than yes, of the major religions I believe Islam is the worst. I also believe that if you kill children or use children as weapons then you are evil no matter if you are chsitian, muslim, athiest, agnostic, etc. Being a piece of shit isnt mutually exclusive to those who practice the islamic religion. Those christians in Africa killing people, or the IRA in the UK are no better than anyone else doing the same things world wide.
Yes, I am very very aware I am painting in broad strokes.