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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Ok boomer
You should respect your elders.

Especially the ones who are stronger than you, better looking than you, have superior genetics that you, are orders of magnitude smarter than you, don't look like David Hogg, are way funnier, way wealthier, have far more friends, and have gotten back rubs by Fedor.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
The reason that nobody ever interacts with you
This is projection of how you view and interact with me. I get along and have discussion with all but 2-3 people on this site.
you make things more personal than anybody else on the site.
That isn't true and you know it. Between you and I it may feel and/or be a bit personal. We fell out when Covid came on the scene and we both know it. You also have a tendency to make it quite personal with posters, I speak with many who no longer come to this site and your name and authoritarian postings have made some of them decide to go elsewhere( I often ask people in PM why they no longer TMMAC). Let us also not forget @Blank and you getting personal with him over 9-11 stuff, he left that day and you seemed to not care one bit. Full disclosure, I also have "run" people from here, as have others I will not mention.
And in a conversation that has nothing to do with you personally, or any other individual, you always try to steer the conversation to personal attacks like you are doing in this thread.
Your speaking in absolutes and exaggerating again. Make no mistake, some of your posts read like a lot of shit talking and putting people in boxes as to dismiss their opinions/information. Maybe you don't view them that way, but others certainly do . Again, it may feel and/or be personal between us, I think you are underestimating your part in making it that way.

We 100% have been talking shit to each other the last 18 months...It started with Covid, and then you brought it into the Wildfire thread...That is plain for all to see...Could we go back to getting along and just letting the other have an opinion without insulting each other over it like back in 2019? Maybe.

Are you dupable tho?
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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

"Without the grass family our world would be difficult, multiplied to the nth degree. Consider wheat and rice and then consider bamboo (all grasses) which has so many uses it boggles the mind. Bamboo is the king of grasses and seems to be one of those things put in our world to ensure we could survive. Not only is bamboo food but it is a building material extraordinaire. The tensile strength of bamboo has been shown to exceed that of steel. Bamboo ranges in size from little more than ground cover, to massive 16’ diameter culms reaching over 100 feet in height. There are two overarching types of bamboo, namely running and clumping, which refers to the root system called “rhizome”. Bamboo is also definitive proof of the influence of the Skyclock over our world. And where there is a clock, there is a clockmaker. Like all plants in our world, bamboo proves the creator of this creation. If there is a more important or amazing plant in our world, I am unaware of it, and I will spend the totality of my days in awe of bamboo."

I have no idea what that means but I do love Bamboo...I grow 20+ varieties.
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Deleted member 1

This is projection of how you view and interact with me. I get along and have discussion with all but 2-3 people on this site.

That isn't true and you know it. Between you and I it may feel and/or be a bit personal. We fell out when Covid came on the scene and we both know it. You also have a tendency to make it quite personal with posters, I speak with many who no longer come to this site and your name and authoritarian postings have made some of them decide to go elsewhere( I often ask people in PM why they no longer TMMAC). Let us also not forget @Blank and you getting personal with him over 9-11 stuff, he left that day and you seemed to not care one bit. Full disclosure, I also have "run" people from here, as have others I will not mention.

Your speaking in absolutes and exaggerating again. Make no mistake, some of your posts read like a lot of shit talking and putting people in boxes as to dismiss their opinions/information. Maybe you don't view them that way, but others certainly do . Again, it may feel and/or be personal between us, I think you are underestimating your part in making it that way.

We 100% have been talking shit to each other the last 18 months...It started with Covid, and then you brought it into the Wildfire thread...That is plain for all to see...Could we go back to getting along and just letting the other have an opinion without insulting each other over it like back in 2019? Maybe.

Are you dupable tho?

Tag me. Make personal statements about me until you get attention. Act like it's someone else being personal in a long ironic diatriabe.

Stop gaslighting son.


Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
Mueller and even the Republican report showed a consistent obstruction of justice and investigation that would be termed illegal if he were not a sitting president.
Trump's own team was compromised including active passing of information to the Russians and Trump himself obstructed investigations into hacks from the highest office. The GOP itself was infiltrated and compromised and is likely how Republican voting information came to be in the hands of Russian hackers to allow microtargeting propaganda campaigns.

Not a single investigation into Trump cleared him. In fact all of them highlighted his continued obstruction and only through the privilege of sitting as a president prevented indictment.

It is.
In a conversation about why question the election is not just questioning the election bringing up something completely unrelated has no bearing on the conversation.
The topic was why does it matter if the election is called into question.

What strategy?
Also I voted for Trump. I also voted for Biden.
But again the conversation was about why it's a problem that Giuliani is out there attacking the election.
Also Trump is a master of public relations and media manipulation. I never said he was inept.

Feel free to link me anything different that occurred this go around that isn't already proven to be a nothing burger.
The last election like others was regularly audited. There is not enough election fraud to change the election. This is seen consistently by third-party evaluations and as well as official state audits like in Georgia that just happened in this election.
In all cases voter fraud make up a smaller percentage than the difference between elections. Tiny fractions of a single digit. And because human errors can occur every single federal election has recount safeguards and audits for close elections where such small differences might change the outcome.
Thank you for the response. All I can respond with are sources that you believe are biased so I might as well save both of our time, because I can't be sure that they aren't. I wish you could be as open minded and skeptical about your sources. Not everything that you have read from your trusted sources are 100% correct.

What I can tell you is that as much as you have heard of the GOP being infiltrated by Russians, I have heard about the Dems (big tech, msm, Hollywood, etc) being infiltrated by the Chinese. In my world view, the latter seems to be evident. There seemed to have been a concerted effort to stack the deck against trumps re election chances. The handling of the pandemic also seemed to favor chinas interests with regard to how it was dealt with in democrat controlled areas. The economy is for all intents and purposes destroyed in democrat ran areas. Ask me how I know. It's a very sad state of affairs.

Deleted member 1

are sources that you believe are biased so I might as well save both of our time,

Maybe buy I would only dismiss them if it were some blogspam or YouTube joe nobody.
Bias sources can still be considered and responded to. It's the noise and complete fake, not interpretation of reality, that is the real divide (not you, this topic)

What I can tell you is that as much as you have heard of the GOP being infiltrated by Russians, I have heard about the Dems (big tech, msm, Hollywood, etc) being infiltrated by the Chinese

Chinese espionage is well documented. I don't doubt it. But it doesn't change that corporations arent the president and associated party.

Not everything that you have read from your trusted sources are 100% correct.
A bit of straw man. I didn't say that. I said multiple sources show those things including one major investigation signed off by a majority of GOP.... highlighting the lesser reason to be biased against trump unfairly.

The handling of the pandemic also seed to favor chinas interests with regard to how it was dealt with in democrat controlled areas.

Never ending lockdown and overly stringent requirements despite data over time that certain activities were safe? I'd think that would make people recoil against their leadership. How do you think that drove those areas against trump instead of to him?

Personally, in my estimation if Trump hadn't screwed up the pandemic response I'm sure he'd be president. Hot economy, close election and he's a master at television and touring, a locked in base.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Tag me. Make personal statements about me until you get attention. Act like it's someone else being personal in a long ironic diatriabe.

Stop gaslighting son.
Got it, your un-dupable.

Don't pretend you don't play a part in our "beef".
Don't pretend my post was hollow and devoid of legit points and criticism.

"Gas lighting"? Read the definition and ask yourself if any of it fits your posts.

This may very well be a takes one to know one situation.

What is your astrological sign? That may explain a lot.


Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
Never ending lockdown and overly stringent requirements despite data over time that certain activities were safe? I'd think that would make people recoil against their leadership. How do you think that drove those areas against trump instead of to him?

You missed me here. Though I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Deleted member 1

Got it, your un-dupable.

Don't pretend you don't play a part in our "beef".
Don't pretend my post was hollow and devoid of legit points and criticism.

"Gas lighting"? Read the definition and ask yourself if any of it fits your posts.

Alright last post since it's not good to feed the obvious baiting.

I've talked to you what....once recently? To make a joke about flat earthers a few weeks ago?

And before that? About 6 months? Maybe longer?

On the other hand you regularly take pot shots at me. Like this thread. Just show up, steer a personal attack and then bait in to make the thread about your personal attacks.

Stop gaslighting.

Deleted member 1


You missed me here. Though I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

You said:

The handling of the pandemic also seemed to favor chinas interests with regard to how it was dealt with in democrat controlled areas.

Dem areas locked down. They made many very unpopular moves. The governor of California was dining out when no one else could. They continued this even when certain activities were proved safe.

How does that help china?
Wasnt trump anti china? Wouldn't those democrat areas be pushed to Trump?
What about Dem lockdown policies would help china?

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Alright last post since it's not good to feed the obvious baiting.

I've talked to you what....once recently? To make a joke about flat earthers a few weeks ago?

And before that? About 6 months? Maybe longer?

On the other hand you regularly take pot shots at me. Like this thread. Just show up, steer a personal attack and then bait in to make the thread about your personal attacks.

Stop gaslighting.
That is BS and you know it.

If I post something you often post right afterwards with something to counter it. Just because you didn't tag me or quote me doesn't mean you weren't engaging/debunking/countering. Call it non-confrontational or passive aggressive but it is what it is.

At least acknowledge the falling out and the timeline of it, this didn't start out with me taking potshots at you. Before Covid there was no beef, just two people agreeing to disagree mostly and having some fun doing it.

You can ignore and dismiss the stuff I posted about how some view your postings, but that does not mean it isn't true.

If you feel I regularly take pot shots at you, then ask yourself why you feel that way and why I may be doing such a thing. I don't mean to make you a victim as described in the definition "gas lighting".

If your into the "gas lighting" thing then please realize a large portion of the forum posts and exchanges are full of it, and you are 100% a part of it.

Was honestly just curious if you view yourself as "dupable"?
Some folks don't.
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Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
How does that help china?
Well for one, I said it would favor China's interests. It did. They wanted to damage America's economy. Trump declared a trade war against them.

Wasnt trump anti china?
Yes, I believe he was.

Wouldn't those democrat areas be pushed to Trump?
Hence the election skepticism.

What about Dem lockdown policies would help china?
Well, I'm not really sure since I'm not a military strategist and it's far above my qualifications. However, I'd venture a guess that it would serve to weaken America if the objective was to win a trade war, or worse, a preemptive attack with plausible deniability designed to either distract us or preceed a conventional attack.

member 1013

You should respect your elders.

Especially the ones who are stronger than you, better looking than you, have superior genetics that you, are orders of magnitude smarter than you, don't look like David Hogg, are way funnier, way wealthier, have far more friends, and have gotten back rubs by Fedor.
Can I has moneys?

member 3289

You should respect your elders.

Especially the ones who are stronger than you, better looking than you, have superior genetics that you, are orders of magnitude smarter than you, don't look like David Hogg, are way funnier, way wealthier, have far more friends, and have gotten back rubs by Fedor.
I've seen pictures you've posted of yourself. I know you're a pussy.

Deleted member 1


There a few points in there that sound good but aren't....

More votes....populations grow. This is silly like how they kept saying "the most votes in history!" Well yeah and next time will probably be the same.

Lose house win presidency.... congressional districts are not states at large, also senate gains by Dems.

Mail in voters are largely democratic. Counting them after election day, instead of opening them (canvasing) before hand was a noted tactic to try to divide those votes out and then have a court hopefully reject them. When that failed we now see claims that intentionally delayed counting of mail in ballots after election day is supposedly fraud. The GOP pushed them to count after election day because they knew they'd be mostly Dem!

Biden is anemic. Same with his campaign. This guy underestimates how much people hated trump. People didn't come FOR Biden. They came AGAINST Trump.

Independents went Biden. Party registered voters weren't the story of this election.

Before and after election. Easy voting for turn out, hatred of trump, trump mishandling coronavirus are the common cited reasons...



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I've seen pictures you've posted of yourself. I know you're a pussy.
Takes one to know one.


There's a reason I kept a screenshot of you pussing out against Rhino, showing your little blue GPS dot.
Someday soon, I'm going to take a trip to Florida, And this 6'2" viking is going to bowl through your 6'5" wirey frame like a chainsaw, with a livestream from UG backyard.
Then it's going to wake you up & make you say stuff.
There's gonna be kidney shots to.
Do you remember back in the day at school when someone would say "I'm gonna kick your butt"?
That's derogatory and embarrassing, but it's basically what you realize after you talked shit to some guy, and then next week you're trickling little red drops out your pecker and limping through the house wondering what your wife thinks of you.
It's also why you ran from Rhino.
Your ankles would"ve been swollen & you never would've posted again.

I'd like to close with this scripture.

"You're a squirmy frail chicken "


Deleted member 1

Takes one to know one.


There's a reason I kept a screenshot of you pussing out against Rhino, showing your little blue GPS dot.
Someday soon, I'm going to take a trip to Florida, And this 6'2" viking is going to bowl through your 6'5" wirey frame like a chainsaw, with a livestream from UG backyard.
Then it's going to wake you up & make you say stuff.
There's gonna be kidney shots to.
Do you remember back in the day at school when someone would say "I'm gonna kick your butt"?
That's derogatory and embarrassing, but it's basically what you realize after you talked shit to some guy, and then next week you're trickling little red drops out your pecker and limping through the house wondering what your wife thinks of you.
It's also why you ran from Rhino.
Your ankles would"ve been swollen & you never would've posted again.

I'd like to close with this scripture.

"You're a squirmy frail chicken "


Honestly. I bet you could take him.


Dec 15, 2018
There a few points in there that sound good but aren't....

More votes....populations grow. This is silly like how they kept saying "the most votes in history!" Well yeah and next time will probably be the same.

Lose house win presidency.... congressional districts are not states at large, also senate gains by Dems.

Mail in voters are largely democratic. Counting them after election day, instead of opening them (canvasing) before hand was a noted tactic to try to divide those votes out and then have a court hopefully reject them. When that failed we now see claims that intentionally delayed counting of mail in ballots after election day is supposedly fraud. The GOP pushed them to count after election day because they knew they'd be mostly Dem!

Biden is anemic. Same with his campaign. This guy underestimates how much people hated trump. People didn't come FOR Biden. They came AGAINST Trump.

Independents went Biden. Party registered voters weren't the story of this election.

Before and after election. Easy voting for turn out, hatred of trump, trump mishandling coronavirus are the common cited reasons...

View attachment 39037
I understand I'm in the minority on here with my feelings about this election. I've never been a q-anon guy or anything like that. I just truly believe this election didn't pass the smell test. I don't believe the election is gonna be overturned or anything like that. However I'll never believe that all those bellwethers went for Trump except for one and Biden won the election. Also I understand that populations grow and that's why there's a rise in total votes but Trump overperformed in all aspects pretty much except for women. As I said before, Obama who was Jesus in the eyes of many, even lost millions of votes in his re-election but yet Trump improved his vote count in 2020 by millions but still somehow lost to a guy who couldn't fill up a bingo hall...

Also all the shenanigans with mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and lowering the standards of "acceptible" votes all while we were told voting in person was totally ok by Fauci...


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I understand I'm in the minority on here with my feelings about this election. I've never been a q-anon guy or anything like that. I just truly believe this election didn't pass the smell test. I don't believe the election is gonna be overturned or anything like that. However I'll never believe that all those bellwethers went for Trump except for one and Biden won the election. Also I understand that populations grow and that's why there's a rise in total votes but Trump overperformed in all aspects pretty much except for women. As I said before, Obama who was Jesus in the eyes of many, even lost millions of votes in his re-election but yet Trump improved his vote count in 2020 by millions but still somehow low to a guy who couldn't fill up a bingo hall...

Also all the shenanigans with mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and lowering the standards of "acceptible" votes all while we were told voting in person was totally ok by Fauci...
I think you underestimate how many center and right people hated Trump, as well as how many people he mobilized against himself by being so polarizing.