I’ve given you a hard time about the election and probably came off as an ass instead of the joking manner it was meant.
But this is why
When I say this country has no idea what coming it’s because this is the liberal world I live in. I hope I’m wrong but this kind of tyranny is on its way.
This is how I've seen it from the beginning, plain as day; probably easier to see living in a liberal hellhole.
And even easier if you gotta play momma & papa bear fighting school districts, principals, PTA's and committees against destructive mandates & psychological corporate/state incest on your kids brains.
It's a takeover, as Yuri Bezmenov outlined, and we're in the struggle session/division phase.
Presidents are supposed to be informed of threats at the highest level, before we even hear a rumor.
We were discussing the coronavirus before Trump even heard of it; it was deliberately kept from him.
That's when I knew we'd lost.
Every second that goes by we're not prepping for what comes
after what comes next, is a second closer to losing this fight.
It has taken a lot out of me to watch how unaware of war tactics this country really is.
Right now, we're clearly China west corporately, and the 5 eyes UN wing of controlled opposition.
What comes next, in my view, it's best not to talk about in an open forum.