General 14 students, 1 teacher dead following mass school shooting in Texas

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
yes. now tell me who's going to administer the interview and what the interview will consist of...
Would you be able to come up with a friend or work colleague who has known you for more than 2 years and who can get a visit from a police officer for a short interview, and tell him that you're of sound mind and good character and he's happy to vouch for you?

Yes, of course you can.

That puts you one up on Cho, and Lanza and Holmes and Ramos. None of them had a chance of clearing that bar.

point is, even the Sandy Hook killer was able to get his Mom to buy him a gun.
He didn't get her to buy him anything, she turned the house into an armoury full of unsecured weapons all by herself. If he hadn't killed her as well, then I would have been fine with her facing charges of negligent homicide - that would never have happened, but that's the level of carelessness and selfishness that she had.

Your safeguard will cost of lot of money and stop no one with even the slightest bit of motivation.
That is not true. Read up on the VTech killer, and exactly how mentally defective and socially isolated he was. Then come back and explain exactly how he gets two Glocks if the law doesn't just let him buy them online.

or from one of the millions of criminals who have them despite the current restrictions on firearm ownership.
"Current restrictions on firearm ownership." :tearsofjoy:

Probably easier to steal from criminals because they don't report the firearm theft.
Who do you think these people are, exactly? What kind of connections do you think they have, what kind of social skills do you think they have, what kind of criminal experience do you think they have?

Do you seriously see Adam Lanza or Seung-Hui Cho burglarising a local drug dealer's house to steal a Glock or an AR-15?

Probably the solution is to restore firearm rights to all persons who don't have histories of violent crime.
Surprise surprise, turns out that the solution for reducing gun crime, is more people having more guns.

Just like the solution to the disappearing middle class is to keep doubling down on tax cuts for 1%ers, right? Giving more and more of the pie to the 1% means that eventually everybody eats better, just like flooding the country with even more guns means that guns and gun crime and the threat of gun crime become less of a feature in everyday life. ?


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Many 18 yr olds are not spoiled. If that is how their parents choose to raise them, that is on them. Others shouldn't lose their rights because of bad parenting.

I just used the word "spoiled" because I don't see a non spoiled 18 year old being able to collect 10 AR-15s, whereas an average 55 year old enthusiast, that's very much on the table. ?

If someone is deemed legally responsible enough to purchase a gun, then the same rules apply no matter how old they are. There's no L plates on a Glock, either you can buy it or you can't buy it.


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Would you be able to come up with a friend or work colleague who has known you for more than 2 years and who can get a visit from a police officer for a short interview, and tell him that you're of sound mind and good character and he's happy to vouch for you?

Yes, of course you can.

That puts you one up on Cho, and Lanza and Holmes and Ramos. None of them had a chance of clearing that bar.

He didn't get her to buy him anything, she turned the house into an armoury full of unsecured weapons all by herself. If he hadn't killed her as well, then I would have been fine with her facing charges of negligent homicide - that would never have happened, but that's the level of carelessness and selfishness that she had.

That is not true. Read up on the VTech killer, and exactly how mentally defective and socially isolated he was. Then come back and explain exactly how he gets two Glocks if the law doesn't just let him buy them online.

"Current restrictions on firearm ownership." :tearsofjoy:

Who do you think these people are, exactly? What kind of connections do you think they have, what kind of social skills do you think they have, what kind of criminal experience do you think they have?

Do you seriously see Adam Lanza or Seung-Hui Cho burglarising a local drug dealer's house to steal a Glock or an AR-15?

Surprise surprise, turns out that the solution for reducing gun crime, is more people having more guns.

Just like the solution to the disappearing middle class is to keep doubling down on tax cuts for 1%ers, right? Giving more and more of the pie to the 1% means that eventually everybody eats better, just like flooding the country with even more guns means that guns and gun crime and the threat of gun crime become less of a feature in everyday life. ?



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
wait, this all hinges on the police going around and interviewing people?

holy shit that's funny.
Why is that funny? They have a proven track record of determining who is or isn't a threat when it comes to mass shooters, and they've also proven themselves to be brave and valiant in the face of danger during past mass shooting events.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
* Hears gun shots *
"I'm pretty sure the shooter is no longer active. Let's wait out here for him to come outside."


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Why is that funny? They have a proven track record of determining who is or isn't a threat when it comes to mass shooters, and they've also proven themselves to be brave and valiant in the face of danger during past mass shooting events.
and there's certainly no shortage of them, and completely incorruptible. It's not like corruption of LE is part of the Iron Law of Prohibitions.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
wait, this all hinges on the police going around and interviewing people?

holy shit that's funny.
As a formality, why not have a 10 minute interview? That would have stopped multiple recent massacres by itself.

If you're too socially isolated to come up with the names of two people who aren't relatives, who have known you for more than two years and who are willing to go on record stating that you are of good character and they'll vouch for you...... then what do you need to collect AR-15s for? That's not exactly a high bar to clear, is it. But it's a bar that mass killer after mass killer would have been unable to clear. If you're a shut-in incel Internet addict with no real world social relationships whatsoever - why is it in the public interest for you to collect AR-15s and body armour?



First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
If you're too socially isolated to come up with the names of two people who aren't relatives, who have known you for more than two years and who are willing to go on record stating that you are of good character and they'll vouch for you
You can get national security clearance with less than that.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Why is that funny? They have a proven track record of determining who is or isn't a threat when it comes to mass shooters, and they've also proven themselves to be brave and valiant in the face of danger during past mass shooting events.
Yeah, police never serve any positive function or do anything good for any individual or any social cause whatsoever, anywhere. Great point! If a system isn't 100% perfectly effective everywhere at all times, then it is completely stupid and corrupt from the ground up!?

When do you plan on growing past the smug binary teenager phase, exactly?


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
So 26 is the magic number? All of a sudden people will know how to safely handle a gun on their 26th birthday.

Or maybe they'll just be 26 yr olds with no experience with guns.

Or maybe they'll be responsible enough at 18 as long as they are willing to go to war, but when they get out of the military they won't be responsible anymore, so we shouldn't let them have guns until they are 26 when the magic happens.
Typically most males, age out of a life style of deviance or criminal behaviour around 27.

Around age 27 males start to become less of a threat to society than their younger counter parts.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
he's over the age of 18 and can't provide for his own independence and education?
There is a difference in ‘can’t ‘ and ‘doesn’t have to’.

And don’t bother trying to shame me with no bullshit like helicopter mom.

I would sell my house and buy one with a basement if my boys would stay.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
When this pendulum swings, and it will, It won't be regulating training and safe use. It will be bans.
Doing nothing will eventually fail. We could regulate or a ban is going to happen.

“The damage and injuries that these children sustained were so extreme and widespread that their own parents could not recognize them. DNA samples from their parents were required to identify the children.”

Statement from the American Pediatric Surgical Association Board of Governors

As pediatric trauma surgeons, when a call goes out about an injured child, we are ready. We gather our teams and we plan, prepare and wait in our trauma bays for the victim to arrive. We have trained for this, practiced it, and, unfortunately, lived these resuscitations over and over and over in emergency rooms across the United States. When the weapon used to perpetrate harm is an assault rifle, often the victim does not even make it alive to our doors. The injury inflicted by an assault rifle is so massive and widespread the victim dies at the scene.

In the massacre that happened in Uvalde, TX, the victims were 9 and 10 year old children, averaging about 60 pounds in weight. The damage and injuries that these children sustained were so extreme and widespread that their own parents could not recognize them. DNA samples from their parents were required to identify the children.

The American Pediatric Surgical Association (APSA) calls for a new federal Assault Weapons Ban on military-style firearms. During the decade of the previous ban, public mass shootings and deaths decreased. Although these mass shootings are a small percentage of overall gun deaths each year, they have been used to perpetrate mass shootings of children and adults in public places that should be safe such as schools, grocery stores, theaters and churches. These weapons have the capacity for rapid fire and large numbers of rounds between reloads which increases their lethality and the number of victims. They have been used in many locations including Newtown, San Bernadino, Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs, Parkland, and most recently in Uvalde, each incident killing more than a dozen people.

APSA acknowledges the Second Amendment and the right to responsible gun ownership. However, assault weapons have no place in the civilian arena. Therefore, we call for a new federal Assault Weapons Ban. We support H.R.1808 / S.746, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021. We strongly urge Congress to move forward in adopting these bills and reinstating a ban on Assault Weapons. Too many children and adults have been killed in the hands of civilians using these weapons. As pediatric surgeons, we are committed to saving lives of children to allow them to live their lifetimes. We need the help of our legislators to remove ready access to these dangerous weapons that have been used, time and again, to commit mass murders in peaceful communities in our country.

Board of Governors
American Pediatric Surgical Association
1061 East Main Street, Suite 300
East Dundee, IL 60118
© 2022 American Pediatric Surgical Association. All rights reserved."


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
There is a difference in ‘can’t ‘ and ‘doesn’t have to’.

And don’t bother trying to shame me with no bullshit like helicopter mom.

I would sell my house and buy one with a basement if my boys would stay.
You'd lock them in the basement!!!