Do both. Tell her she is beautiful but that it shines much brighter when she is also beautiful on the inside.Last night my girlfriend and I were having an interesting conversation about our respective daughters and how we mold their conceptions of femininity.
I was saying that I tell my daughter she's pretty all the time, not for any reason other than I think so, but I worried that in doing this I could either be making her A) Vain or B) Thinking that her value comes primarily from her looks.
Neither of these are outcomes I want, but at the same time I know we do live in a world where women are given complexes based on their appearance. So it begged the question, do we prepare our children for the world we want or the world we're in? My girlfriend asked me simply if I regularly compliment my son on his looks (because he is dashingly handsome) and I realized that I don't. And really I don't know why other than the fact that my daughter resembles me a lot more and I always thought I'd make an ugly girl, but am shocked I don't.
My boys get irked when I tell them they are handsome.