Parenting: the Official TMMAC Thread

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For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Last night my girlfriend and I were having an interesting conversation about our respective daughters and how we mold their conceptions of femininity.

I was saying that I tell my daughter she's pretty all the time, not for any reason other than I think so, but I worried that in doing this I could either be making her A) Vain or B) Thinking that her value comes primarily from her looks.

Neither of these are outcomes I want, but at the same time I know we do live in a world where women are given complexes based on their appearance. So it begged the question, do we prepare our children for the world we want or the world we're in? My girlfriend asked me simply if I regularly compliment my son on his looks (because he is dashingly handsome) and I realized that I don't. And really I don't know why other than the fact that my daughter resembles me a lot more and I always thought I'd make an ugly girl, but am shocked I don't.
Do both. Tell her she is beautiful but that it shines much brighter when she is also beautiful on the inside.

My boys get irked when I tell them they are handsome. :confused: I do it anyway, a lot. Lol


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
And don't worry about making her vain. The outside world will correct that.
You keep telling her that as much as possible. Don't ever underestimate what a dad's opinion means to his daughter.


Jul 20, 2016
Don't ever underestimate what a dad's opinion means to his daughter.
This is so true. I can tell you from personal experience having been a daughter who was not always treated with sensitivity (I'm trying to say it nicely).

My advice would be not to stop telling her she's pretty, but maybe do it a little less often (as she gets older it will get weirder anyway) and make a conscious effort to compliment her on other things as well -- related to the values that you want to instill. And I do think you should tell your son that he's good-looking, among other things, especially if you're frequently complimenting your daughter in front of him. Boys need to hear it too, even if they don't know how to handle it. He should know you are just as proud of him.

There's a difference between complimenting someone and letting them get away with inappropriate behaviors and attitudes because of their looks. So if your kids turn out to be vain, I doubt it would be because you let them know how great they are.

ADDITIONALLY: If you are concerned this is happening, consider making sure that when you compliment your daughter, you don't do it by comparing her to others, just by making positive statements about her.


Feb 2, 2016
Laying on the floor while my 1 year old daughter sits next to me in her little foam chair and watches her favorite movie. Suddenly i feel a slap on forehead and when i look up my little girl is staring at me and starts laughing.

She's my kid alright.


Apr 18, 2015
So in an interesting development, my kids new favorite pastime has become watching me play video games. They are always begging me to play so they can watch, even on video calls. It's a bit weird, but it feels like a massive win.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
So in an interesting development, my kids new favorite pastime has become watching me play video games. They are always begging me to play so they can watch, even on video calls. It's a bit weird, but it feels like a massive win.
Enjoy it while you can. They will be making you watch them soon. Yes, you will look for ways out if it eventually. Just remember, shinkicker said I have to watch at least 30 mins, then I'm outta here. Lol


Oct 17, 2015
Son 5
Daughter 3

Took them to a concert last night downtown Dallas it was great. They behaved ,sang and had fun. Wake up today and it's chaos, screaming, fighting toys every where for me to pick up.
Yeah I feel everyone's pain.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
So in an interesting development, my kids new favorite pastime has become watching me play video games. They are always begging me to play so they can watch, even on video calls. It's a bit weird, but it feels like a massive win.
I started to play a bit of vids again a few years ago to see if my kids would show interest. Once they kept asking to play I set up my SNES with some games including Mario Cart. I literally have never been so disappointed in either of them. To stand there and watch them drive right into a corner then bump around for the length of the race completely deflated me. That was about two years ago so now at 5&7 they impress the hell out of me while playing a handful of Lego games like Marvel and Indiana Jones. It's a great leverage tool to get them to do shit as well.

Now I have my girl in swim lesson and swim club along with gymnastics. For my son he's also in swim lessons and is on week two of bjj and he's killing it, can't stop smiling and he's got that teeth grit when they fight for take downs, absolutely love it. Between all that we have sports 6 days a week.


After requesting Blue Swede's "Hooked on a feeling" for the 12th time and coloring, my daughter shows me a pretty damn decent squiggle she says is a butterfly.

According to her butterflies like flowers, carrots, and poops. That's my girl. :D


Apr 18, 2015
My son has learned to text which basically consists of him sending me the poop emoji about 10 times in a row.


Jul 20, 2016
These are perfect for a toddler meal! Easy for them to eat, and even easier to make!

Just fyi, I made these chicken nuggets for my son tonight and they were a big hit. Didn't take long, super unprocessed (except by me). I probably wouldn't make them on a weeknight unless I was getting home early for some reason, but someone without as long of a commute could definitely do it. I don't know how they freeze yet.

I didn't drizzle with butter, but I wiped some foil down with a little oil and cooked them on it. Also, I didn't make balls, I just patted them into little pancakes, but I will probably get some cookie cutters for this (all mine are old and rusted, only good for play-doh).

Got some individually wrapped chicken breasts, so I can grab one or two from the freezer when I want to make these, but when they are done I might try chicken thighs to see if they come out moister, because they are a little dry (maybe I overcooked a little).

Anyway, just wanted to share.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Backstory. My son turned 13 in May. One of the elder females with a grown son called me on that day. She said, "Let the fun begin!" Followed by an evil laugh.

Tonight, my aforementioned son has a friend over. We did temporary glow in the dark tattoos and had some fun. I move on. Later, they come to me giggling and finally reveal the cause of their glee. They had took a sharpie and drew a tat on each other's leg. The guest punk drew a huge penis pissing on my son's thigh. My son drew a vision of a penis in a vagina from the man's view in a doggie style position.

To which, I immediately heard my elder's evil laugh ringing in my head.



For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
What's more fucked up, the drawings or the fact that he showed me?

Guess I'm gonna have to punish him tomorrow. o_O


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
ps I took pics. They shall be in his scrapbook that I will give him for his 21st birthday.



Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
I'm sorry I didn't read the whole thread. I saw this today and cried like a child watching it. I have not played this game (because I know what it would do to me). Anyone who has children should not watch this (unless you want to get very upset).

10 years ago before my son was born I could have played this game and been alright with the outcome. After having a child your whole world changes. Until you go through this I can not explain how much it changes your life and the way you look at the future.


Stay gold
Nov 21, 2016
I'm sorry I didn't read the whole thread. I saw this today and cried like a child watching it. I have not played this game (because I know what it would do to me). Anyone who has children should not watch this (unless you want to get very upset).

10 years ago before my son was born I could have played this game and been alright with the outcome. After having a child your whole world changes. Until you go through this I can not explain how much it changes your life and the way you look at the future.
For anyone who has not heard of this, two parents made a game about their son dying of cancer. I do not want to tell their story for them but google it if you are interested.


For anyone who has not heard of this, two parents made a game about their son dying of cancer. I do not want to tell their story for them but google it if you are interested.
Googled it. I gotta dust this house now.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Kids and cell phones, what age is appropriate?

Was thinking about this after dropping my kids off at my mom's place. I don't know anybody who has a house phone still so if my kids are somewhere and there's an emergency would they know what to do? I don't know where my mom's places her phone when it's not on her so I doubt they do either.

Also how long am I expected to be the middle man in every little thing they do? When I was 8 or so I could pick up the phone and dial out to talk or ask a buddy to meet up and dialing 911 was taught in K.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
So in an interesting development, my kids new favorite pastime has become watching me play video games. They are always begging me to play so they can watch, even on video calls. It's a bit weird, but it feels like a massive win.
It's a thing. Kids love watching somebody else play videogames. I have the same situation at home and I am happy to oblige.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Kids and cell phones, what age is appropriate?

Was thinking about this after dropping my kids off at my mom's place. I don't know anybody who has a house phone still so if my kids are somewhere and there's an emergency would they know what to do? I don't know where my mom's places her phone when it's not on her so I doubt they do either.

Also how long am I expected to be the middle man in every little thing they do? When I was 8 or so I could pick up the phone and dial out to talk or ask a buddy to meet up and dialing 911 was taught in K.
I gave one at 12. Seemed like a good age to start.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I'd have no issue with that. Was he asking for one before then? Did you consider doing it earlier?
He is also at his moms, so for me it was always calling his mom to speak to him. He didn;t ask for it, but I though in this age, it is appropiate to teach him the repsonsibility that comes with phones. I am kind of introducing him to the Internet in the same manner, as with spending money, carrying a wallet, etc. Phones have a lot more info on them these days, so I have the opinion they should know the ins and outs, what to do, and what not to do.