Society Car plows into antifa during white nationalist protest of statue being removed

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I don't like violence by anyone and if a white supremisist group wants to gather so be it, let them do it peacefully. If a counter protest wants to gather so be it. Violence should not be condoned or excused by either side.

That said, I have a hard time equalizing these groups. White supremacists, kkk groups, and nazis represent a far sinister group with a long history of violence towards American ideals. Any law abiding, american loving true patriot would have no problem denouncing their very existence.

The existence of the counter protest is not something to denounce, it is something to applaud. Violence committed by the counter protest group should be denounced, but not their very existence. That's a big difference.
the counter protest has their own group of shitbirds amongst their ranks


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
Violence from both should be denounced

Beliefs and opinions without harming anyone else should be allowed
Even if I hate a viewpoint, they should have the right to have that opinion
I don't entirely disagree. But kkk and nazis have a long history of their beliefs harming people. Their beliefs are rooted in hurting people. Their ideology exists to hurt people.

Denouncing their existence as a group doesn't mean they have no right to their opinion. It is a message to their supporters that they will have no place at the table when discussing the future course of this country.

It is also a message to those people that are the targets of hate speech that we stand with you and will furvently deny any groups efforts to marginalize or intimidate you into not participating in the American dream.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
the counter protest has their own group of shitbirds amongst their ranks
I don't disagree and those people should not get a free pass.

We all have a first amendment right and no one should be allowed to prevent citizens from exercising theirs.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
generally when these protest/counter protests take place the police do not allow people to mix.they keep them divided by a barrier or on opposite sides of a street.i dont know why they didnt do this yesterday after the brawl at the torchlight parade the night before.there was going to be trouble today everyone knew one thought some asshole would drive a car into a crowd but it is only a matter of time until one of these things get shot up or bombed.things have gotten way out of control with paid protesters and professional shit disturbers travelling from rally to rally.there is always the same core groups at the center of the shit .it is not doing any of the actual real protesters any good if any kind of free speech rally or counter protest always turns into a war between nazis and antifa.both groups represent a small minority of their chosen side but cause all of the problems


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
the counter protest has their own group of shitbirds amongst their ranks
Antifa is a very violent group. And what's up with this tactic of theirs of throwing bags of piss anyway? Talk about dehumanizing the opposing side. Are they being fed ww2 propaganda films somewhere?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
generally when these protest/counter protests take place the police do not allow people to mix.they keep them divided by a barrier or on opposite sides of a street.i dont know why they didnt do this yesterday after the brawl at the torchlight parade the night before.there was going to be trouble today everyone knew one thought some asshole would drive a car into a crowd but it is only a matter of time until one of these things get shot up or bombed.things have gotten way out of control with paid protesters and professional shit disturbers travelling from rally to rally.there is always the same core groups at the center of the shit .it is not doing any of the actual real protesters any good if any kind of free speech rally or counter protest always turns into a war between nazis and antifa.both groups represent a small minority of their chosen side but cause all of the problems
I agree and good post. There should always be barriers separating these types of protests. Too many assholes on both sides for shit to not get violent.

I have heard some criticizing trump for not denouncing white supremacists more strongly and that it emboldens them to engage more strongly. I don't entirely disagree with that.

But on the other side the same could be said of the lack of criticism from the left towards antifa and their tactics. Works both ways and the left needs to realize that.

Fuck the kkk, nazis, and white supremicists. Fuck those that use violence to prevent any group from exercising their first amendment rights. That should be the common message from both sides of the political aisle.

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
I don't entirely disagree. But kkk and nazis have a long history of their beliefs harming people. Their beliefs are rooted in hurting people. Their ideology exists to hurt people.

Denouncing their existence as a group doesn't mean they have no right to their opinion. It is a message to their supporters that they will have no place at the table when discussing the future course of this country.

It is also a message to those people that are the targets of hate speech that we stand with you and will furvently deny any groups efforts to marginalize or intimidate you into not participating in the American dream.
Denouncing the kkk would be pointless at this time, they already take up only a small portion of white supremacists
I could also argue that their ideology exists to preserve their heritage (not that I believe this for most of them but I do love to play devils advocate)

I could even say that many antifa groups have Nazi roots. Do some research into George Soros who funds many of these groups

There is also hate speech from both sides, antifa may not have as long as a history (this can actually be argued) but neither side is innocent here


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Denouncing the kkk would be pointless at this time, they already take up only a small portion of white supremacists
I could also argue that their ideology exists to preserve their heritage (not that I believe this for most of them but I do love to play devils advocate)

I could even say that many antifa groups have Nazi roots. Do some research into George Soros who funds many of these groups

There is also hate speech from both sides, antifa may not have as long as a history (this can actually be argued) but neither side is innocent here
Soros actually has authentic ww2 nazi German roots if you read the bio.

But rereading your post it seems you already know that about him.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
at the end of the day the guy in the car is a huge piece of shit .nazis kkk etc everyone knows they are cunts antifa is fucking piss throwing scum.they all are assholes and have fuck all to do with the real issues or reasons of any protest they are involved in.they are only there to inflame the situation and cause trouble


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
at the end of the day the guy in the car is a huge piece of shit .nazis kkk etc everyone knows they are cunts antifa is fucking piss throwing scum.they all are assholes and have fuck all to do with the real issues or reasons of any protest they are involved in.they are only there to inflame the situation and cause trouble
What happened to young people getting out in the world and learning about serious issues and people with real problems.

Deleted member 1

The existence of the counter protest is not something to denounce, it is something to applaud. Violence committed by the counter protest group should be denounced, but not their very existence

The counter protesting group is predominantly fringe anarchists and even communists pushing their own social and political agendas. They happen to have targeted actual Nazis. They also regularly target middle America Trump voters with violence. They target anyone that has a problem with taking down Confederate statues, reasons be damned. And at a larger group agenda they operate in all the same spaces you'd expect to finds this type of left wing radicalism. This modern rendition is not a group that exist as a check to Nazis. It exists as a check to causes as broad as capitalism, though there is an ebb and flow given the flat organization. I must denounce their existence. They push a specific agenda through violence. Not a defense of loose and open democracy and discourse.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
I'd be inclined to disagree in the more general sense. Statues go up to remember a great accomplishment. Outside of dictators erecting statues of themselves; statues of people get put up because of one (or more) extremely positive attribute associated with that person. It's extremely short sighted that we're tearing down statues of people because of the ethics of their time. People don't seem to realize that a hundred plus years from now, it'll be us who are looked upon as the unenlightened barbarians.
Ethics of their time? The man was a traitor to the United States and fought to own slaves. The ethical people of his time fought against him.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
My personal issue is the selective censoring of history. Leave them up.
No one is removing it from history books, or forcing it to not be taught. They are removing a statue which celebrates a man who fought for oppression of the local people living there right now.