General Breaking Now- Comey dismissed as FBI director

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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Acting director

New FBI acting director considered a respected, Bureau man

McCabe's wife, Jill, ran as a Democrat for Virginia state senate in 2015 but lost. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2016 citing campaign finance records that the political-action committee of Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe gave nearly $470,000 to her campaign
Isn't McCabe currently under investigation by the Department of Justice?


Nov 3, 2015
Interestingly falls on the same day of FIFA 'letting go' of two of their main investigators into their corrupt asses. Trump always finds the best company!


First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Boy, how things change in a few weeks...

Is FBI Director James Comey the most hated man in America?

At least that's the opinion shared by 35 percent of registered voters, according to a new Harvard-Harris Poll. The new poll also found that a mere 17 percent of registered voters have a favorable view of the controversial FBI director..

Not surprisingly, the Harvard-Harris Poll reveals that Comey is less popular with Democrats than Republicans, presumably because of the popular belief that Comey's re-opening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails before the election opened the door to a Trump victory. The poll shows that Comey is disliked by 41 percent of Democrats, while just 12 percent have a favorable opinion..


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Boy, how things change in a few weeks...

Is FBI Director James Comey the most hated man in America?

At least that's the opinion shared by 35 percent of registered voters, according to a new Harvard-Harris Poll. The new poll also found that a mere 17 percent of registered voters have a favorable view of the controversial FBI director..

Not surprisingly, the Harvard-Harris Poll reveals that Comey is less popular with Democrats than Republicans, presumably because of the popular belief that Comey's re-opening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails before the election opened the door to a Trump victory. The poll shows that Comey is disliked by 41 percent of Democrats, while just 12 percent have a favorable opinion..
18 months ago both sides of the aisle liked him because he wasn't afraid to say what was right, lol.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I conclude copious amounts of alcohol were ingested before making this post.....
Check the stats. The demographic that enabled the back to back Obama wins are the same ones who didn't show up to vote this past November, or are we pretending America doesn't have a race issue?


Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
Most white people, including most white women, voted against Hillary. When you consider that she got a majority of overall votes, it's clear that she got an overwhelming percentage of the non-white vote, including more than 90% among African Americans. The Dems she had the hardest time winning over were white union families and Bernie supporters.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Most white people, including most white women, voted against Hillary. When you consider that she got a majority of overall votes, it's clear that she got an overwhelming percentage of the non-white vote, including more than 90% among African Americans. The Dems she had the hardest time winning over were white union families and Bernie supporters.
White showed up in their usual numbers and voted the ways they usually do. Black and Hispanics voted their usual ways too but their turnout was lower than in 08 or 12.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Poor Spicer, taking shit over hiding in the bushes last night after the news broke about the Comey firing.

The White House Secretary has got to be one of the toughest jobs around.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Before the left knew they were supposed to be outraged...

They need to install one of those "CHEER" and "BOO" signs that light up so they can get the desired response from the lemmings in the audience.