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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
i saw a chinese couple in walmart weeks ago masked up. when i was in there tonight i saw a lot of people wearing nitrile gloves but no masks
my wife went to the Asian market yesterday, said all the Asians were wearing masks but none of the white people.


too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
Ha. Know what? I just called our trusty Caliva. When I was told to press zero for general info the line went dead.

I'm not smoking anything again anyway and I have enough chocolate edibles. More worried about fat free milk, I'm caning that.
I usually get
khana gummies
canna-quenchers (venice cookie co.)
and some cheap weed and some extracts to make my own super joint

if you don't like smoking, get a volcano vaporizer, you can order online. brand new one for 450$ shipped from Germany.

Deleted member 1

Do not bank on this. DEVELOPING. BUT...
There are case reports of patients on the internet saying NSAIDs (ibuprofen, motrin, naproxen, aleve...) made them feel worse.
France is spreading it to docs.
NEED MORE DATA. NOT FINAL. DON'T avoid these if you have fever and nothing else.

However, if you get infected, Tylenol first line for fever reducer.

Also: Never use lots of aspirin to treat your fever unless a doctor says so. Can kill you if you have the wrong infection.