General Democratic 2020 Election Watch

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First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
lol I just looked up #2 to figure out what that was about. That was not smart. I mean, I get what he was trying to do but lol
Every white liberal that I actually know IRL which includes extended family members who complain about racists have never lived with or been around any other races for any extended period of time.

I also know a few middle of the road to more liberal types who ended up in the inner city for school, work etc etc. Everyone one of them moved to a rural area or white suburb when they were done with their commitments. They were not prepared for what they saw and had to deal with and that's the honest truth like it or not.

I know a few younger people that went into social work. Not a single one of them is doing it anymore. That had more to do with frustration with the poor and or addicted not following through. Point being in all cases once people actually walk the walk they aren't all in once they get a taste of it.


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
One of my few pet peeves. Adults who demand apologies of other adults and even worse those who give in. Biden doesn't need to apologize for anything. He said his peace. It's up to voters to decide based on who and what he is. People who found his remarks offensive I doubt are going to be swayed by an insincere apology.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
One of my few pet peeves. Adults who demand apologies of other adults and even worse those who give in. Biden doesn't need to apologize for anything. He said his peace. It's up to voters to decide based on who and what he is. People who found his remarks offensive I doubt are going to be swayed by an insincere apology.
just let the left eat it self bro


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Biden is awful and Bernie is going to struggle for obvious reasons, but even an Obama or Slick Willy-type candidate would struggle. Basically the economy needs to tank and tank fast for Trump to have any real chance of losing.


First 10,000
Dec 17, 2018
Biden is awful and Bernie is going to struggle for obvious reasons, but even an Obama or Slick Willy-type candidate would struggle. Basically the economy needs to tank and tank fast for Trump to have any real chance of losing.
Just from the sidelines Biden got old. I mean that in his mannerisms and his speech.


Dec 15, 2018
lol I just looked up #2 to figure out what that was about. That was not smart. I mean, I get what he was trying to do but lol
That's what that motherfucker gets for the bullshit he repeated in his first campaign video where he once again insinuated Trump said Neo Nazis and White Supremacists were included in his "fine people on both sides". Every non-retard knows he was talking about the people who had a permit to be there in support of monuments that at the time were being destroyed thanks to liberal scum who have no problems breaking the law by destroying property...